Outbreak Chronicles: Dead Pandemic

Chapter 273 - Slaves of the Dead Part 2

Day 315: 6:45 A.M

Melee: Piyavka Hook and Scythe

Gun: Hunting Shotgun: Modified for Piyavka Shells, Beretta M9 Pistol

(Nathalie's View)

It's been a long time since I get to have a mission with Kyosei and Nanami. After staying with Japanese people with my brother, I grew fond of the culture of the Japanese and despite the clear differences of our customs, it was clear that in the times of danger and helplessness, this is the only way for me to move.

Although I had yet to give up hope on my father, I am unsure when we will be able to obtain a transportation method that can cross to the other side of the world. So for now, I am going to help my newfound family survive and beat the living sh*t out of all the dead that tries to kill all of us everyday.

Currently, the mission this time around is requested directly by Kyosei as he was out all night during the last night rage and despite the calls of Nanami to bring him back to the base, it seems that he is unable to do so due to a terrible circ.u.mstances that he experienced.

Kyosei needed a few people who are good at extracting and harvesting Piyavka on a variant's body alongside with some helpers and medics. He also mentioned to bring a vehicle enough for a few people to fit in. Although I usually see Kyosei bring people with him, he rarely bring more than one or a group of people back to the base so hearing him says to bring a car or van that can fit a lot of people is a surprise for me and for the others who are familiar with Kyosei.

A few minutes later, with the help of Nanami's trackers to Kyosei, we arrive on where he currently was and to our surprise, the place has experienced a very terrible bloodbath seeing all the dead bodies loitered all around on the mansion.

"What the f*ck... this is even worse than the aftermath after every night rage!" one of my female sdf friend Sayaka muttered as she looked around the bloody place, kicking a few guts and bones scattered beneath our feet.

"It seems like the corpses scattered here are mixed with the undead and dead normal people. This guy here is definitely a normal person but it seems like he was cut to pieces. Poor bastard," Kou, another SDF soldier and a friend of Sayaka. He just recently talked with me after seeing that Sayaka is enjoying my company. Perhaps he was wary at first because I am an American woman.

"Ugh, Kou, what the hell are you doing touching corpses and stuff?! Are you not bothered checking up on those slimy and gritty leftovers of what was once a human?!" Sayaka stopped Kou.

"It's a wonder for me how you managed to survive the military academy and became a full fledged soldier if you can't survive something this basic. War will bring you more gruesome things like this."

"What the hell, Kou. This kind of content is not in the military training or anything! Did we have the same school of military we attended with?!"

"Relax guys, you can bicker later once we finish whatever we needed to do here. Is that clear?" I look at the two of them.

"Of course," Kou didn't hesitate, as he also don't want to continue to bicker with Sayaka any further.

"Ugh... Fine." Sayaka pouted as we continue on inside.

When we get into the main gate, what we saw is the metal gate cut in half by some sort of huge blade as the gate itself is already in pieces and there is no brute force from it, just pure`slice.

"How the heck did this happen?" Kou who is a little bit stoic showed his surprise upon seeing the state of the gate.

Not only the gate is in pieces here, even the undead and some people were also cut into pieces. I doubt this is Kyosei's work knowing that even though he is a monster in killing, that doesn't mean he can do monstrous things like this so easily.

Nanami stopped and brought out her drone. After it started flying, she controlled it and it went ahead inside for scouting purposes, that way, we will not be moving in without any careful idea oj what will happen. It took a bit of time before Nanami allowed us to proceed further.

What waited us inside is much more gruesome on what was currently outside.

Guts, mangled bodies, rotting corpses, pool of blood, brain matter, severed limbs, anything about the human body becoming gore is present here. Also, it stinks...

"Oh my goodness, its a massacre..." Sayaka said as she surveys the place while she aims her AR15 rifle.

"It happened during Night Rage so I think this occurred when a horde attacked this place. And seeing the speakers and stages on the center of this place, I think some sort of party occured in here," Kou said after analyzing all of the things he can piece out on the surroundings.

There are no threats in the surroundings. Most of the bodies here are all in pieces and some are cut in half. There are some which still retains their whole bodies but their heads or part of their head has been blasted off which I can easily tell that it came from a rifle that is in semi-auto mode to act as a sniper rifle.

Nanami already ordered a few people to look for any variants to harvest Piyavka ores out while the rest surveys the area. At that time, Kyosei also came out, from the mansion. He still looks the same, with his stoic face, but we can easily tell he has seen some serious stuff last night.

"Damn, even until now, I still can't believe he is much more of a monster compared to us who have undertaken several years of training from military. There is no way we will get in his level of abilities to kill," Sayaka whistled.

"He is still young but even I can see that he isn't that proficient to a gun so its most likely that he has more experience in fighting with melee weapons. If he is able to effectively kill in just a matter of seconds, he didn't need to be a military combatant to learn how to use melee weapons effectively. He must be a regular fighter in the streets to casually fight in a crowd."

What Kou made sense about Kyosei and he guessed it right. When we are still back at the school, everyone said that Kyosei is a delinquent and he is usually on the streets to fight than on the classroom to learn and I must say that his brawn prowess did not go to waste.

"Nathalie? Are you free?" Nanami asked me, interrupting my thoughts.

"Yeah, we just finished our little patrol just now."

Kyosei steps forward and pulls out a key from his pocket.

"Good. Go and bring a few medics with you and bring out those gals on the bas.e.m.e.nt. Use that to free them. Don't worry about the multiple locks you need to open, ths key is a master key to those so no need to panic."

He throws it casually to me and I caught it. It was some sort of skeleton key which is designed to open multiple locks. So what does he means when he said "bring out those gals in the bas.e.m.e.nt"?

"Are you coming with me guys?" I asked Sayaka and Kou.

"Yeah, we are already here, might as well stick around a little bit longer. There are no enemies around anyways." Sayaka said.

"Count me in," Kou said.

"Alright, lets call those two medics with us."


The mansion inside is a little grand compared to the mansion we occupied but since it is smaller compared to the base, I am guessing this mansion is meant for only hanging out and parties and some other stuff?

We just passed by on the kitchen and it seems like they have indeed do a party here last night. Too bad it ended with them all killed. Anyways, we are now descending to the bas.e.m.e.nt but what appeared before us is a dungeon-like place filled with cages that has a person inside. This might be what Kyosei said when he said "bring out the gals" earlier.

The prisoners looked up on us and suddenly got terrified from us, probably because we are carrying guns and Sayaka and Kou are holding their rifles.

"Calm down guys, we are not dangerous people, we have come to rescue all of you guys. Don't worry, we will free you out now," Sayaka said.

I handed the key to Kou and he started opening the cages one by one. Some of the girls started crying while the others who didn't cried sighed in relief.

But why are they inside the cages? And why did Kyosei passed us the key instead of opening the locks by himself? It still raises questions for me but first things first, lets get them out of this hellhole.