One Sword Reigns Supreme

54 Sword Immortal Chapter 54: Such an ugly person is not worthy to live!, the fastest update to the latest chapter of Yijian Dozun!Before Ye Xuan made a move, the long-haired man not far away suddenly lifted the knife and strode directly towards Ye Xuan.

This knife is a big deal, extremely domineering!

Ye Xuan\'s expression immediately became cold. This time, he didn\'t leave his hand, and the fighting spirit in his body poured into his right arm like a tide. At the same time, his right hand clenched into a fist.


At the moment of making a fist, an invisible fist suddenly oscillated from his fist, and this fist abruptly resisted the overbearing force released by the long-haired man!

The long-haired man narrowed his eyes slightly, and there was a dignified look in his eyes.

At this moment, Ye Xuan\'s right foot suddenly stamped.


The ground burst instantly!

Ye Xuan burst out like an off-string arrow!


In the field, a harsh explosion sounded suddenly.In an instant, Ye Xuan and the long-haired man retreated violently, but soon Ye Xuan stopped. At the moment when he stopped, the long-haired man also held a knife with both hands into the ground, using the power of the long knife to let himself Stopped.

Ye Xuan was about to continue his hands, and at this moment, the long-haired man in the distance suddenly said, "You go in!"

Obviously, he found that the two Ye Xuan in front of him were ruthless characters, and they didn\'t want to fight hard!

Hearing the words of the long-haired man, Ye Xuan was slightly startled, then turned to look at the nine princesses, but when he looked over, the nine princesses were no longer in their original position!

Ye Xuan turned his head to look at the position of the long-haired man. At this time, the nine princesses were already in front of the long-haired man.

Chi Chi Chi Chi!

The nine princesses drew gold knives on their waist three times in a row!

Every time a knife was drawn, an extremely harsh sound rang out!

And when the knife fell for the third time, the court suddenly became quiet.

After the knife was closed, the nine princesses turned to look at Ye Xuan, "Such an ugly person is not worthy to live!"

After speaking, she turned and walked towards the entrance not far away.

Brother Ye glanced at the long-haired man, and for a moment of silence, the long-haired man\'s body was directly torn apart, and blood was poured out to the ground along with the five internal organs...

Brother Ye shook his head, "Man, be more handsome in your next life."

After saying that, after collecting the body, he quickly followed.

The gain is not small.

He now has fifty top-grade spirit stones and four hundred gold coins!Obviously, this long-haired man had robbed a lot before!

Looking at the bulging bag around his waist, Ye Xuan sighed. The fastest way to make a fortune is undoubtedly by robbery.He found that he seemed to like the feeling of robbery a little bit.

After the two entered the cave entrance, there were various winding trails in the cave.

Seeing this scene, the Ninth Princess Dai frowned.

But at this moment, Ye Xuan\'s expression suddenly changed because he found that the Lingxiao Sword in his body trembled again.

The nine princesses stopped, she turned to look at Ye Xuan, "What?"

After Ye Xuan was silent for a moment, he suddenly looked at one of the trails: "Go from here!"


He felt that the spirit sword in his body seemed to be guiding him.

After looking at Ye Xuan for a long time, the nine princesses asked, "Are you sure?"

Ye Xuan nodded.

The nine princess nodded, "Then go!"

Ye Xuan trusted her because of An Lanxiu, and she also had some trust in Ye Xuan. In addition to Ye Xuan\'s original control of Tang Jun, most of the reason was also because of An Lanxiu.

The person An Lanxiu likes will definitely have no problem in character!

The two walked towards one of the trails, and the more they went down, Ye Xuan\'s expression became more solemn.

Because on the road, he has already encountered several corpses!

They all died tragically!

As the Nine Princesses said, chances are not by finding, but by grabbing!

The two walked down the path. After walking for about half an hour, Ye Xuan found that they were already at the bottom of the mountain.

"Are you sure you didn\'t go wrong?" Ninth Princess asked suddenly.

Ye Xuan nodded, "Go down!"

The feeling that the Lingxiao Sword in his body gave him was to go down.

The nine princesses nodded, did not say anything, and continued to follow Ye Xuan down. After walking for about half an hour, the two stopped. In front of them, there was a mountain wall.

There is no way!

The nine princesses looked at Ye Xuan, and Ye Xuan walked to the mountain wall and threw a punch.


Ye Xuan directly punched out a huge hole on the mountain wall. Outside the hole, there was a cave.

The Ninth Princess walked to Ye Xuan\'s side, and she stared at it. Outside the cave, an underground palace was vaguely visible, and just above the underground palace, a black sword was suspended.

The Ninth Princess turned her head and glanced at Ye Xuan, "How do you know the true position of the sword master is here?"

Ye Xuan smiled bitterly, he took out the Lingxiao sword, "This sword told me!"

The Ninth Princess glanced at the Lingxiao Sword, then looked at Ye Xuan directly, "Are you stupid? I ask you, just say it?"

As she said, she patted Ye Xuan\'s shoulder lightly, "Keep an eye on it in the future!"

After speaking, she turned and walked towards the palace in the distance.

Ye Xuan is a little speechless, he naturally knows how to keep an eye on it, but the nine princesses in front of him are An Lanxiu’s best friends, and after getting along with her, he also feels that the nine princesses are someone who can make friends, so he has no reservations. .

Making friends is sincere!

If you don\'t make it, you won\'t make it. Ye Xuan must be sincere when you make it. This is his principle of life.

The two went through the cave and came to the palace. The palace was not very large. Although there were unknown gloomy lighting around, it made the palace even more gloomy and infiltrating.

Ye Xuan raised his head and looked at the black sword directly above the palace. The sword was more than three feet long, and the whole was pitch black, as if cast by ink, but the tip of the sword was blood red, just like a little cinnabar.The sword is so suspended above the palace!

Looking at this sword, Ye Xuan\'s eyes suddenly became a bit fiery.

Intuition told him that the rank of this sword is not low!

At this moment, the nine princesses suddenly walked towards the palace gate, Ye Xuan suddenly took her arm, the nine princesses looked at Ye Xuan, Ye Xuan shook his head, then let go, he looked up at the palace gate, brows Wrinkled, telling him instinctively that there is danger!

At this moment, Ye Xuan and the nine princesses suddenly turned their heads, and on their right, a man and a woman walked towards the palace. The man was wearing an ink-white robe, while the woman was wearing an ink-white dress.

The two looked at Ye Xuan and the nine princesses, and did not speak.


At this time, a laugh suddenly sounded in the field. Soon, an afterimage flashed across the field. Then, on the stone steps below the palace gate, a man appeared. The man was wearing a loose black robe with both hands. Hidden in his sleeve, with a wicked smile on his face.


There are footsteps.

Everyone smelled the footsteps and looked at it. Not far away, a woman came slowly.

The woman wore a cloud-colored long skirt, which was long and slender, with a graceful and slender figure, and her slender waist was restrained by a white ribbon to show her slender figure.Women\'s facial features are also extremely delicate, and every point seems to be carefully crafted by the heavens.It\'s just that this beautiful and easy piece is really cold, without a trace of emotion, just like a piece of ice for thousands of years, which is daunting.

"is her!"

Beside Ye Xuan, the nine princesses frowned.

Ye Xuan turned to look at the nine princesses and asked, "Who?"

The nine princesses whispered: "One of the two great geniuses of Cangmu Academy: Beichen!"

Kuraki Academy!

Ye Xuan turned his head and glanced at a woman named Beichen. This woman wouldn\'t ask herself to do it directly, right?Although he is not afraid, if he fights at this time, for him, there are only disadvantages and no good!

In the eyes of everyone, Bei Chen walked to the side, and then slowly closed his eyes, without saying a word!But soon, she opened her eyes again, and she looked behind Ye Xuan and the nine princesses.

Ye Xuan and the nine princesses turned around. Not far in front of them, a man came to face each other. The man’s hair was messy, like a chicken coop, and he wore very simple clothes, just a simple cloth with some holes. , Behind the man, carrying a black black iron heavy axe!

Seeing this man, everyone in the court looked solemn.

Even the nine princesses have a dignified look in their eyes!

The man glanced at everyone in the court, then walked aside, but did not speak.

The atmosphere in the field suddenly became a little serious.

At this moment, the black-robed man on the stone steps suddenly fell on the nine princesses, "I want to come here to be the famous nine princess Jiang."

The nine princesses whispered: "Any suggestions?"

The black-robed man smiled, "Don\'t dare, I heard that the nine princesses and Jiang\'s first day, An Lanxiu are close friends, why, that An Guoshi didn\'t come?"


Upon hearing these two words, the expressions of several people in the field changed slightly.Even the man in common clothes with a heavy axe turned his head to look at the nine princesses.

An Lanxiu, her fame is not only in the country of Jiang, but in these countries, she is very famous, not only in the countries, but also in some mountain forces have heard her name!

The Ninth Princess blinked, "How do you know she is not here?"

Hearing the words of the nine princesses, the black robe man\'s mouth gradually lifted up, his smile was a little evil, "It\'s good to be here, so that I can see if the famous An Guoshi is worthy of the name, or is it a mere name!"

"She will kill you!"

The nine princesses whispered: "You and her are not on the same level!"

As An Lanxiu\'s best friend, perhaps no one knows An Lanxiu\'s horror better than her.She is the kind of person who can despair a genius evildoer!

The black robe man smiled, "Really? Then I\'m looking forward to it!"

The nine princesses were not talking about the black-robed man. She glanced at the people around her and said, "Since no one has come out to take the lead, then I will come. Everyone has reached the position of the true body of the sword master, but no one dares to take the lead. When one enters, everyone is aware of the danger. If the stalemate continues, everyone will be scrupulous and no one will benefit. I have a suggestion. Everyone should work together first. As for when the cooperation ends, I believe everyone will know. , What do you think?"

After a moment of silence, everyone nodded, indicating that it was meaningless.

The Ninth Princess looked up at the palace gate, "Who will come first?"

On the stone steps, the black robe man smiled, "Then let me start this first!"

When the voice fell, he flicked his fingers, and a black object shot out from his fingertips.


The palace gate broke apart.

But the few people in the court looked on guard, like a big enemy!

At this moment, a voice suddenly came from the hall, "You are here!"

Everyone: "..."


PS: Yesterday, a reader almost moved me. He chatted with me privately and said: "Qingluan, it\'s okay for you to stay for two days..."

Seeing this, I was touched and almost crying!At this time, he said again: "If you are beaten to death by readers, I will ask readers to collect donations, and we will bury you well!"
