One Sword Reigns Supreme

490 Sword Immortal Chapter 490: Fight to the last person!, the fastest update to the latest chapter of Yijian Dozun!As soon as Tianzun\'s voice fell, hundreds of feet away on the right, among the group of mercenaries, two sword lights flew past.

Very fast!

Two of the holy realm experts flew out without reacting their heads!

And at almost the same moment, more than a dozen feet away from the right, two heads flew up again!

Seeing this scene, that Tianzun\'s face changed drastically and he was about to make a move, but Wei Yangtian in front of him suddenly made a move.


As a blast sounded, Tianzun\'s whole person instantly retreated a hundred feet away!

And when he stopped, more than a dozen people in that group of mercenaries had died!

All were killed in seconds!

Moreover, some people continue to die!

Tianzun turned his head and looked into the starry sky, "Shoot!"

The sound fell, and an afterimage burst down from the sky.

Secretly below, Ye Xuan, who was about to shoot, frowned slightly. The next moment, he retreated directly. As soon as he retreated, the space he was originally in suddenly burst open!

Ye Xuan looked at the opposite, where a man in black appeared, holding a dagger in his hand.

And he could feel that the man in black was looking at him!

The other party can find themselves!

At this moment, the man in black suddenly disappeared, and Ye Xuan was about to make a move. At this moment, Mo Xie suddenly appeared in front of him. The next moment, Mo Xie blasted forward!


The black man went straight back to his original position!

Mo Xie said: "You continue, he and I will deal with it!"

The voice fell, and he stomped lightly with his right foot.


The space trembled slightly, and his whole person disappeared in place!

In the distance, the black-clothed man held the dagger tightly in his right hand, his body gradually became illusory, and in the next moment, afterimages swept towards Moxie from all directions!

Seeing this scene, Mo Xie\'s eyes narrowed slightly, and the next moment, he slapped a palm in front of him.


The space within a hundred meters of surroundings suddenly trembled violently. Then, a powerful force shook all around with Mo Xie as the center. At the same time, a black shadow retreated violently under the pressure of this force. !

It is the man in black!

The black-clothed man suddenly stamped his right foot and stopped with the help of space. However, as soon as he stopped, two swords appeared silently——

Chi Chi!

The head of the man in black was directly pierced by these two swords!

Splashing blood!

Mo Xie turned his head and glanced around, but did not find Ye Xuan.

But at this moment, among the mercenary group on the right, screams kept ringing!


The group of mercenaries who fought against Mr. Bai and the others were terrified at the moment, because they didn\'t find who was secretly making the shot. Those two flying swords were really amazing!

There is nowhere to hide!

Soon, this group of mercenaries retreated more and more battles. At this moment, they not only have to face the strong like Mr. Bai, but also guard against those who shoot secretly, especially those who shoot secretly, which consumes too much of their mind!

Many people are already thinking about retreat!

At this moment, the other side was fought against Wei Yangtian, and suddenly raised his head to look into the depths of the starry sky, and roared, "Don\'t make a move yet?"

In the starry sky, an old man in purple robe looked down, and the old man in purple robe was expressionless, and behind him was an army of black crushing!

After a while, the purple-robed old man whispered: "Kill!"

The sound fell, and countless troops swooped down from the stars.

Among these forces, there are

There are strong humans, there are monsters, and some great monsters of the sea clan!

In terms of number, it is several times that of the Moke tribe and Weiyang star field!

After this rush, the sky below was darkened in an instant!

In the air below, Mo Xie raised his head to look at the black and crushed piece, and he whispered: "Everyone of the Moke clan listens to the order and fights to the last!"

When the sound fell, he jumped directly onto the evil unicorn. The next moment, he rode the evil unicorn up into the sky!

Behind him, there are countless Moke powerhouses!


Countless roars hit the sky, shaking the sky!

On the other side, Xue Baiyi held a spear and looked at the sky. The next moment, his spear pointed directly at the sky, "War!"

When the voice fell, Xue Baiyi and Zhou Shengsheng rose into the sky, and behind them, countless Weiyang star domain experts followed closely!


Everyone, without the slightest timidity!

Only fight!

In the starry sky, the purple-robed old man looked down, and in the group of mercenaries, there were still strong men who were constantly being killed in seconds.

The purple-robed old man turned his head and looked at his side, "Maybe to contain him?"

The voice fell, and three old men appeared beside the purple-robed old man, all of them wearing gray robes and holding black staffs.

Different mage!

The three of them stared at the bottom, and after a while, the alien mage headed among them whispered, "Give us some time!"

The purple-robed old man nodded.

Soon, three different magicians taught silent spells. Gradually, the space around them began to vibrate. At the same time, three mysterious powers spread downward along these spaces!

The purple-robed old man looked down, his eyes kept searching for one person, that is the painter!

And this painter, he has never seen it!

This painter is as scary as Wei Yangtian!

After a moment of silence, the purple-robed old man suddenly said: "Shoot!"

The voice fell, and six strong men appeared behind him. These six people were very different from human beings, and they were much taller than human beings.

Demon Lord!

The six are all strong in the good fortune realm, and they are also the peak of good fortune realm!

The next moment, the six rushed directly down!

Below, Wei Yangtian suddenly raised her head and looked into the air. When she saw the six people, she frowned slightly. Who will stop them?

At this moment, a woman appeared in front of the six people.


The painter looked at the six people coldly, and the six rushed towards the painter!

Six to one!

In the starry sky, seeing the painter appear, the purple-robed old man feels relieved, as long as the other person appears!He turned his head to look at the three different wizards. At this moment, the leading alien suddenly made a mark below, "Void forbidden law, now!"

When the sound fell, the space below suddenly trembled violently, and Ye Xuan\'s face suddenly changed drastically in the dark. He quickly retreated, and the space he retreated suddenly burned. After a while, Ye Xuan stopped, and at this moment the space above his head Above, there was a black flame suspended above his head.

At this moment, although he is still in the space, the flame follows him like that!

Now he is no different from not hiding!

Ye Xuan raised his head, in the air, three different magicians were watching him!

Beside the three different wizards, the purple-robed old man suddenly said, "Kill him!"

The headed alien master took out a black mirror, and he began to meditate silently, "Heaven and Earth Profound Method, Recreation of Universe: Forbidden!"

With that said, he did not point to Ye Xuan just one point.

Below, the space around Ye Xuan suddenly solidified, and then searched layer by layer.

See this

In one scene, the face of the purple-robed old man changed, "Don\'t use space techniques!"

As soon as his voice fell, the space around Ye Xuan below had returned to normal.

Seeing this scene, the three of them frowned. They looked at the purple-robed old man, and the purple-robed old man said solemnly, "The space technique is invalid for this guy, change the secret technique!"

The headed old man nodded, and he looked at Ye Xuan. Soon, his hands made a false move. In an instant, the space around Ye Xuan began to become hot!

In the starry sky, the different magician pinched the seal with both hands, and muttered silently, "Heaven and Earth Profound Technique, Four Image Secret Technique: Fen Jue!"

The sound fell, and below, the space around Ye Xuan suddenly burned!

Ye Xuan cut out with a sword.


A sword light flashed across the field, however, this sword light was directly burned by the flame, and at the same time, Ye Xuan found that his body seemed to be burning.

Ye Xuan frowned slightly, these old men had two troubles!Not careless, the sword in his hand became the sword of Moko, and the next moment, a powerful force gathered towards his body like a tide!

The power of Moko!

After a while, Ye Xuan suddenly disappeared in place with a sword!


A ray of sword light flashed across the field, and the sword light passed by, tearing everything apart, even the flames were torn apart by him!

After rushing out of those flames, Ye Xuan did not deal with the three different wizards, because he knew that dealing with the current distance from him, he could not get close to deal with, and there was a purple-robed old man next to him, so he was very Clearly, you can\'t get close to these three different magicians at all!And what he has to do now is to help Agui and others solve those holy realm knights!

Because Agui and others have been retreating steadily!

Seeing Ye Xuan rushing towards the holy realm knights, the purple-robed old man\'s face in the starry sky changed, his figure trembled, and he shuttled directly to Ye Xuan. Then, he suddenly grabbed Ye Xuan with a palm.

Grasping this palm, Ye Xuan suddenly felt a powerful force enveloped him, and he was a little breathless from this force!

Facing the purple-robed old man, Ye Xuan naturally didn\'t dare to be careless. Right now he slammed the sword forward with both hands.

With one sword, two sword intents are blessed!


With this sword cut, Ye Xuan\'s whole body flew out in an instant, but the purple-robed old man in front of him also retreated ten feet!

The purple-robed old man glanced at his right hand. At this moment, his right arm was split, like a spider web!

The purple-robed old man\'s face sank, he looked at Ye Xuan, with a dignified look in his eyes, "What kind of evil are you!"

At this moment, he was horrified, because he did not expect that he would be hurt by a junior!

Ye Xuan\'s sword just now almost destroyed his entire arm!

And Ye Xuan, not even the Holy Realm!

Too enchanting!

The purple-robed old man looked at Ye Xuan, his eyes gradually became cold, and he made no secret of killing intent!

In the distance, Ye Xuan felt the murderous intent of the purple-robed old man. He slowly shook the Moko sword with his right hand. Facing this purple-robed old man, he didn\'t dare to be careless. One carelessness could lead to death!

At this moment, the purple-robed old man suddenly disappeared. In the distance, Ye Xuan frowned slightly. The next moment, he strode forward, slamming his sword from top to bottom in both hands!


With this sword cut, Ye Xuan instantly felt a powerful force spread to his body, and immediately afterwards, his whole body flew out.

But the purple-robed old man didn\'t care about his completely split arm. He rushed forward and blasted Ye Xuan with a punch.

If this punch is hit, Ye Xuan must become a mess!
