One Sword Reigns Supreme

494 The fairy in the sword Chapter 494: Are you here?, the fastest update to the latest chapter of Yijian Dozun!Fifth floor!

Ye Xuan\'s eyelids twitched, is this guy coming out?

In the field, everyone\'s eyes fell on Ye Xuan.

The star master in the sky also looked at Ye Xuan, and whispered softly: "It seems that you still have something to do!"

Ye Xuan sneered, "I advise you to kneel down and beg for mercy now! Otherwise, you will die with no place to bury you later!"

The star master shook his head and chuckled softly, "There is no place to bury you? You told the biggest joke in the history of this star field!"

As he said, he looked at Ye Xuan\'s abdomen, "Let him come out!"

come out!

Everyone is looking at Ye Xuan!

Under everyone\'s gaze, an illusory small tower suddenly appeared between Ye Xuan\'s eyebrows. As the illusory small tower appeared, a man walked out of it.

The man looks like he is only in his thirties, with long hair and shawl, and there is a small "di" between his brows.

His sleeves are wide, his hands are hidden in the sleeves, his feet are barefoot, and a black shackle is locked.

Everyone is looking at the man!

The second-floor god who appeared beside Ye Xuan was also looking at Ye Xuan, her eyes were solemn, extremely solemn.

The man raised his head to look at the starry sky, his eyes closed slightly, and he said greedily: "The fresh turns out to be so beautiful! Sure enough, there is nothing to lose and I will never cherish it!"

In the starry sky, the star owner looked down at the man, "Who are you!"


The man opened his eyes to look at the star master, and smiled: "Who?"

As he said, the smile on his face gradually expanded, and at the end, he laughed, but there was a trace of desolation in the laugh!

Ye Xuan looked at the man who was laughing in the distance, and asked the god on the second floor softly, "Is it amazing?"

The great god on the second floor whispered: "Did you see the pair of handcuffs on his feet? That was what this tower did in the past...being able to make this broken tower do this has proven how powerful he is.

Ye Xuan nodded slightly.

Now he hopes that this man and the star master will suffer both losses. This is undoubtedly the best thing for him.

The man and the star master in front of him are too strong and too strong!

In the distance, the man walked slowly towards the starry sky, "You ask who I am? I will tell you that I am Emperor Xing."

Emperor Xing?

The star master frowned slightly, "I have never heard of it!"

Di Xing smiled and said: "How could you have heard of you so weak?"

In the starry sky, the star lord narrowed his eyes slightly, "You are the most arrogant person the lord has ever seen. I hope your strength is worthy of your arrogance!"

When the sound fell, he suddenly pointed downwards. At this point, a ray of cold light shot down from the starry sky. This wisp of cold light was like a meteor, silent and without any power fluctuations!

When seeing this ray of cold light, Wei Yangtian and others\' faces became solemn.

Even the great god on the second floor has a hint of surprise in his eyes, "Beyond the world..."

Ye Xuan asked quickly, "What do you mean?"

The great god on the second floor said in a deep voice: "This star master has touched the threshold of Dao. His power has surpassed this world. All the limitations of this world will not be effective for him. In this case, it is for people in this world. In terms of speaking, he is like a god, because he is outside the law and is not restricted by any law in this world."

Ye Xuan raised his head to look at Emperor Xing in the starry sky. At this moment, the wisp of cold light had come to Emperor Xing\'s head.

Under everyone\'s gaze, Emperor Xing lightly waved his right hand.

With this wave, that strand of cold light was like a puff of blue smoke, drifting away in the wind.

Seeing this scene, the star master in the starry sky suddenly narrowed his eyes, and there was a slight dignity deep in his eyes.

As soon as the expert made a move, he knew if there was any. He knew that he somewhat underestimated the Emperor Xing before him.

Below, Di Xing

He looked up at the star master and shook his head, "Really low-level..."

The voice fell, and he stomped lightly with his right foot.

Very peaceful!

But the next moment, everyone\'s expressions in the field changed drastically, because in the starry sky, countless people\'s bodies suddenly began to become illusory. It can be said that except for the star master, everyone around him began to illusion!

Seeing this scene, everyone in the field was dumbfounded!

Including the star master!

Soon, countless screams resounded, and many strong men fled towards the depths of the starry sky like crazy...

After a few breaths, the starry sky had become empty, and only the star master remained.

At this time, Di Xing had already walked to the star master.

The star master stared at Emperor Xing, "Who are you!"

Di Xing smiled and said: "A person who is forgotten by history."

The star master took a step forward, and he caught Di Xing from the sky. With this catch, the space around Di Xing was directly broken and annihilated at an extremely fast speed!

In the eyes of everyone, only the space around Di Xing was burning.

In this way, it lasted for an unknown amount of time, the fire slowly dissipated, but Di Xing was still there, and nothing happened!

Seeing this scene, the star master in the starry sky shrank, "You...impossible!"

Emperor Xing closed his eyes slowly, "Weak, you are too weak!"

As he said, he glanced around and whispered, "This star field... is too weak and too weak!"

The star master stared at Di Xing, "Who are you!"

Di Xing smiled and said: "Di Xing!"

The star master said grimly: "I have never heard of it!"

Emperor Xing chuckled, "Then you go to die!"

The voice fell, and the other person suddenly disappeared, but the next moment, he had returned to the place, but at this moment, he was holding a bloody head in his hand!

It is the head of the star master!

Everyone in the field was stunned!

Is this a spike?

Ye Xuan was also stunned, such a powerful star master was killed in seconds?

Beside Ye Xuan, the great god on the second floor whispered, "Do you understand now? The strong outside and the strong inside are not of the same level..."

Ye Xuan: "..."

In the starry sky, Di Xing glanced at the head in his hand, shook his head, and squeezed gently.


That head directly turned into nothingness.

Di Xing looked into the depths of the starry sky, "Does the main body come over?"


This star lord is not the body, but the clone!

There was no response in the depths of the distant starry sky.

Di Xing shook his head, "It\'s boring."

With that, he turned to look at Ye Xuan and others below, and to be precise, his eyes fell on Ye Xuan.

In an instant, Di Xing appeared in front of Ye Xuan.

Ye Xuan was silent.

Emperor Xing looked at Ye Xuan, "This tower has trapped me for 67,000, 67,000 years! Do you know what it feels like?"

Ye Xuan thought for a while, then said: "It\'s quite uncomfortable, but it doesn\'t seem to have much to do with me, right?"

Di Xing looked at Ye Xuan, "You are the tower master!"

Ye Xuan said, "I am not the one who traps you. If you want revenge, you should go to the original owner of this tower."

Di Xing shook his head, "Can\'t beat it!"

Ye Xuan: "..."

Emperor Xing looked at Ye Xuan, "This emperor doesn\'t want to waste time. Just ask, can the owner of the sword on the top of the tower come?"

The owner of the tower?

Ye Xuan was silent.

Are there women in plain skirts?

He didn\'t know it himself.

And if the woman in the plain skirt does not appear, he will be dead now!

Thinking of this, Ye Xuan suddenly urged the world prison tower, however, as soon as the world prison tower appeared, he returned directly to his body.

Ye Xuan looked at Di Xing, and Di Xing shook his head, "Want to fight to death? No, you are too weak! Not right, you should say that you are too young."

The voice fell, and his right hand gently pressed towards Ye Xuan.

With this pressure, Ye Xuan\'s face changed drastically, at this moment, he really felt the breath of death!

He feels his body is about to break!

At this moment, the great god on the second floor pulled Ye Xuan behind her, and she patted Di Xing with one claw.

Emperor Xing shook his head and waved casually.


The great god on the second floor flew out in an instant, and wherever he passed along the way, the space was directly annihilated and turned into pitch black. Moreover, the laws of this world could not repair the space!

Emperor Xing\'s hand fell towards Ye Xuan, Wei Yangtian suddenly appeared in front of Ye Xuan, Emperor Xing shook his head, "Ants..."

The sound fell, and he punched!

Wei Yangtian\'s face changed drastically, and his arms slammed forward.


Wei Yangtian flew out in an instant, thousands of feet away, as soon as Wei Yangtian stopped, her arms shattered into nothingness!

Emperor Xing glanced at Wei Yangtian and said softly, "You can barely kill me in one blow, but unfortunately, in the eyes of the Emperor, it is still an ant!"

As he said, he looked at Ye Xuan, "I originally wanted to wait for the master of the sword on the top of the tower, but now it seems that the opponent will not appear."

Speaking of this, he shook his head, "Unfortunately, a little bit less fun."

After finishing speaking, he glanced at everyone in front of him and said softly, "You are really weak...The emperor comes out on the first day, so I will sacrifice you to the heavens!"

When the sound fell, he made a false move with both hands. In an instant, the entire Weiyang star field began to tremble violently, and countless places began to break into pieces!

To destroy the entire Weiyang star field!

Seeing this scene, the face of the painter not far away changed, her figure trembled, and she rushed towards Di Xing. However, before she was close to Di Xing, the whole person was directly shaken by a powerful force.

Even the humpbacked old man of the Moke tribe is still the same!

At this moment, in front of Emperor Xing, Ye Xuan suddenly drew his sword and slashed.

Soul Sword!

One sword sets the soul!

When the sword fell, Na Di Xing stopped suddenly, however, he had nothing to do, because his two fingers clamped the Soul Suppression Sword!

Ye Xuan was full of disbelief, "Your soul..."

Emperor Xing whispered: "The sword is barely possible, and the sword skill is good...Unfortunately, you are too weak. The emperor\'s soul is already immortal. Is it possible to divide the soul by breaking the sword?"

The sound fell, and his fingers shook slightly.


The soul calming sword burst into pieces, turning into countless pieces and slowly falling from the air.

At this time, a faint voice sounded from Ye Xuan\'s brain, "Little lord...Actually, you are very good. Little soul has no regrets following the lord... take care..."

Ye Xuan petrified in situ.

Emperor Xing chuckled, "Desperate? This emperor likes to look at your desperate look!"

The voice fell, he was about to make a move, and at this moment--


A sword sound suddenly resounded from Ye Xuan\'s body!

A sword flew out from the top of the tower suddenly, the sword rose into the sky, straight into the starry sky, and then steadily fell into a hand.

Everyone raised their heads and looked into the air. There stood a sword repairman wearing a cloud-white robe.

Di Xing turned to look at Jian Xiu, chuckles, "Are you here? I hope you are not too weak!"


PS: I want to prostitute!Tickets!Ask for a prostitute!