Pampered Fei Brimming with Cuteness

Chapter 1443

Around the sound of pumping, one after another, this Mr. long disappeared for more than two years, it is difficult to go to the mountain to learn art.

This destructive power is more powerful than the gun in Er Shao's hand.

A shadow appeared in long Yutian's eyes: "my young master likes challenges best. I'll have a good fight with Mr. long when I have time. Let's see if it's your hard fist or my young master's hard bullet!"

With that, he took a complicated look at Qian Duoduo, got up and left the banquet hall with his bodyguard.

Until seeing his back disappear in the elevator corner, long Muchen just reaches out his hand to lift the card in front of Qian Duoduo's body, and the whole person suddenly becomes sinister.

It's Zhang square q!

It's rotten to the stinking ditch. She dares to raise her bets?!

This little girl won't give up until she has a heart attack, will she?

Qian Duoduo saw long Muchen angry, mischievous vomit tongue, immediately good baby upper body, holding his arm to please sell good.

"Ouch, fourteen, we won. You look like you've got a bad face. Come on, smile and laugh ~"

QIAN Duoduo raised his little hand and pulled the thin lips of long Muchen.

"Don't do that again, do you understand? I can do anything according to you and let you fool around, but there is no room for discussion on such matters at all! "

Longmuchen taut face, take down the claws of money, a face of serious education of the mischievous little girl.

Qian Duoduo knew that long Muchen was worried about her. He was not self willed. He bowed his head and stirred his little finger. He was like a child who did something wrong.

Quietly raised her eyelids, looked at the man in front of her, slightly relieved, she was cheeky, and giggled twice.

He tilted his head and acted like a coquetry to his chest, like a cute kitten, and said, "fourteen, don't patronize and teach me, I'm hungry ~"

it occurred to long Muchen that his daughter-in-law hadn't eaten all night, so those messy education classes were immediately thrown out of the sky, looking forward to the front and back with money I went to dinner one after another.

Just in the middle, long Muchen was called by he Bo to deal with the follow-up of the auction. Qian Duoduo swept the whole banquet hall with three treasures of seafood.

It's hot in summer. Even if the air conditioner is turned on in the banquet hall, it will be stuffy after staying for a long time. In addition, the stomach is a little uncomfortable after eating too much. Qian Duoduo gets off the elevator alone and goes for a walk in the garden at the back door of the restaurant.

"Miss Qian, please stay!" Just out on the lawn, I heard someone call her.

Qian Duoduo subconsciously turned around and saw Prince Weiss follow him.

She didn't have a good impression on the prince, so she pulled her body vigilantly.

"What's the matter with Duke Weiss?"

Prince Weiss stood in the same place and shook his arm in a hurry: "Miss Qian, don't get me wrong. I don't mean anything. I just want to thank you for giving me that ancient painting and sincerely admire your wisdom!"

If from the beginning, he coveted the beauty of Qian Duoduo, but after seeing this woman fight with long Yutian, he raised a touch of respect and admiration for her!

"Thank you!" Qian Duoduo also maintained the politeness: "I've been out for a long time. I'm afraid I'll worry about it. I won't talk with Duke Weiss any more!" , the fastest update of the webnovel!