Pampered Fei Brimming with Cuteness

Chapter 1308

Long Yintian is not happy. He rushes up and protects Zhaoyang behind him.

Looking at the door of a large group of people, stretched his head, a black, a face to see a good play.

He waved his hand impatiently: "get out of here, don't you have to entertain guests one by one? Want to be beaten? "

The group of people saw that the LORD was angry, whooshed, and then ran away without a trace.

When all the onlookers left, Long Yin took out the pamphlet from his sleeve and handed it to long Muchen. Then he looked at duo'er and gave him a look of "you're dead.".

"Uncle 14, you can see for yourself. Dor has done a good job. He's still lying under Wang's bed and wants to enjoy the live performance."

long Muchen turned the pamphlet in his hand and looked left and right. Then he remembered that this was brought by Lao Gao when he was in the bridal chamber last time?

Don't you still carry it with you?

By the way, this little Ni said that she wanted to make trouble / hole / room. He refused at that time.

But did not expect that she even got under someone's bed and became a paparazzi?

On long Muchen's forehead, three black lines came out. Holding the pamphlet in his hand, he wandered in front of Qian Duoduo's eyes twice.

"Dor, how do you explain this?"

Qian Duoduo blinked, looked like an innocent baby, rubbed two times in long Muchen's arms, and whined: "14. I just want to help them study. On their first night of marriage, it's better to use that kind of posture. I'm also kind-hearted. Who knows that old four dogs bite LV Dongbing and don't know good people's heart. They scold me!"

Qian Duoduo pouted out two drops of cat urine from his eyes.

Long Mu Chen lowered his head, his eyes twinkled and looked at the naughty little thing, as if no one opened his mouth: "Oh - so it is.". Study it. In that position? "

Qian Duoduo was not afraid of death and nodded. In fact, he was still a little nervous.

long Muchen approached her earlobe without delay. Only two people could hear her voice. He said in a bewitching way: "have you studied by the way, what posture do we use at night?"

Qian Duoduo opens his lips and becomes dumb for a moment.

"or, I can't satisfy you, so you are excited and squat under someone else's bed, looking for stimulation?" As long Muchen said this, he raised his hand against Qian Duoduo's chin and forced her to raise her head and look at her eyes. Then he dragged her long voice and said in a tepid tone: "duo'er, didn't I say that girls are not allowed to come to the cave / room? Do you take my words for granted? You said, "how can I punish you?"

Qian Duoduo's petite body was encircled by long Muchen in her arms. After struggling for several times, she could not escape. She gave up the resistance directly, raised her chin with a hum, and retorted rightfully: "I just care about your nephew and niece's daughter-in-law for you. You not only don't reward me, but also intimidate me! 14、 If you scold me so indiscriminately, we can play together in the future. "

" no matter how you punish me? I'm not afraid! "

Haughty finish saying the last sentence, Qian Duoduo lowered his head and bit long Muchen's arm. Taking advantage of the moment when he let go, he ran out like a loach. , the fastest update of the webnovel!