Pampered Fei Brimming with Cuteness

Chapter 1436

Qian Duoduo shook his head and said: "of course, this is the original ecological pollution-free green species. To you greedy eyes who are often blinded by rare antiques, you should be more close to nature! I don't know how much effort it took to select such a natural product for today's auction, so that you can be prosperous and return to nature! "

The MC twitched the corner of her mouth, pointed to the tortoise and asked, "just now you said that your collection has a history of 100 years, so you can prolong your life with it?"

Gilding auction house is the most prestigious in the industry. It will never exaggerate a collection, even a donation!

Qian Duoduo nodded his head like a chicken: "yes, the so-called king of the millennium and the turtle of 80000 years, isn't that what he said? I just want to keep a low profile. Let's just say a hundred years. Don't worry too much about it. As for longevity, it's not all what you men say, such as turtle ~ ~ "

" Keke -- "

Before Qian Duoduo's words were finished, the emcee broke off with a fit of coughing.

I don't know where Mr. long came from to find this little ancestor. It's not a white reversal. Hu Zou's ability to pull all kinds of crap has been practiced at Grandma's house!

He thinks that as a gold medal master of ceremonies, his mouth is one of the best. Now when he meets Qian Duoduo, he just knows that there are people outside and there are cheap people outside!

The emcee almost knelt for her!

"You've taken a lot of trouble!"

Qian Duoduo covered his face with a shy smile: "don't be so moved, help me, help me!"

Then, he tilted his head, looked at long Yutian playfully and asked, "but I don't know how Er Shao feels about Xiaoyu, who is auctioned at a high price? Do you want to put him on your high platform and offer him three incense sticks every day? May you live a thousand years and live a long life? "

In the face of Qian Duoduo's ridicule, long Yutian didn't show any anger at all. Instead, he put on a smile and went back to his hometown in a good mood.

"I said, as long as you like, I like it."

Raise a hand to pick up that tortoise, put in nose tip exaggeration of smell, intentionally high two tone, say to the microphone.

"It's still stained with your fragrance ~ good!"

It's Qian Duoduo's turn to kneel this time!

The villain in the heart of gas is in a big circle, stomping at random!

It's a face to face tree to skin, no face no skin really invincible!

"Hum, I knew I'd give you a lump of poop. I'll see if you're fragrant, fragrant or not!"

In a rage, Qian Duoduo, no matter what lady image, picked up the small gift box on the table and smashed it against long Yutian.

He grunted twice, then turned and trotted off the stage.

A butt sitting on the sofa, she began to all kinds of discomfort, a small face, always pull the old long.

"Dor, are you still angry?"

Longmuchen careful coax ate shriveled little wife.

"You don't want to be shameful. You're a rascal. You dare to take advantage of me. I'll kill you. I'll kill you!"

Qian Duoduo's head is drooping on the table, holding a straw to poke the juice cup. Quan is supposed to poke long Yutian's forehead.

This kind of appearance falls in other people's eyes, is simply willful to the extreme.

But again long Mu Chen sees, his in the mind however rose a kind of crisis feeling.

Since I met dor, she has always been the one who pretended to be crazy and fooled the past, no matter whether she was a third, fourth or Tuoba Sheng.

(PS: there's been a big push since the 27th, and ten chapters are updated every day!) , the fastest update of the webnovel!