Pampered Fei Brimming with Cuteness

Chapter 1427

She likes it very much. It's made of lace on the bra and the bow of Swarovski Crystal on the left shoulder. It's cute and elegant.

Meimei turns around in front of the mirror, sweeps away the haze of being "indecent" by long Yutian, and runs back to the main hall with a smile on her face.

However, on the way back, she saw a very ugly looking woman in the same style of Qipao.

make complaints about her when she comes back to Long Muchen.

, as like as two peas, you love me. "Fourteen, you don't know. I saw a woman in the aisle just like me. She was wearing the same cheongsam. The problem was that she was beautiful and even looked like a pleat. She had a big red lips on her sister. She made me goose bumps all over. I liked the cheongsam very much. Now, how do I see how to spread the goods? OK, you customized this evening dress for me, otherwise I will be forced to hide in the dog hole. "

Qian Duoduo complains incessantly here, but long Muchen is a little absent-minded. His eyes are floating everywhere. From time to time, ah, they are very perfunctory.

"Fourteen, what are you doing? Do you listen to me?"

Qian Duoduo stretched out his hand and twisted his ears. Long Muchen, who was in pain, bared his teeth and called, then turned his head and held her little hand.

"Duo'er, I'm tired after talking for a while. Come on, have a drink of juice. Good, I'll feed you!"

Long Mu Chen looks forward, Ma Hou is holding juice cup to feed Qian Duoduo, still use napkin to follow her small chin, for fear of soiling skirt.

Li Lianying's dogleg appearance of serving Empress Dowager Cixi falls on the employees of the dragon family. She can't bear to look directly at her!

Only long Mu Chen a person, with more than light swept a long Yu day of slant rear, in the heart make great efforts to get se.

Ya, just your little trick, but also want to rob women with labor and capital. I won't kill you!

After drinking the juice, Qian Duoduo smiles like a little chrysanthemum, hooks long Muchen's neck and asks, "fourteen, how did you perform so well today? What's the plot? "

Long Muchen shook his head: "no, it's natural to wait on his wife."

Qian Duoduo didn't believe: "nonsense, I'll give you another chance. If you don't say it, it will be invalid in the future!"

Long Mu Chen hesitated for a while, feel oneself in the heart seem to have several thousand claws to scratch again, then took a breath, especially of earnest opening mouth.

"Dor, you just went to the bathroom for more than half an hour. I'm worried to death. I'm afraid you'll meet some messy people. Tell me, are you ok?"

Money after money ah, Leng for a moment, some hair floating eyes.

"It's OK. I felt sick, so I fertilized. Then I went to the backstage to donate an auction item and change my clothes. It took a long time."

After a pause, Qian Duoduo asked again, "fourteen, did you hear something?"

Long Muchen rigid hook hook lips, eyes of lonely flash away, but was very good cover up the past.

"Nothing. I just asked because I was worried about you. If you're OK, I'll be relieved."

Qian Duoduo smiles and leans on long Muchen's arms mischievously. He kisses his neck.

Just now, she was really scared. She was in a cold sweat. If you let Shishi know that she was insulted by long Yutian again, he would have to open the whole meeting hall!

Although no one dares to offend the long family in Shanghai, they have to be awed by both the black and white, but after all, it's a society ruled by law, unlike in shengchen state, where he is self-centered. , the fastest update of the webnovel!