Otherworldly Merchant

Chapter 306

That sharp heart blood, all spit in the inkstone.

And inkstone is the one that boss Qi asked me to identify a few days ago!

The residual ink and heart-tip blood in the inkstone are mixed together, and the heart-tip blood floats on the residual ink. Boss Qi immediately begins to grind it, and soon mixes the heart-tip blood and ink together. The ink has also become a very strange color. I can't say what color it is. It just gives me a sense of diaphragmatic response.

In doing this, boss Qi has a high degree of unity of mind and energy. He doesn't even look at us, as if we don't exist at all.

After grinding for a while, when the blood and ink were all integrated, boss Qi picked up the brush and began to write calligraphy.

The calligraphy is free and easy, vigorous and powerful. It is much better than some calligraphy masters now. It's hard to imagine that such a meaningful word was written by the semi illiterate boss Qi!

That line of small regular script accounts for a small part of the whole paper, and there is still a large part of blank space. However, boss Qi is not ready to continue. He put down his pen, picked up the paper, and began to read it.

"When did you leave me last year? The South Garden is full of green grass and butterflies. When I remember you this year, the snow on the West Mountain darkens the Qin cloud. The jade pass is three thousand li away. If you want to send a sound book, you can hear it. "

Boss Qi's voice is magnetic and round, like a broadcaster. With this rhymed ancient poem, people can't help but immerse themselves in it.

Pockmarked Li wondered if he was a great poet when he asked me inexplicably if my grandson was engaged in knitting?

I shook my head in confusion.

Next, I saw boss Qi put down the paper again, picked up the brush and wrote and drew on it again.

The ink was stained with blood and turned into a strange dark red. The ancient poetry revealed desolation and misery everywhere, and the scene he painted also gave people a miserable and miserable feeling.

When the painting was finished, I could see that it was actually a picture of a beautiful woman going out to bath.

A slim woman with green silk, plump body, fair skin, and eyes full of autumn wave. The privacy of the body is also vivid, which makes people can't help but throb at a glance.

Maybe it's because the woman in the painting is so temperamental and vivid!

Boss Qi picked up the painting and looked at it carefully. It was not hard to see the admiration between his eyebrows.

"Hooligans." Looking at the beautiful picture, Pockmarked Li couldn't help scolding.

I burst out laughing: "there are still beautiful pictures in the world that you rogue can't see?"

Li Mazi smiled awkwardly and said, "it's just that the woman is so beautiful. Except for the little brother Zhang Jia, you are qualified to appreciate such a man of quality. That old monkey of boss Qi is not qualified. "

I told Pockmarked Li to stop talking and watch carefully. I'd like to see what boss Qi is up to.

"Alas." Boss Qi sighed with disappointment, and suddenly he tore the picture into a ball and smashed it. His whole face was twisted: "your beauty, your temperament, your charm, your bewitchment, your smile, I can't depict..."

Boss Qi grabbed his hair angrily and began to get mad. He beat his chest and feet as if he were mad.

Pockmarked Li asked me gingerly if I wanted to go up and stop boss Qi. It seemed that he wanted to hurt himself.

I shake my head, God knows if we will provoke him when we rush up when he is mad? Whatever you say, it's not good for us to provoke him.

After beating his chest for a moment, boss Qi suddenly began to draw and write poems.

In this way, boss Qi didn't stop all night. He was painting all the time. The beauties went to bath, picked flowers, watched the moon and were drunk Every painting is wonderful. The woman in the painting seems to have a strong charm, which makes people can't help being attracted at a glance.

But every time he finished painting, boss Qi was not satisfied. He scolded himself for not being able to show the beauty of a woman in the end of the pen, or portray the beauty of a woman Between words, we can see that the infatuated man's love for women has reached the point of madness.

All night long, the room easily cleaned by sister-in-law Qi turned into a mess again. The ground was full of messy pieces of paper, and the study was full of splashing ink.

I was having a headache when can boss Qi stop, but boss Qi suddenly turned his eyes and fell flat on the ground.

I'll run up and check boss Qi. Fortunately, boss Qi should have just fainted. It's OK.

This means that the dead man left boss Qi.

I have to go back to prepare, but boss Qi's appearance can't be separated from people's care. So I thought about it. I finally called sister-in-law Qi to take care of her boss.

I don't know if sister-in-law Qi will come back after last night's incident. Fortunately, sister-in-law Qi's anger subsided by more than half, and she promised to come back.

Seeing the chaos in the room, sister-in-law Qi was very angry, but she was helpless. I have to speak well for boss Qi. It's not his intention to say that. Don't blame him too much.Sister-in-law Qi smiled and said it doesn't matter. Since she is a husband and wife, she has to share weal and woe. She will help boss Qi through this difficulty.

I smiled and said that would be good.

Sister Qi suddenly dragged me into her bedroom and asked Pockmarked Li to wait outside. I was shocked. I thought that sister-in-law Qi would not take the opportunity to treat me. It was heartless.

I just wanted to say no to her, but sister-in-law Qi suddenly blushed and apologized to me. She said that she had a drink last night and was in a bad mood, so she did something drastic. She asked me not to take it to heart and would not tell me about it?

I smiled and said that I could understand her excessive behavior, though I was relieved.

Qi's sister-in-law was relieved and said with great emotion that she just wanted to vent her depression with a man with connotation. Boss Qi is an old man who never knows romance. After marriage, sister-in-law Qi hasn't enjoyed the romance and passion she should have for a long time.

But now she has figured out that the boss Qi is such a person, and she doesn't expect him to become a romanticist.

After I went out, Pockmarked Li kept asking me what we had said in the bedroom. Was it something we didn't know?

I can't laugh or cry after listening to it. I really want to beat Pockmarked Li violently. This kid is clearly a villain. In his imagination, a lone man and a few girls in the same room will surely do that kind of thing.

At first, I wanted to let Li Mazi stay here with sister-in-law Qi. However, on reflection, I was a little uneasy about Li Mazi. Li Mazi is a coquettish master. Even after many unforgettable love experiences, there is no way to change his coquettish strength. In case of getting together with sister-in-law Qi, it would be like snow?

So thinking about it, I finally left with Pockmarked Li.