Pampered Fei Brimming with Cuteness

Chapter 1451

His unexpected action made Qian Duoduo panic instantly, subconsciously stretched out his hand and pushed his shoulder.

Just, this action, fall in the eye ground of long Mu Chen, more resemble to despise his touch, in refuse general!

In his heart, he tore her silk pajamas at random and went to sleep in.

Qian Duoduo and long Muchen have been together for nearly three years. This kind of thing has always been your love and my wish. It comes naturally.

Where is it like today? It's like being forced.

Moreover, his actions are tough, full of possessiveness and domineering, just like she is not his wife, but just a tool to vent her anger.

Long Muchen felt her stiff, slightly pause, against her chin, asked: "tell me, whose woman are you?"

Qian Duoduo pursed his mouth and turned his face aside in anger.

Longmuchen seemed to have to pry something out of her mouth. He made an effort and repeated: "tell me, you are my longmuchen's woman!"

Qian Duoduo's body vibrated slightly with his action. He raised his eyelids and looked at the man on his body. His sharp eyes were like an angry cobra, full of danger.

She moved her lips with a choking voice: "14. Don't do that."

"Um --

Long Muchen raised his voice and asked, although it was only a single syllable, it was full of deterrent force that people did not dare to disobey.

He wanted her to move more deeply.

"I said - I said, I'm long Muchen's Woman - well -"

QIAN Duoduo's seven meat and eight vegetables, who had been hit and killed, finally lost his integrity. He followed long Muchen's words and said.

Long Mu Chen listened to this words, this just relaxed a lot of, looking at the appearance of the little girl frowning.

He bowed his head, gently kissed her eyelids, and sighed tenderly,

"duo'er - I love you --"

(ten thousand tadpoles swam by in a mighty way!)

Long Muchen entangled Qian Duoduo, I don't know whether it was two or three times, and then she tired of dying, finally reluctantly let her go.

After getting out of bed, he went to the bathroom to take a shower. When he came back to the room, Qian Duoduo was like a tortoise. He shrank his body in the quilt shell, revealing only a round back of his head.

"Dor, come out, don't be stuffy."

Long Muchen reached out and rubbed her long soft hair.

Just stuffy in quilt of Qian Duoduo Yin Yang strange Qi of hum Chi a, disorderly swing small plait, dislike of draw to long Mu Chen's hand.

Long Muchen is not angry either, just leaning on her side, reaching into the quilt and taking her out.

As soon as Qian Duoduo turned around, he frowned and murmured in a low voice: "pain -"

long Muchen's palm was stiff and fixed for a moment. His eyes were complex and he looked at the little woman with her head down in front of her.

Of course he knew what she meant by "pain.".

Looking at her red and swollen peach eyes, the pouting mouth can be hung with a oil bottle, and then with a pair of grievance full accusations, the eyes, how pitiful it is.

See of long Mu Chen a second a kind to unload armor to surrender, heartache unceasingly!

I also blame myself for being so rude to my baby.

What if his actions cast a shadow in Qian Duoduo's heart, and later he is afraid of him?

Longmuchen think of this, a strength of chagrin. , the fastest update of the webnovel!