Other-Worldly Restaurant of A Stay-at-Home Dad

Chapter 2487

Norma's look was so confused that she even forgot to take back her hand on Meg's chest.

"What's up?" MEG asked coldly.

Norma took back her hand like an electric shock and quickly covered her face, but her eyes showed through her fingers. She said angrily, "you... Why don't you wear clothes!"

"I was getting ready to take a bath when I heard someone ring the doorbell and thought it was housekeeper BOSAN." Meg said naturally with a look on his face: "besides, I'm dressed."

Norma's eyes moved down slightly. MEG was indeed wearing clothes, but the clothes were completely open, revealing a strong chest and eight abdominal muscles. The lines and contours like a knife were full of visual impact.

Different from those greasy young people who simply want to explode their muscles, Hades's muscles don't look so exaggerated. He is introverted and powerful. He is skinny when he takes off his clothes.

So Norma didn't expect that McGonagall, who looked a little thin, had such excellent muscle lines.

But after a little reflection, it seems that we can also find clues from the program. Can a man who can carry an iron bar weighing tens of kilograms and beat more than 20000 times continuously be a firewood stick?

"Have you seen enough?" McGonagall asked as he buttoned up.

Norma's throat rolled and swallowed her saliva unconsciously. Hearing the speech, she immediately looked like a little lion with fried hair. She said angrily: "according to the employee code of McCarthy manor, all employees must dress properly in the Manor! You broke the law on the first day you came to the Manor!"

"The dormitory is a private space for employees, which is not within the scope of proper clothes. This is clearly stipulated in the employee code. Are you also wearing a uniform in the bedroom?" McGonagall smiled without fear.

"Who said, i... I'll change the employee code now!" Norma is a little discouraged. Of course, she can't understand what the employee code is written. She just vaguely knows this one, just trying to bluff Hades on the first day of employment.

"Please help yourself. I'm going to take a bath. Please come back." MEG looked still cold and ready to close the door.

Norma felt humiliated. No man had ever dared to refuse him again and again, and he was just an employee and a cook.

"I'm hungry. Aren't you a special chef? I want you to cook me a lunch!" Norma ordered.

"My contract will come into effect tomorrow, so I have no obligation to serve you today." McGonagall shook his head slightly, and then said on the edge of Norma's outbreak, "but I'm going to make lunch for myself later, and I can make one for you by the way."

"By the way?" Norma frowned and felt that she had never been so perfunctory by a servant in her life. This feeling... So special!

"Hum, I'll wait for you in the restaurant!" Norma turned her head and prepared to leave.

"I'm not going to cook in the back kitchen. I'll simply cook something in the dormitory. If you want to eat, come in." MEG turned and entered the room.

"Eat in the dormitory?" Norma was surprised, but looked at the open door and hesitated again and again. She still gritted her teeth and walked in.

What are you afraid of? This is McCarthy manor. Does this guy dare to do anything to her?

This is Norma's first time to enter the staff dormitory. Her first feeling is that it is crowded. All kinds of separate spaces are crowded in a small room. The sofa is even single, and there can only be one person in the kitchen. It's too small.

"Sit down for a while, I'll take a bath and cook later." MEG cooked in the rice cooker, took a suit of clothes and walked towards the bathroom.

Norma opened her mouth and looked at the slowly closed bathroom door. This guy even left her here to take a bath by herself!

The vague bathroom glass door and the clear sound of water came out. The strange atmosphere made Norma blush and fidgety.

It was the first time for her to wait for a man to take a bath and cook for her.

She suddenly regretted that she shouldn't have come in, as if she had accidentally fallen into his trap.

But now she doesn't want to go, so she's gone. Doesn't it seem that she's afraid?

The fuzzy glass door outlined a fuzzy figure. Thinking of the picture seen at the door earlier, Norma's brain began to replenish water, flowing down his solid chest, through the washboard abdominal muscles, and then down


When the bathroom door opened, MEG came out with a fresh shirt, a towel around his neck, wiped his wet hair, and then met Norma with a red face.

There is a faint fragrance of shower gel in the air, and the atmosphere is somewhat ambiguous.

Norma, who was facing the bathroom door, was shocked. She quickly moved her eyes away and explained, "I... I didn't look... I... I was just thinking."

So you blush like a bubble teapot?

MEG ignored her, threw towels and clothes into the washing machine, and went straight to the kitchen area.

It's a kitchen. More accurately, it should be an open single person console. The single stove, cutting table and washing table are very Mini. It's suitable for one or two people to open a small stove at home.

MEG took an apron and tied it, opened the refrigerator and took out several ingredients, beef, eggs, onions, garlic and tomatoes. From the freshness point of view, they should have just been put into the refrigerator in the morning. They are not high-grade ingredients, but they are enough.

The freshly cooked rice has clear grains and no excess water on the surface, which fully meets the standard for cooking fried rice.

MEG began to process the ingredients and cook.

Norma's face was still red. She sat down on the sofa, opened her bracelet and brushed the web page, but her eyes were secretly staring at McGonagall.

His posture is tall and straight, his side face looks angular, and the corners of his mouth seem to rise slightly at any time. It seems that people feel close and that he seems to be laughing at something.

Most of the chefs in McCarthy manor are middle-aged uncles, and there are many grandfathers. All the chefs who can be selected are experienced chefs. How can there be such a young and handsome chef.

"Hum! No matter what he does later, I will never take a bite! I want him to know the dangers of the world!" Norma thought in her heart and began to calculate her lines.

Dice the beef, add spices and stir fry it out of the pot. Stir fry the rice and eggs and blend them gradually. Then add beef and stir fry together. Finally, sprinkle a handful of green scallions and stir fry it out of the pot.

Then I cooked a pot of tomato and egg soup.

Two plates of fried rice with beef and eggs, two bowls of tomato and egg soup, two spoons and a simple lunch.


MEG put the fried rice and soup on the table and said to Norma.

"This is the lunch you prepared for Miss Ben? It's so simple... Gudu." Norma sat at the table and said with some disgust. Before she finished her words, a strong smell came to her nose, which made her swallow her saliva, and even her words were interrupted.

"How fragrant..."

Norma looked at the fried rice in front of her.