Overgod Ascension

Chapter 811

"My grandfather, we have expanded the enrollment and training of apprentices in the whole country according to your instructions!"

On the outskirts of Wangdu, Rambo stood in front of a hot construction site and reported respectfully to Wu Mingchen.

In front of them is the foundation of a mage tower, which has been excavated a deep pit, into which countless granite, star gold, hundred forged steel are transported.

"Very good, because of the use of magic power, the wizard tower can be completed quickly, and then as the core, a college will be established... You don't have to worry about the tutor candidates, the original watchman and the night watchman's leader will be very willing to come here..."

Looking at the planning of the future Magic Academy, Wu Ming said calmly: "it's very important to cultivate the casters of the kingdom. We must start from now on... Fortunately, with the population of the Kingdom, after audition, we can always find many talented apprentices."

The original Searle world has the inheritance of extraordinary power, but what we have to do now is to systematize and standardize it.

"I really believe in the potential of the people, but..."

Rambo hesitated: "is it too late to do this again?"

The cultivation of a mage is not a matter of short time.

"You underestimate the catastrophe I told you..."

Wu Ming listened, but shook his head: "the whole world has accumulated countless years of resentment and sin outbreak, even if it lasts for decades, hundreds of years, it is possible! And... It may be several years or ten years from the date when this disaster really happened. There's no mistake in taking precautions! "

"In addition to apprenticeship, the national reserve training, the accumulation of materials, the reinforcement of the city walls, and the construction of shelters can all be put on the agenda..."

"In the end, who says I'm not going to use any other casting power except the mage?"

Wu Ming said, a trace of mystery appeared on his face.

Mages and sorcerers can't finish quickly. They are only prepared for the sake of protracted war.

He has a few options that can be used immediately.

"Hi! Bruce, are you going to the fair? Together

Next to him, another apprentice said hello.

"No, I want to go to the black forest and collect some materials..."

Bruce shook his head and refused.

Black forest is a woodland specially circled by the college, in which there are many magical animals and plants, as well as border defense. It's nothing for the official mage, but for the apprentice, collecting materials is not only hard, but also dangerous, but it's free.

The reason for doing so is to train the actual combat ability of these apprentices.

Although it seems to be eager for quick success and instant benefit, it's nothing under the background that catastrophe may break out at any time.

Bruce walked down the avenue with a firm look: "I'll get the scholarship next month."

As the son of a wharf coolie, he naturally knows how rare his opportunities are.

After he was sent to school that year, he was recommended to Wangdu mage College for further study and signed an agreement because of his excellent performance and his mage qualification.

In return, after becoming a mage, he will serve the kingdom all his life. Of course, Rambo will not treat these casters badly in this respect, and his title is indispensable.

But if you can't graduate as a formal mage within five years, you will be sent to the army immediately. As a military mage, the danger and hardship will increase several times!

Bruce, who is 15 years old, is already a little adult. Naturally, he knows the difference! He also vowed that he must break through before the time limit comes, become a respected Master and noble, and return to feicui harbor with wind and scenery.


In front of the entrance of the black forest, a group of soldiers stopped the way, behind which there were still some official mages.

"I'm Bruce, a wizard apprentice. I want to go to the black forest to collect materials!"

Bruce said quietly, handing out his badge.

"Well, it's a schoolboy indeed!"

A mage in red robe looked at the badge and shook his head: "I'm sorry! The resources of the whole black forest are no longer open to any apprentices from today on. All casting materials must be collected and used in a unified way! "


This news is undoubtedly a big bolt from the blue for Bruce, but the notice with the magic mark and the king's seal is not fake.

Bruce could only go back in frustration, and he was even more puzzled: "what's wrong with the kingdom? Do you want to go to war with the East and the west? "

The changes over the years have made even the most ordinary citizens feel wrong.