Pampered Fei Brimming with Cuteness

Chapter 1422

However, at the moment when she stretched out her legs, the person behind her seemed to have seen her intention for a long time, and her sensitive side flashed past.

Qian Duoduo is full of strength, a kick empty, poss has not been set, to a center of gravity is not stable, one leg faltered two steps, directly to a shit.

Just when she thought that she was going to have a close contact with the ceramic tile in the bathroom, suddenly her waist was tight and she was held up by a hand.

Qian Duoduo side eye a see, that stealthy man, unexpectedly is two little long Yutian!

She subconsciously wants to cry, but before she can speak, long Yutian turns around, holds her waist and takes her into the men's room.

"Miss Qian, I didn't expect that we were so predestined that we met in such a place twice!"

Long Yutian leans on Qian Duoduo's ear, bending his lips and breathing.

Qian Duoduo side face, with both hands against his shoulder, try to keep a distance with him.

"Oh, don't green eyed flies like you like to come here to look for 'round dung'

Qian Duoduo deliberately bit the word "round dung" very clearly. He also deliberately pinched his nose and disgusted long Yutian.

Long Yutian's eyebrows are fixed. This girl looks petite and lovely. When she opens her mouth, it looks like she's poisoned with chili water.

Her implication is that she likes to eat shit?

However, her angry look is really like his duo'er ~

reaching for her chin, forcing her to look into her eyes and smile.

"Miss Qian, didn't long Muchen teach you that women should be gentle and lovely to please men? You're so tough. What if you can't get married? "

Qian Duoduo slapped his hand impolitely, and turned his lips to each other: "when Miss Ben was 14 years old in our family, how gentle she was, how lovely she was. However, I would like to bombard you who only pull girls to the men's room!"

Long Yutian looked at her so excited shouting long Muchen time, can't say, in the heart a jealous straight up.

This is in addition to the dead dor, the second woman, can bring him such a strong feeling.

"Yes? Rogue, in that case, if the young master doesn't do something to you, won't he be too sorry for Miss Qian's praise? "

Qian Duoduo looks up in amazement and sees long Yutian's eyes, flashing a strange green light floating. She subconsciously thinks that this man will do something to herself.

As a result, back against the wall, disorderly breathing with tension.

"Long Yutian, I've told you n times that I'm not the woman you're looking for. You recognize the wrong person, and you clearly know that I have a fiance --"

"it doesn't matter --" Before Qian Duoduo finished, long Yutian interrupted her: "even if you're not her, it doesn't matter."

During the years of duo'er's death, he found countless women who looked similar to her and wanted to paralyze himself.

However, in the face of those deliberately flattering face, his heart is more empty and lonely, even can't help but will continue to pain.

It was not until he met the woman in front of him that he found out that there was a so-called mold in the world, and even the look, temperament, words and deeds were so similar.

If he had not buried duo'er himself, and if this woman was not so different in age from duo'er, he would not have believed that they would be two unrelated people. , the fastest update of the webnovel!