Otherworldly White Dragon Lord

Chapter 24

Snow! Is it going to snow again!?

Irogel looked at the snowflakes falling in the sky in surprise, as if she had seen snow for the first time in her life.

A few days ago, the violent snowstorm finally miraculously stopped. With great joy, arrogill quickly led everyone to continue the journey. As the weather improved, everyone seemed to see the hope that the progress of the whole team would be faster than before. According to the original estimate, as long as the weather remained unchanged, In half a month, the team can step out of the forest and enter the great 6 western region. Then it will be really safe.

"Gressel, we must speed up the progress before!"

Irogel shouted to her companions. Now irogel is very worried. Although we collected a lot of food and made some simple cold proof items with broad leaves during the short stop of the heavy snow, there are too many teams. These materials can\'t be consumed for a few days. Hundreds of compatriots have died on the journey in so many days after entering the forest.

Greiser trotted a few steps behind him and came to irogel: "it seems that the storm is coming again. We\'d better find a place to avoid the snow in advance."

"How many days can we eat our food?" After thinking about it, arrogill asked anxiously.

"The food supply has been compressed, but it can last up to three days." Greiser looked at the girl\'s thin face and said painfully.

During this period, everyone ate only a little food almost every day. If the snowstorm came, it would be impossible to collect food. Irogel thought anxiously that if the snowstorm delayed the team\'s progress, the whole team could only meet the ending of total extinction.

Mingming has come here. Why is it like this! According to previous data, the fog forest will stop snowstorms in summer. Why is it still snowing this year. At the thought that all his companions would be buried in the depths of this deserted forest, arrogill couldn\'t help crying.

What a sentimental girl! Yalin looked at arrogill\'s expression through the system and commented that the girl\'s performance along the way was great. She cared about the safety of every compatriot, and her strong will supported her to lead everyone to the present, but maybe she should revise the evaluation given to her before. She is an excellent guardian, but not an excellent leader! If you replace this elf girl with yourself, you will certainly leave the injured and weak who have delayed the team in order to protect the team.

We won\'t leave anyone! This is not only a common plot in Hollywood blockbusters, but also a lot of bad vulgar lines! Of course, every time the protagonist who stays to take care of the injured will live to the end than the villain who ruthlessly leaves the injured, but that is the case that the protagonist\'s aura and plot needs will appear. When facing such a dilemma, sacrifice must be made. Sacrificing the ego to preserve the overall situation is the qualification that a leader must have.

"Start the first phase of the plan." Yalin, who looked at the calling system, ordered sunezer behind him.

"Yes, your majesty!"

The first step of the plan is to approach and guide the team, and guide their thoughts into the subconscious and hint.

The advancing elves encountered a little trouble. They were attacked at the rear of the team. More than a dozen split toothed wolves suddenly rushed out and bit several people. One of them bit an elf boy in the chaos and rushed into the forest with him. When irogel and greiser came, three of the wolves in the attack team were killed, and the rest fled in all directions, Several elves also chased the cracked toothed wolf who took the child.

"Has anyone gone after them? Then I\'ll support them now." When he heard that a companion was chasing the cracked toothed wolf, elojer hurried up, and greiser even put down his business and made a companion to catch up.

Soon after they caught up with arrogill, they followed their companions\' footprints and blood in the forest. When they rushed through a big tree, their companions\' figure came into arrogill\'s eyes. It seemed that their companions were holding bows and arrows to confront something.

"What\'s the matter?" Irogel, who was worried, ran to her companion in a few steps, and the scene in front of her at the next moment completely stunned irogel and greiser.

Four or five cracked toothed wolves in front had fallen into a pool of blood, but it was not done by Elle\'s companions, because the wolf was not inserted with arrows, but the wolf was severely pierced by darts. A large blood mouth that made people feel creepy was constantly flowing with scarlet blood. The person who did all this was on a big tree in front of everyone, holding the child just saved from the wolf in his hand, walking lightly on the trunk as if standing on the flat ground. The tight mask covered their appearance, and only the pair of long pointed ears betrayed their identity.

"Search wizard!?"

Greiser looked at the three elves on the tree trunk and shouted in surprise. For a moment, he seemed to forget that he was also an elf.

Looking at the arrival of the two people, the frost snow elf holding the child lightly jumped off the branch and fell on the ground. Looking at raising the arrow to his fugitives, the frost snow elf walked slowly step by step. It seemed to feel what kind of fugitives also gradually put down their bows and arrows. When they came to arojier, the frost snow elf handed over the bleeding child.

"Thank you."

At the moment when the child was handed over to arrowhead, the frost fairy took out a bottle of ointment and gave it to arrowhead, then turned around and left straight. Arrowhead carefully handed the child over to his companions behind him. Finally, he couldn\'t help asking, "are you also our compatriots?"

After stopping, the frost and snow elf turned and looked at arrogill. After a long silence, he said, "you are about to enter our master\'s territory. Step back and leave here immediately."

Master!? Irogel looked at the silver elf in front of her puzzled and said, "we don\'t want to disturb you, but we\'re running away now, so we have to enter \

Before irogel finished speaking, the frost and snow elf interrupted impolitely: "then you have to usher in death."

When irogel was surprised and hurried to explain, the silver elf jumped on the branch, shuttled through the tree with his companions like a ghost, and disappeared in the forest. No matter how irogel called, all left was the sound of the cold wind.

In desperation, with surprise and doubt, arrogill and his party returned to the team. After finishing the team a little, greiser came up to arrogill and asked, "how\'s the child\'s injury?"

Arrogill, who was applying medicine to the little boy\'s wound, turned around, nodded and said, "the blood has stopped. The medicine given to me by the elf works very well. Take the rest of the medicine to other wounded people."

After getting the medicine bottle from irogel, Grethel asked uneasily, "what shall we do now?"

"I think we must move on." Irogel said faintly with her head down.

"I don\'t think what those elves say is just a simple threat."

But we have no way back. Irogel shook her head reluctantly and said, "even if we retreat, we are still waiting for death. Now we have only a glimmer of vitality if we move forward."

Move on to meet death? Greiser\'s mind recalled the words of the elves just now, but arrogill was right. There was no room for this team to retreat, whether it was food and materials or everyone\'s mental state, and there might be pursuers behind. Now retreat and immediately meet death, even more terrible humiliation and slavery than death.

Greiser nodded. Anyway, he still had to support arrogate through this difficult journey: "you\'re right, arrogate, we can only move on."

"Although I don\'t know why our compatriots are in this forest or who the master they serve is, I hope our compatriots can have mercy on us."


**Teacher Gretel is looking at it with an exquisite dart. This is what Princess Luo Jiean gave herself a few days ago. According to the princess, the long gun that hit the assassin was hit by this dart. Therefore, the flight trajectory was biased and the target escaped a fatal blow.

After watching for a while, Gretel returned the dart to his royal highness dressed in a heavy windbreaker and wearing a long wool cotton boll sheep beside himself. Compared to the assassin incident, greet was more concerned about the short stopping of the blizzard. The mercenaries who had stayed near the fortress because of the snowstorm had set off into the forest.

A bunch of stupid guys! After learning that the mercenaries hired by the slave merchants had entered the forest, Gretel disdained to make a comment, because now the wind and snow in front of her eyes began to blow slowly again. Although it was far from being as terrible as before, it was also a warning of a crisis. Those stupid mercenaries will all die here if they can\'t prepare. At the same time, it also proved that the things I guessed and the materials the teacher showed me were not naturally formed behind the snowstorm. Someone must have manipulated it.

But what kind of existence would that be? Thinking of the silver spirit, Gretel\'s uneasy premonition became stronger and stronger.

"Master Gretel." A soldier rode a cotton boll sheep to Gretel and reported, "master, we have several bodies in front of us."

"What! Show me."

After hearing the soldier\'s return, Gretel rushed over on a goat, and Princess Luo Jiean and leilis hurried up. After arriving at the place, Gretel jumped off the goat and followed the soldier\'s fingers. Sure enough, there were several frozen dead bodies lying in the snow. A soldier gently turned the body with a spear. When the snow fell, the body showed his face.

This is the spirit! Leilis saw the identity of the body at a glance. It should be a member of the elves she had seen one day. Seeing that the Elves were still wearing thin clothes, leilis sighed and shook her head in pain. It was all those damn slave merchants!

Princess Luo jie\'an stood behind leilis and looked at the fairy\'s pale face. She couldn\'t bear to retract her head again.

After a little check, master Gretel patted off the snow in his hand and said, "OK, let\'s go back to the team!"

Following master Gretel, Princess Luo Jiean was about to ride on the cotton boll sheep when a familiar feeling poured into her mind! This is the same feeling as that day. It seems that something is attracting you.

"Wait, master Gretel!" Princess Luo jie\'an quickly took out the long gun behind her and looked around vigilantly.

"What\'s the matter?" For a time, not only the Gretel * * Division, but also several soldiers nearby pulled out their swords and were on guard carefully.

Looking at the strange look of Princess highness, Gretel did not hesitate to use a detection magic. The magic wave spread rapidly around every branch of every big tree. There was no missing place for detecting the radius of 2oo meters.

"Magic detection has no response." On one side, Riley also used the same magic and got the same result.

Although there was no response to the detection of magic, Gretel did not doubt her Royal Highness\'s intuition. At least one day, the magic enchantment around the camp was broken without any response: "there may be some way for the other side to escape the magic detection, be careful!"

After being on alert for a while, it was still quiet. There was only the wind. Gretel made a gesture to show that everyone was gathered together. After walking carefully back to the team, Gretel asked reassuringly: "is it still that feeling?"

Princess Luo Jiean said with a complicated look: "yes, master Gretel, I\'m just curious! I can\'t accurately grasp this feeling, but it does exist."


Can the girl feel it even at such a distance?

When Gretel left with the crowd, several shadows appeared on the big tree in the distance! The frost and snow spirit scout sent by Yalin met a very troublesome situation for the first time. I don\'t know why whenever she tried to approach the human team, the silver girl in the team could detect the approach of her party in advance.

No matter sneaking, magic shielding, environmental integration, no way can hide the girl, and it seems that only her own line as a frost and snow elf will be present, because this small team was attacked by wildlife on the way. It seems that the silver girl did not show her unexpected perception at that time.

But anyway, it has become impossible to get close to this human dance.

This matter must be reported to the master immediately!

AI LV5 frost spirit scouts know the importance of this situation. After taking out the magic communication device, the frost spirit quickly reported the current situation.