Otome Game Mob Villain

CH 114

The day after the meeting with Father, Father requested an audience with Elias.

When he had an audience with Elias at the palace, he told him that he understood that the meeting between Fara and me had ended without any problems.

As the next step, he told him that he would go to the imperial capital and ask the emperor about the date of the marriage as soon as possible.

Elias agreed to this.

However, he was asked to wait until tomorrow, as there were some things that were to be prepared by the original date, since it would be ahead of time.

Father agreed to this and ended the audience.

The days in Renalute flew by.

I told my father that I wanted to greet Nikiuk, whom I had met in the castle town of Renalute, in person, as there were things I needed done in the future.

I also explained to him that I had to deal with Ellen and Alex, the two dwarves, and told him that I wanted to leave the castle town.

Father looked a little reluctant, but Nikkiuk was a person who might be involved in Mother\'s treatment and the ingredients of the magic restoration medicine.

I stressed that he should never be treated with disdain.

The same goes for Ellen and Alex. I also told them to have Chris and the others take the luggage to the Bardia territory anyway, even if it was a later delivery or something.

Father finally agreed.

However, he instructed us to take more guards with us.

I wished that I had consulted with him in advance if he would have agreed with me like this.

I also dropped by Fara\'s room to invite her to join me.

However, I heard that Elias and Eltia had forbidden Fara from going out to the castle town for the time being because of the incident with Marein Kondroui.

"I would love to join you, but unfortunately, I was harshly scolded by my father and mother the other day for going to Marein Kondroy\'s mansion. At that time, I was forbidden to go to the castle town for the time being. ......"

I" see. Well, that\'s no good then."

Fara had a disappointed look on her face as she lowered her ears.

At that moment, she huffed and said as if she had thought of something.

\'...... , oh, yes, if I were to dress as an imperial maid .......\'

As she said something out of the blue again, Asuna shouted in a panic as if to add to her words.

"I\'m sure you\'ve seen the way you look at the world."

"Asuna...... is right. I\'m sorry, but I\'m giving up....... Master Rid -, please tell me more when you return."

". I\'m going to go now."

When Asuna warned Farrah, she was looking very desperate.

Perhaps she too had been scolded by Elias and Eltia.

I left Fara\'s room thinking that.

"Are we going to Bardia tomorrow, too?"

"As expected, I think it\'s too sudden. ......"

I left the castle and went first to the store where the dwarf were.

I told them both that we would be leaving tomorrow for my own territory.

I explained that I wanted them to come with me at that time.

When I told them that I would introduce them both to my father at that time, both of them were shocked, their eyes darting.

\'Yes. I\'m sorry, but there are some things I need you to do for me in Bardia. Of course, if I can\'t carry something right away, Chris and the Bardia Knights will carry it for you, so don\'t worry."

I said with a smile.

The Dwarf siblings looked at each other, and Ellen said in dismay.

"Hah ...... I understand. Fortunately, I don\'t have that much luggage, so I think I\'ll be fine. When you are ready, can we go to the castle?"

"Yes, I think so. If possible, it would be helpful if you could come to the castle today. I will let the gatekeeper of the castle know about the two of you, so when you come, please give my name."

Hearing the word "castle," they again looked stunned.

I asked them for a favor.

"Yes, , I\'ll pay for the \'magic sword\' that I bought the other day Also, I have something in mind for the "magic steel," so if you have it on hand, please make sure you can take it to Bardia territory."

"Thank you very much. The "magic sword" is also happy to find a user named Rid-sama. But what do you use the magic steel for? I think its use is quite limited. ......"

Ellen looked doubtful, as if she didn\'t understand my idea of needing magical steel.

I smiled and said, "

, "Hmmm, it\'s still a secret. But if it works out, I think it could be very interesting. I\'ll let the Knights and Chris know, and I\'d like you to take what you have on hand and as much as you can to Bardia territory."

"Huh. ...... Okay, I understand. .We wil bring everything we hae "

She didn\'t understand the intent of my words as she replied, and she and Alex looked at each other suspiciously until the end.

After explaining the whole process from now on, I left .

◇ ◇

"Hah ...... you really were a little boy, not a missy!"

......⁉ Shh, don\'t say that so loudly, some knights don\'t know about that ."

Nikkiak chuckled at my flustered expression.

I explained to him that I was returning to my own territory.

When I told him that I had come to say goodbye to him, he said in a good mood, "You know, kid, that\'s how you win people\'s hearts."

Nikkal will be an important person from now on, in case of my mother\'s matter.

Strengthening the relationship is absolutely necessary.

When I chatted with him for a while, I suddenly remembered them.

"Nikiak , did you send those monsters back to the Demon Forest?"

\'Yes, I took them back to the forest yesterday. You won\'t see them again.\'

I see, they are safely back in the forest.

I think it was hard for them to be captured by humans.

They were very clever , so I just hope they don\'t hate all people.

"Oh, yes. Did you know there are rumors about you ?"

"Yeah? What\'s that about?"

Nikkiak grinned again and told me what the rumor was in town.

Apparently, Marein Kondroy was famous around here for being a "bad cop."

Many townspeople were made to cry by him.

At that time, a princess appeared dashingly with a follower and a monsster.

The princess entered Marein\'s mansion with a monster and a follower and captured evidence.

The princess and her followers entered Marein\'s mansion, and they found the evidence.

However, the ,monster and followers who protected the princess turned the tables on Marein. The people who saw the princess were so proud of the men who accompanied her that they now call them "the princess and the noble knights."

"The princess and the noble knight."

Nikiak  enjoyed exaggerating with his gestures.

I was astonished that such a story had been speared .

On the way to Marein\'s mansion, the townspeople were watching us.

Those who escaped from the mansion of Marein may have fled to the town and talked about the situation.

However, I am concerned that Fara, who should have hardly ever been in the castle town, is already known to be a princess.

Did someone intentionally spread the rumor?

I mean, this is you guys, ? The boys are very popular in town right now. You\'re going to meet the princess, aren\'t you? Tell he about . "Princess and noble knight?"

"I don\'t know ...... , but I\'ll let Princess Farah know if I see her."

To his sly smile, I replied a little dumbfounded.

After that, I told Nikkiq to give me a good look at the medicinal herbs.

He was in a good mood and tapped his chest .

After finishing my business in the castle town, I decided to return early.

I didn\'t notice the presence that was quietly listening to me from the shadows.

When I returned , I reported my return to my father.

He told me that he had made arrangements and that we would be able to leave Renalute before noon tomorrow.

"I will return to Bardia tomorrow. There is still time today, and I should also visit Fara . We won\'t see each other for a while."

" Yes, I will do so."

As father had told me, I sent an errand to Fara and then visited her in her room.

I told Fara that I would return to Bardia tomorrow.

She was surprised and then looked a little sad and lonely.

I spun words to cheer her up.

"..... we will be able to be together the next time I come back, so please wait for me until then."

"yes. I will be waiting for you."

Fara blushed a little and the forlorn look was gone from her.

At that moment, I remembered what Nikique had told me .

"Oh, yes. It seems that what happened at Marein\'s mansion has become the talk of the town."

\'Eh ......? What do you mean?""

Fara looked stunned.

When I told her what had happened, she turned red and was embarrassed.

"Huh ,  why is such a rumor spreading⁉ Oh, , but I\'m glad it hasn\'t spread to my name. ......"

She looked quite flustered and didn\'t realize she was saying the wrong thing.

As I was wondering whether I should point it out or not, Asuna quickly raised her hand.

Farah asked with a dubious look on her face.

"Asuna? What\'s wrong?"

"f. I\'m sorry to hear that you are relieved, Princess. I mean, when rumors spread that she was a princess, it was well known that you are a princess.\'

"Oh, that\'s right. ......"

Fara seemed to regain her composure as Asuna said it so matter-of-factly.

But after a little while, she still blushed and was embarrassed.

" They say it takes seventy-five days to hear a rumor about someone."

"Is that so? That\'s right. ...... rumors disappear and disappear quickly. ...... ".

I enjoyed my time with Fara as we talked about such things.

By the way, our expectations of the rumors were far off.

A princess brings down a well-known bad government official.

It was impossible for the people to leave such an invigorating story of good and evil unchecked.

Soon after the rumors spread, a stage playwright heard about "The Princess and the Noble Knight.

The moment I heard the rumors, a bolt of lightning struck me in the head. I found myself asking around about the details of the rumor. Ah-ha-ha ministry."

The play he wrote and created with the same meaning as the rumors, but with a slightly changed name, was released to the public.

"Farra Renalute and the Noble Knight."

Why didn\'t he make it "The Princess and the Noble Knight" as in the rumor?

The stage director later said.

"Princess Farrah Renaloute was not a public person. When she heard about the bad sheriff, she couldn\'t stand still and stood up with a few knights for the townspeople. ...... ... I wanted more people to know about her activities and achievements... ... "."

The play became very popular among the people of Renalute and will be talked about for a long time.

Another event that took place at the same time was also adapted for the stage, and the two plays would become known around the world as representative works of Renalute, but that is another story: ......