Pampered Fei Brimming with Cuteness

Chapter 1416

Although the palace is calm on the surface, long Yutian's ears have already heard some gossip in the past few days.

What do you mean? Rong'er is five years old, and he is not born to long Yutian. It's improper for him to sleep in the same bed all day.

At first, when long Yutian heard these comments, he wanted to straighten the tongue of the harem. But when he looked back, what the people in those palaces said was reasonable.

If gei rong'er has developed such a bad habit of relying on him, and after a month's hard work, he will grow into a ten-year-old girl. Can he still sleep with him like this?

"But... But rong'er will be scared when she sleeps alone!"

A small face, wrinkled into a bun shape, Xiaorong son extremely unwilling.

"I'm not afraid. My father's bedroom is next to you, and there are so many palace maids with you, so my son will follow you."

What to say this time, can't follow Rong er's temperament.

Xiao rong'er opens her mouth and wants to say something. Long Yutian's voice starts with her: "don't rong'er say that he will listen to his father? If you don't behave like this again, your father won't want you! "

As soon as Xiao rong'er hears this, his mouth goes up and he looks up at long Yutian. His eyes are red and pitiful. He looks like a discarded kitten ~ no, it's a discarded kitten ~

what long Yutian can't stand most is Xiao rong'er's image of Weiqu. He closes his eyes and forces himself not to look at her It's more difficult for her to sleep alone in the future?

"Why don't you take the princess away?"

Several palace maids saw that the emperor was angry and quickly bent over to pick up Xiao rong'er and went to the next bedroom.

Don't look at the little princess in front of the emperor pitifully like a small gasbag, as soon as she returned to the bedroom, it was difficult to wait on her.

In order to coax her to sleep, several maids stood in a row. They were good at all kinds of martial arts. They all moved out. They had to put up a sign that said XX acrobatic Academy.

"Princess, is the song sung by the maidservant good?"

Xiao rong'er pointed to his ears: "you see, your ears are drooped down by you

"Princess, do you like the story told by the maidservant?"

Xiao rong'er holds a book and reads it as a romance novel: "it's not as touching as the male and female pigs in it!"

"Princess, I'll climb down and play horse riding with you."

Xiao rong'er glanced at him in disgust: "you are much more ugly than the Dahuang dog of DOR's family!"

People a snot a tear of, very internal injury of retreat to one side.

Finally, in a bedroom, only Fuzi was left, still suffering from inhuman torture.

"Little ancestor, how do you want to go to bed?"

Xiao rong'er turned his eyes for a moment, looking very strange.

"You hold me to the table over there, I want to exercise, exercise tired, naturally sleepy!"

Fu Zi bent over to hold her little ancestor and went to the desk in the distance, thinking that the desk was full of treasures. Where did she go to exercise?

Who knows, as soon as his doubts fell, he heard a "crackle" -- a night pearl from a foreign country coming into the palace. It was gorgeous and beautiful, and it was broken!

"Fu Zi, you stand at the door. I'll throw things and you'll pick them up. When I'm tired of playing, you can hold me and go Huhu!"

(PS: change the map the day after tomorrow, continue to write duo'er)

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