One Sword Reigns Supreme

52 Sword Immortal Chapter 52: I will take you to kill!, the fastest update to the latest chapter of Yijian Dozun!Mo Suiqing stared at Ye Xuan, her fists clenched, and her whole body was shaking slightly.

The man on the side looked at Ye Xuan in astonishment.

After Ye Xuan finished speaking, he turned around and left. At this moment, Mo Suiqing suddenly said grimly: "You dare to insult me!"

Ye Xuan stopped, he turned and walked in front of Mo Suiqing, "Insult you? I\'ve made you twice already. Will you chase me down?"

As he said, he gently squeezed Mo Sui Qing’s cheek, "Miss Mo, ask yourself, besides your face and your identity, what else do you have? Or, without this face, Without the identity of the Mo family, do you think there are men around you? They are around you, do you think they really like you? No, they just like your skin, like your identity, no more This pair of skins, without the identity of the Mo family, you are worthless in their eyes!"

After speaking, he released his hand and said: "You think you are playing with those men, but, IMHO, does it make sense for you to play with those men? Does it make sense? Men with a little bit of IQ will not be caught Playing tricks. Miss Ann is right. Your Mo family is also a big clan. You do all this all day long. Don’t you think you are embarrassing your family? Think about it. Also, don’t calculate. I am. I don\'t want to be chased by your Mo family indefinitely after I punch you to death!"

After the words fell, he turned and left.

On the spot, Mo Suiqing clenched her fists tightly, her face was cold, she didn\'t know what she was thinking.

Ye Xuan returned to his box. He couldn\'t say that he was particularly disgusted with Mo Suiqing, but he really didn\'t have any good feelings. This kind of woman was too self-righteous.

Not thinking about Mo Suiqing, he returned to the prison tower.


Ye Xuan glanced around and said softly.

The surrounding area was extremely quiet, and the mysterious woman still did not reply.

Ye Xuan\'s face suddenly sank, and the mysterious woman was not there. He was really a little panicked!

At this moment, a piece of paper suddenly floated out of the entrance of the second floor. Seeing this piece of paper, Ye Xuan\'s eyelids twitched and it came again!

Soon, the piece of paper floated in front of him, with a calm face on it, very calm, with no sense of happiness or anger.And under this calm face is a paw print.

The corner of Ye Xuan\'s mouth twitched, he glanced around, and then hurriedly left the prison tower.

What kind of existence is being held in this second layer?

Ye Xuan was full of doubts.

However, no matter what the detention is, one thing he can be sure of is that it is definitely not something he can contend now!

Hurry up and find that or something!

Ye Xuan made up his mind!

In the next time, Ye Xuan began to practice crazy!

Now he is in the imperial qi realm, and for this realm, he has not fully understood it, especially the use of sword qi and sword light. It is a pity that the mysterious woman has not spoken recently. Therefore, regarding the use of sword qi and sword light , He can only groping slowly on his own!

It is worth mentioning that now when he casts a sword to determine life and death, it is no longer so difficult.Not only that, the power of Yijian\'s life and death is also enhanced a lot.His current one sword will determine life and death, and he can completely kill a strong volley!

And this sword of life and death can also be said to be his biggest ultimate move and trump card!

In the next time, Ye Xuan began to practice sword and boxing frantically!

Whether it was a sword or a punch, he didn\'t want to fall.

Time passed quickly, and two days later, the cloud ship began to fall slowly.

Two Realms City is here!

Ye Xuan left the box and came to the deck of the cloud ship. He stood on the bow and looked down. The two world cities were getting bigger and bigger.When he saw Liangjiecheng, he was a little surprised, because at the moment there were soldiers standing on the walls around Liangjiecheng. Not only that, but there were thousands of soldiers training under the city. On the whole, these soldiers were neatly moved and all on their bodies. It has the aura of killing, and at first glance it is a sharp teacher!

Soon, the cloud ship steadily stopped in the two world cities, Ye Xuan jumped off the cloud ship, and at this moment, a figure suddenly appeared in front of him.

It is that Mo Suiqing!

Ye Xuan frowned slightly as he was about to speak, Mo Suiqing suddenly said, "Please remember it!"

After speaking, she turned and left.


Ye Xuan shook his head, and then took out a map, which was given to him by Old Man Ji before he came, and it had the exact location of the Sword Master Dongfu.Soon, he found the position.

Without staying in the city, Ye Xuan ran out of the city directly, and then ran towards the mountain range on the right.Soon, he entered the vast mountains.He is no stranger to Dashan!

Walk in the direction indicated by the map. About two hours later, the more Ye Xuan walked deeper, the surrounding air became hotter and hotter. After another hour passed, Ye Xuan stopped, not far in front of him. , Three big mountains stand on top of each other, with a grand canyon in the middle!


Ye Xuan was about to continue walking forward, and at this moment, an invisible pressure suddenly enveloped him.

Ye Xuan\'s face changed slightly, he glanced around and found no one.


A voice suddenly rang in Ye Xuan\'s ear.

Ye Xuan quickly took out the jade pendant that An Lanxiu gave him, and he raised the jade pendant, and soon the coercion disappeared cleanly.

Ye Xuan continued to advance, and soon, he entered the canyon, and the moment he entered the canyon, the Lingxiao sword in his body trembled and was about to rush out of his body!

Ye Xuan was shocked and quickly suppressed the Lingxiao Sword.

what happened?

Ye Xuan frowned, his heart full of doubts.

"You came!"

At this moment, a voice suddenly sounded from Ye Xuan\'s right. Ye Xuan heard the sound and saw a woman standing on his right.

The woman was wearing a long silver dress with a golden machete at her waist!

Nine princesses!

Ye Xuan walked up to the nine princesses and said in amazement: "Do you know I\'m coming?"

The nine princesses looked at Ye Xuan and nodded, "Follow me!"

After speaking, she turned and walked aside.

Ye Xuan thought for a while, and then followed.

On the way, the Ninth Princess did not speak, and Ye Xuan couldn\'t help but ask, "Do you know I\'m coming?"

"She is my best friend!" The Ninth Princess replied.

An Lanxiu!

Ye Xuan understood.Needless to say, An Lanxiu must have told the nine princesses in front of him about the jade pendant given to him!

Soon, under the leadership of the nine princesses, the two came to a dense forest clearing.

Chairman Jiugong sat on the ground, she motioned Ye Xuan to sit down too, Ye Xuan did not twist, and sat directly on the ground.

The nine princesses took a branch and drew a circle on the ground, "This cave mansion is left by the sword master of the blue world. As for who the sword master of the blue world is, I won\'t introduce more. Anyway, it is one that was amazing. Characters in the entire Qingcang world. This cave mansion was not left by him at his peak, but from his early years, but even so, its value is immeasurable. And this time, it is those who participated in the development of this cave mansion. Big boss, as well as various countries and some mountain sect forces."

Speaking of this, she paused slightly and glanced at Ye Xuan, "No power can swallow this cave mansion alone. So, in order not to have a big dispute, some qualification orders were issued on it to allow the younger generations under the various powers to search for it. Opportunity. In general, this time, not only Jiang’s people, but also geniuses from other countries, and some sect disciples, this time, you will meet the pride of heaven besides Jiang. ."

Ye Xuan suddenly asked, "Is anyone from Cangmu Academy also here?"

The Ninth Princess glanced at Ye Xuan, "Yes, but I don\'t know who will be here this time."

Ye Xuan nodded and didn\'t say anything, anyway, when the time comes, he will have a fight!

As if knowing what Ye Xuan was thinking, the nine princesses glanced at him, "Remember, you are here to find chance this time, not to fight and kill."

Ye Xuan chuckled, "I wouldn\'t take the initiative to fight with them. I\'m afraid they will come and fight me when they see me. You also know the affairs between Canglan College and Cangmu College!"

The Ninth Princess nodded, "Let\'s talk about it then!"

Speaking of this, she seemed to think of something and suddenly raised her head to look at Ye Xuan, "If I remember correctly, you are Jian Xiu?"

Ye Xuan nodded.

The nine princesses were silent for a moment, and then said: "Don\'t easily expose your sword repair identity later."

"Why?" Ye Xuan was puzzled.

The nine princesses said in a deep voice, "This is the cave mansion of the sword master of the blue world. The sword master of the blue world is the sword repairer. When the sword repairer comes here, he must have some advantages. If you reveal your identity as a sword repairer, you are likely to be targeted."

As she said, she glanced at the right side, "After entering, chances are not for hunting, but for grabbing, whoever grabs it!"

Ye Xuan: "..."

At this time, the nine princesses took out two green pills, and she flicked her fingers, and one of them flew in front of Ye Xuan, "Drug avoidance pills, just in case!"

Ye Xuan nodded and ate directly.

The nine princesses did not hesitate to see that Ye Xuan was eating, she glanced at Ye Xuan, "Trust me so?"

Ye Xuan whispered: "I trust her!"

An Lanxiu!

Since An Lanxiu is the best friend of the nine princesses in front of him, there is no doubt that the person in front of him is absolutely trustworthy!

The Ninth Princess glanced at Ye Xuan, "Do you like her?"

Ye Xuan: "..."

The nine princesses retracted their gazes, and then swallowed their anti-drug pill, "Go hard!"

Ye Xuan was about to speak, and at this moment, a footstep suddenly came not far away, and Ye Xuan and the nine princesses turned to look at the source of the footsteps.

The one who came was a man in his twenties with a burly figure and a beard on his face.

Seeing the visitor, Ye Xuan frowned, because the person in front of him was wearing Tang Dynasty costumes.

When seeing Ye Xuan and the nine princesses, the burly man was also slightly shocked. Obviously, he also came here by accident.He was about to leave, and at this moment, he suddenly looked at the nine princesses not far away, his eyes narrowed slightly, "Jiang Country!"

The nine princesses retracted their eyes and leaned against a tree.

The burly man looked at the nine princesses, his mouth suddenly lifted up, his smile was a little obscene, "I like sleeping Jiang Guo women, making it comfortable. You..."

At this moment, Ye Xuan, who was originally sitting on the ground, suddenly jumped off. The next moment, his whole body was like a cheetah, rushing directly in front of the burly man, whose face changed drastically!

It was too late to escape, and the burly man could only rush out with a hasty punch!

At this time, Ye Xuan also blasted out with a punch.

Fist collapsed!

This punch is not only mixed with fighting spirit, but also a punch!

Two punches collided!



The burly man was thrown away, and at the same time, his whole arm was directly broken into a weird shape!

Ye Xuan punched the burly man and immediately rushed over...

After a breath, Ye Xuan brought the burly man who was wailing and came to the Ninth Princess. He kicked the burly man, "Apologize!"

The Ninth Princess glanced at Ye Xuan, "Apologize for what?"

The next moment, she suddenly pulled out the golden knife from her waist and pointed it at the burly man\'s throat.


The head of the burly man is directly separated from the neck!

The nine princesses put away the golden knife, she carried the bloody head, and then glanced at Ye Xuan, "You are not ruthless enough, learn a little! He should have a companion, go, I will take you to kill!"

Ye Xuan: "......"
