Pampered Fei Brimming with Cuteness

Chapter 1446

"Oh, it's Mr. and Mrs. long. As long as people are OK, the lawn doesn't matter." The security guard thought that he was an ordinary guest and wanted to complain. By the way, he wanted to tip. When he saw that it was long Muchen, he immediately got up.

After two flatteries, he retreated.

But the bodyguards of Duke Weiss, seeing their master's pale face, seemed to hear him shout for help, and immediately questioned long Muchen.

"Are you disrespectful to our Duke?"

Long Muchen frowned ~

"Damn it, how can you treat Mr. long like this? Get off!" Duke Weiss scolded the bodyguards around him, turned around and looked at long Muchen with adoration: "don't be surprised, Mr. long, they are not sensible ~ look at that ~"

"you'd better not talk now, take your ancient paintings and go back to your country D. if I find you follow duo'er again, they will be your end!"

Duke Weiss's words haven't finished, long Mu Chen then coldly interrupted.

Pointing to the burnt ashes, he gave a very unpleasant warning.

This man's disrespect to duo'er, for the time being, the most hateful thing is that those killers just now, obviously the target of the assassination is him, but duo'er was almost involved.

How does this let love wife such as life long Mu Chen not annoy?

"Don't be angry, Mr. long, I'll go now, I'll go now ~"

Duke Weiss bent cautiously. He didn't look like a noble and arrogant royal family.

Seeing with his own eyes long Muchen's fighting power against heaven, he would like to kneel down and lick the feet of this god man!

Duke Weiss, with some bodyguards, disappeared in a flash. The bodyguard was a little angry and said, "Duke, you are just a businessman, and we have got the ancient paintings. Why do you flatter him so much?"

Duke Weiss slapped the attendant on the head and cursed: "you know a P, you can't compare with his hair in 10000. If you dare to disrespect Mr. long in the future, how can I deal with you?"

Such a magical existence, if only I could use it for myself!

Have long Mu Chen day and night protection at nearby, mother no longer need to worry about him to be assassinated!


When long Muchen takes Qian Duoduo back to the banquet hall, the guests are almost gone, only a few gilded employees are sorting out the collection.

"Fourteen, I'll go to the bathroom to wash my face and change my evening dress. You can sit here and wait for me."

Qian Duoduo is the most beautiful, how can he face the staff with disheartened face?

In case of damage to her gilt employees in the heart of the perfect image of that tall, can be integrity broken to a ground!

(PS: female staff burst into tears: Madam, since you asked Er Shao to take off his clothes and yelled that other people's underpants had been lost, your moral integrity was broken to pieces ~)

"go ahead, please call me if you have something to do ~"

the dressing room is just opposite the restaurant, and the rest of the staff are gilded. Long Muchen is also relieved.

He just ordered Qian Duoduo to wait for her in the corridor.

Qian Duoduo casually found a VIP room and pushed the door in.

Touch the wall, open the room chandelier, but see a figure squatting in the corner.

Holding a transparent crystal cup in his hand, under his feet is a bottle of half drunk wine.

The room is filled with a strong smell of alcohol, and a slightly melancholy melancholy.

(there will be a lucky draw around Christmas, and the mobile phones will be given away, and the rules of the game will be released again)

there will be a lucky draw around Christmas , the fastest update of the webnovel!