Pampered Fei Brimming with Cuteness

Chapter 1314

After murmuring to himself, he pointed to his Highness's officials and began to give orders: "you are all the top talents selected by shengchen kingdom. It's hard for you to give the fourth child a good name, isn't it? Use your brains. If your name is hired, I'll be rewarded with a lot of rewards! "

It's a great honor to name the little prince and the little princess. What's more, they are full of energy.

Everyone is eager to try.

Official a jumped out and said, "I've come up with a good name. If I'm a little monarch, I'll call it longzijin. The so-called qingzijin can show the deep love between the fourth Prince and the fourth princess."

money fuck out of order. I stretched out my little hands and shook my fingers at the officer. "What is so messy, dragon nourishing Yin, I still make complaints about the dragon?"

official A cried. Nim ah, no culture is terrible!

"Poof - ha ha" official B couldn't help laughing after hearing the princess's fantastic words.

Money more and more a sharp small eyes straight to him: "smile what smile, you say."

Official B had already thought of a safe name in his heart and stood up with confidence.

"To inform the emperor, the Regent and the princess, Weichen thinks that the first child of the four princesses will surely be an extraordinary young prince. Therefore, in order to express his full expectation and lofty awe for the son, Weichen painstakingly drew up a loud name -- long Daxiong!"

"It means to understand the past and the present, and to have a great talent."

The official B thinks that what he said is reasonable and justified, and he specially yelled out two idioms praising heroes to make his name more beautiful.

He thinks, this time should not be picked out by Princess Chen what fault?

The ministers also thought the name was good and implied meaning. They nodded their heads and praised each other.

Qian Duoduo looked at his Highness's old men with a dull face and said, "is this OK? Breast augmentation? I don't even have a c cup

Then, he bowed his head and sighed, with a sad look on his face: "Hey, you are also the pillars of the country who have been selected at all levels. Why are you so wooden culture, nourishing yin and breast augmentation? It's really hard for you to think of it, which almost scared my little heart."

the two officials who were denounced retreated, wiping tears and crying I'm heartbroken!

"Lucky son, you've been with the emperor for a long time. I think you've learned a little bit about it. You can give me a name."

Qian Duoduo doesn't believe those literati any more. He doesn't know anything about his emotional life, but he is very poor.

Fuzi was surprised and drooped a bitter melon face. He looked at the emperor sitting on the Dragon chair as if he were looking for help.

Long Yutian just slightly frowned, and glanced at Fu Zi with the remaining light. It seemed that he was going to just stand by.

"This. Let the slave think about it." Fu Zi was very difficult to ride on a tiger, and he didn't dare to disobey the will of Princess Chen. He broke his head and thought about it seriously for a moment. Suddenly, with a flash of spirit, he called excitedly: "I think about it. Let's call it longtianci! Thank God for the blessing of the royal family

(AI, recently, the wooden bird and the cat urinated all over the ground)

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