One Sword Reigns Supreme

487 The Immortal of the Sword Chapter 487: Good and evil are determined by the heart!, the fastest update to the latest chapter of Yijian Dozun!After a while, Ye Xuan leaned against the wall. At this moment, he was speechless!

What temper is this second-floor god!

It\'s really inhumane to shoot at every turn!

The great god on the second floor looked at Ye Xuan, "You have to understand that this world prison tower may not really surrender you."

Ye Xuan looked at the great god on the second floor.

The great god on the second floor said softly: "The reason why it recognizes you as the master is most likely because of the women in the plain skirts. The women in the plain skirts can suppress these existences, and it should also be afraid of the women in the plain skirts and surrender. You can get it to be recognized and supported by women in plain skirts."

Ye Xuan smiled bitterly, "This feeling is very uncomfortable!"

The great god on the second floor looked at Ye Xuan, "What\'s uncomfortable?"

Ye Xuan shook his head, "For a long time, I thought it was just because of me!"

Great God Road on the second floor: "Actually, this is also possible."

After that, she looked at Ye Xuan, "These are not important. The important thing is that you have to understand one thing, it is stronger than you, much stronger!"

Ye Xuan nodded, "I understand! However, I have no choice, am I?"

The god on the second floor was silent.

Does Ye Xuan have a choice?

In fact, he has no choice.

Choose not to use the prison tower?

The problem is that the prison tower himself found him, not that he actively chose the prison tower.

The great god on the second floor shook her head. At this moment, she suddenly felt a little at a loss, because in the future, it seemed that many things were already destined!

Ye Xuan stood up suddenly and smiled: "Actually, I should be grateful for it!"

The great god on the second floor looked at Ye Xuan, and Ye Xuan smiled and said: "Because it has brought me many benefits, such as the great god on the second floor, you, such as Space Dao Ze, Da Di Dao, and Jane... .. And you all helped me, and the sword that left... I can\'t just see the bad things, can I?"

The great god on the second floor nodded, "It\'s very good for you to have such a mentality."

Ye Xuan raised his head and looked at the fifth floor, "As for this fifth floor..."

As he said, he looked at the great god on the second floor, "If there is no help from the woman in the plain skirt, I have no chance of winning?"

The Great God on the second floor did not speak.

Ye Xuan asked again, "Why don\'t you take action on the fifth floor now?"

The Great God Road on the second floor: "It was because of the sword...but soon, the other party should make a move."

Speaking of this, she looked at Ye Xuan, "I can feel it for no more than five days at most."

Five days!

Ye Xuan nodded slightly, "I understand."

After speaking, he left the world prison tower.

After Ye Xuan left, the god on the second floor came to the fourth floor. She walked to the entrance to the fifth floor, "Can\'t talk?"

After a moment of silence, a footstep suddenly sounded in the fifth floor.

The face of the Great God on the second floor changed suddenly!

After a few breaths, a touch of blood slowly overflowed at the corner of the great god\'s mouth on the second floor.

At the same time, a chuckle sounded from the fifth floor, "Talk? Who is qualified to talk to me like an ant?"

The sound fell, and the footsteps began to walk towards the entrance.

At this moment, on the top of the tower, a sword suddenly flew down, and the next moment, the sword directly entered the fifth floor.


A sword sound resounded from the fifth floor.

After a while, the sword left the fifth floor and returned to the top of the tower.

In the fifth floor, a voice suddenly sounded, "The sword is good, I don\'t know how the owner of the sword..."

The Great God on the second floor looked at the fifth floor, "You should be able to see it!"

The fifth floor smiled and said: "The sword has left this tower before. I want to find its owner. I hope its owner will not be too weak. Otherwise, when I come out, I will have a lot less fun!"

The face of the god on the second floor sank!

This fifth floor is waiting for the owner of the sword!

Is this arrogance?arrogant?Still confident?

At this moment, she thought of Jian Zi


The woman that this Protoss can beat most!

And the strength of this woman, she had personally learned, however, the other party can only be locked in the fourth floor!

The strength of this fifth floor is definitely above Jane!

After a while, the great god on the second floor turned and left.


After Ye Xuan left the prison tower, he came to the mountain range where he had often practiced.

In the dense forest, Ye Xuan walked slowly!

In the dense forest, a light breeze is blowing, a little cool.

From Qingcheng to the present, he has experienced a lot and a lot of experience.

Now he is not naive and just wants to live a peaceful life.In this world, a peaceful life is undoubtedly a dead end.

Because maybe one day, the whole world will suddenly be destroyed!

Ye Xuan raised his head and looked towards the sky. At the moment, all he could see was a huge star network!


Tianhe Star Territory!

Fifth floor!

These people all want him to die!

Ye Xuan shook his head and smiled, before he knew it, he was in desperation again!

No, from Qingcheng to now, my situation has not been better!


Ye Xuan continued to walk forward. He found that he could no longer think about kendo martial arts. What he had to do now was to live well!

What if my sister is dead?What should I do?

Thinking of this, Ye Xuan\'s expression gradually turned a little sordid.


Live yourself!

Ye Xuan spread his right hand, and a sword appeared in his hand.

Fairy sword!

Ye Xuan held the sword obliquely to the ground, and two kinds of sword intent suddenly appeared around him.

One black and one white, one good and one evil!



He used to not particularly understand this good and evil, because the good and evil in the world are often left to the strong!

Winner takes all, loser for Kou!

The emperors of the world, as long as they lose, then they are Kou, and as long as the winner, no matter how evil he is, he can become good!

Good and evil are defined by fists!

But is this really the case?

This may be the case, but in his own opinion, good and evil are in the heart of the people, good is good, and bad is bad.

Good and evil are determined by the heart, not by others.

Protect your sister, protect your mother, fight for yourself, fight for this Weiyang star field, this is goodness!

After reading this, in front of Ye Xuan, that kind of sword intent suddenly turned into a sword light and rose into the sky. In the void, this sword intent turned into a sword light and hovered continuously.

On the Great Wall of Burying Heaven, Wei Yangtian looked up at the sword intent above the mountains, not knowing what he was thinking.

Beside her, is Mr. Bai.

Mr. Bai whispered: "His sword intent?"

Wei Yangtian nodded.

Mr. Bai pondered slightly, and then said: "I underestimated him!"

Wei Yangtian looked at the sky in the distance, and in her mind, was the scene...the scene that has been lingering!


In the dense forest, the sword intent in the air turned into a pure white sword and flew back in front of Ye Xuan. It was so quietly suspended in front of Ye Xuan!

Ye Xuan was silent.


The kindness of a woman in a plain skirt can be thought of thousands of waters and mountains, but of vicissitudes of life, because she is powerful, and can determine the life and death of all things in a single thought.

The good and evil of a woman in a plain skirt are detached from themselves, detached from the road.

But I can\'t do this far, and there is no need to learn from women in plain skirts.

Your own kindness is to live well, protect your sister, protect your mother, and protect everything you want to protect!

It\'s that simple!

After reading this, Ye Xuan stretched out his left hand to hold it

With a pure white sword, the sword trembled slightly, and suddenly disappeared, but the next moment, the sword appeared hundreds of feet away in the distance!

It\'s not a space shuttle, but wherever his good thoughts come, wherever the sword comes!

The sword of good thoughts is born from the heart, condensed by thoughts, not controlled by space, not trapped by heaven and earth!

So what is evil again?

Killing is evil?

What about the killer?

Whether it is good or evil, it is determined by oneself.

Those who shouldn\'t be killed, don\'t kill, those who should be killed must be killed, and they must be killed fiercely!

Concentration of good and evil, clear thoughts, self-satisfaction!

In front of Ye Xuan, two swords flew out suddenly. This is a sword condensed by the thoughts of good and evil. Unlike the Qi sword, they are not suppressed by space and can appear wherever he wants to appear. Compared with the Qi sword, it is more. Unpredictable!

Two swords represent his kendo!

At this moment, the two swords suddenly came back in front of him, Ye Xuan took out the Moko sword, and the next moment the two swords turned into one black and one hundred sword lights and plunged into the Moko sword.

Ye Xuan held the Mo Ke Sword in his hand, and the endless Mo Ke power entered his body. About half an hour later, a smile appeared on the corner of Ye Xuan\'s mouth!

After the two sword intents of good and evil were suppressed, the killing thought could no longer affect him in the slightest!

Not only that, even Moko\'s power can be suppressed by his sword intent!

Thoughts of good and evil can be suppressed!

It was not over yet, Ye Xuan sat down, waved his right hand, and the nine-handed holy sword appeared in front of him!

The next moment, he picked up a sword and inserted it into his abdomen, and began to frantically absorb the energy of these swords!


Become stronger!

This is his immediate goal!

As Ye Xuan swallowed one sword after another, the aura emanating from him was getting stronger and stronger...


The painter came to a mountain, this mountain stands tall among the clouds, above the clouds, cranes fly by from time to time, like a fairyland.

The painter walked to a large hall. At this time, a white-haired woman appeared in front of the painter. The white-haired woman glanced at the painter, "What are you doing?"

The painter smiled slightly, "Senior Sister, I..."

The white-haired woman shook her head, "From the moment you left Xuanmen, you and I are no longer sisters!"

The painter smiled and said: "Sister, you know me best since I was a child, you know, I don\'t have any idea about the position of the head of the mysterious door, letting me be the head of the door is like killing me!"

The white-haired woman looked directly at the painter, "Do you want to be the master, or do you want to fight with me?"

The painter whispered: "In my heart, you will always be the elder sister who took care of me since childhood. No matter what it is, it is not as important as you!"

The white-haired woman looked at the painter, and after a while, her eyes became a little complicated, "You are the most outstanding genius of my profound sect. If you are the master of the sect, the Xuanmen will definitely be able to prosper!"

The painter shook his head, "I\'m too lazy! I don\'t like these trivial things, I will do it, the Xuanmen will only be a mess! With you, the Xuanmen will become better! In fact, the Xuanmen will be better than before! "

The white-haired woman whispered: "Are you complimenting me?"

The painter smiled and said, "Sister, this time I\'m here to ask you for help!"

The white-haired woman asked, "Weiyang Star Field?"

The painter nodded.

The white-haired woman was silent.

The painter asked, "How?"

The white-haired woman opened her palms, and a sword was in her hand.

Seeing this sword, the painter\'s face suddenly sank, "They..."

The white-haired woman looked up to the sky and whispered: "Nine star regions, twelve holy mercenaries, 26 different mages, 72 holy knights...Who can stop this? ?"

With that, she looked at the painter, "Leave Weiyang Star Territory."

The painter was silent.


PS: The hope in this life is that if Jianyu can make animations.However, it is difficult.I heard that making animation is more expensive than TV drama.