One Sword Reigns Supreme

485 The fairy in the sword Chapter 485: Mo Ke a sword!, the fastest update to the latest chapter of Yijian Dozun!After Mo Xie left the hall, he came to a mountain top. He sat cross-legged on the ground, slowly closing his eyes, and placing his hands on his legs.

At this moment, his mind is full of pictures of previous battles.

After this battle, he also discovered a lot of his own shortcomings, besides, there are many insights!

Especially the battle with Ye Xuan has benefited a lot!


In the following time, the people of the Moke tribe and the Weiyang Star Territory were healing their wounds.

Because everyone knows that Alien and Tianhe Star Region will make a comeback!And when the strong from the foreign land and the Tianhe Star Region come back to Japan, it is time for a decisive battle.

In the stone house, Ye Xuan sat on the ground, in front of him, was the Moke sword!

After offending Xiao Ling\'er, this sword was chased by Xiao Ling\'er. Ye Xuan saw that Xiao Ling\'er didn\'t seem to lose his breath, so he brought it out.

Mo Ke Sword!

Looking at the sword in front of him, Ye Xuan was silent.

The power of Moko!

This kind of power, he has felt before, a very powerful power, that feeling, it is really cool!

However, this force has always wanted to enslave him!

This is a double-edged sword!

At this time, Xiaohun\'s voice sounded from Ye Xuan\'s brain, "Little Lord, this sword is not simple."

Ye Xuan asked quickly, "How is it not easy?"

The little soul said: "This sword comes with a source of strength, and it seems to be infinite. This kind of sword is extremely rare. Besides, the pair of eyes on this sword is even more weird."

Ye Xuan asked, "Weird? What do you mean?"

The little soul said: "I don\'t know, it feels weird to me. This sword should also be at the level of good fortune, and it is innate."

Ye Xuan said solemnly: "The artifacts of the good fortune realm are also divided into innate and nurture?"

Little soul said: "Yes, there are three kinds of good fortune realm. The first kind is the acquired good fortune realm, which is made by man and has limited power; the second is innate, this kind of good fortune treasure is not made by man, or Say, it is there, but there are certain human actions in the later period. For example, I, I have absorbed the soul of the Underworld for tens of thousands of years, and condensed my soul with the soul. Finally, the old master shaped my body."

Ye Xuan nodded slightly, "Understood! This Moke sword is also like this, right?"

The little soul said: "Almost."

Ye Xuan asked again, "What about the third one?"

The little soul said in a deep voice: "Artificial."

Ye Xuan was stunned.

Xiaohun explained: "Some man-made treasures in the good fortune realm are more powerful than the natural treasures that exist in the good fortune realm. When people reach a certain level, they can indeed go against the sky."

Ye Xuan looked at the Mo Ke sword in front of him, and had to say that both the sword in front of him and the soul calming sword were a bit against the sky.The biggest problem is that this sword is a little different from the little soul sword. The little soul takes the initiative to recognize him as the master, and this sword does not mean to recognize him as the master. Not only does it not mean to recognize him as the master, but instead wants To enslave him!

A very thoughtful sword!

After a while, Ye Xuan put away the Mo Ke sword, and then left the stone house.

Ye Xuan came to the valley where the Moke clan was. As soon as he arrived, a young man appeared in front of him.

The person here is Zuo Qing!

Zuo Qing glanced at Ye Xuan and smiled, "Brother Ye, is something wrong?"

Ye Xuan nodded, "I want to see him!"

Zuo Qing naturally knew who Ye Xuan was talking about, and immediately nodded, "Follow me!"

Soon, Ye Xuan followed Zuo Qing to the top of a mountain. When he saw Ye Xuan, Mo Xie who had been meditating got up. He walked up to Ye Xuan. Ye Xuan smiled slightly, then spread his right hand and Mo Ke Jian appeared. In his hands, he then handed the sword to Mo Xie.

Mo Xie looked at Ye Xuan, "Brother Ye..."

Ye Xuan smiled and said, "Return to the original owner!"

Ye Xuan is not a bandit, no

It was his own thing, he would never want it, especially, it was lent to him.

Shameless, there must be a bottom line!

Mo Xie stretched out his hand to hold the sword. After a while, he handed the sword to Ye Xuan again. Ye Xuan was puzzled, "This?"

Mo Xie said: "This sword will only be buried in my Moke clan. Only in your hands can it shine."

Ye Xuan said solemnly: "This is a treasure of the good fortune realm!"

Mo Xie smiled and said, "I know!"

As he said, he looked at Ye Xuan, "Next, the Moke clan will join forces with Weiyang Star Territory, and whether we can survive is one thing."

Speaking of this, he turned his head to look towards the sky, and whispered: "The grievances between the Moke tribe and the Weiyang Star Territory..."

As he said, he shook his head, "If it can\'t stand this time, none of this will make any sense."

Ye Xuan nodded, "Brother Mo, I don\'t understand why this foreign land and the Tianhe Star Territory want to destroy the Moke Clan and the Weiyang Star Territory? To grab territory?"

Mo Xie said softly: "Almost!"

As he said, he looked towards the sky, "There are many star regions around, Tianhe star region, foreign land, Weiyang star region, Lingxu star region... And now, only the Lingxu star region and Weiyang can survive. Star Territory. The Lingxu Star Territory is the farthest away from us, and there is turbulent space around it. There is no teleportation formation there. Moreover, the Lingxu Star Palace is powerful, so Weiyang Star Territory is the best choice for everyone!"

Ye Xuan said solemnly: "Can\'t survive? Is the aura disappear?"

Mo Xie nodded, "Every world has auras. For example, the Weiyang star field has original auras. However, these auras are not endless. They will eventually disappear."

As he said, he turned his head to look at the Great Wall of Burial, and whispered softly: "The aura of Weiyang Star Territory can be maintained for about a hundred years."

Ye Xuan nodded, "Understood."

Speaking of this, he hesitated, and then said: "The Moke Clan comes to the Weiyang Star Territory, and it is completely possible to survive with the Weiyang Star Territory, right?"

Moxie smiled and said: "When I first came from the Moke Clan, I wanted to conquer the Weiyang Star Territory and monopolize the Weiyang Star Territory... and those forces in the Weiyang Star Territory would never allow outside powers to encroach on their interests... ...So the two sides have no talk at all, understand?"

Ye Xuan was silent.

At this time, Mo Xie looked at Ye Xuan, "If I am the master of the Moke tribe, I will lead the Moke tribe to survive in this star field, and everyone will live in peace, do you agree?"

Ye Xuan smiled bitterly, "You can be the master of the Moke clan, I can\'t be the master of the Weiyang Star Region!"

Mo Xie thought for a while, and then said, "Well, after this matter, I will talk about it again when the time comes. Come with me and take you to a place!"

After speaking, he turned and walked away.

Zuo Qing made a please gesture, and Ye Xuan nodded slightly and followed.

Soon, Mo Xie brought Ye Xuan to an underground cave. After walking for about half an hour, Mo Xie stopped. At this moment, not far in front of the three of them, there was a stone platform on it. , A middle-aged man sitting cross-legged, the middle-aged man with hair shawl, hands on knees, the whole person is not breathless.

Ye Xuan asked, "This is?"

Mo Xie whispered: "My ancestor of the Moko tribe, a master with swords, and the only master of the Moko tribe with swords. Since him, no one can control this Moko sword."

Ye Xuan said, "Bring me here?"

Mo Xie led Ye Xuan to the middle-aged man. Ye Xuan found that in front of the middle-aged man, there was a volume of ancient books. On the top of the ancient books, there were four characters: Mo Ke Yijian!

Mo Xie whispered: "This sword skill should not be buried here. Moreover, there is a way to control the power of Moko! It should be of great use to you."

As he said, he picked up the ancient book and handed it to Ye Xuan, "I\'ll give it to you."

Ye Xuan said solemnly: "I still don\'t understand."

Mo Xie smiled and said: "I don\'t understand why I gave you the sword, and this sword


Ye Xuan nodded.

Mo Xie whispered, "I am also the Moke clan."

Ye Xuan looked at Mo Xie, and Mo Xie smiled and said, "There is only one request. One day, Weiyang Star Territory, you call the shots. Let\'s sit down and talk. Don\'t fight and talk like undead people, okay?"

Ye Xuan thought for a while, then nodded, "Okay!"

Mo Xie nodded slightly, turned and left.

Zuo Qing glanced at Ye Xuan, then turned and left.

Ye Xuan looked at the ancient book in his hand and was silent.

From Mo Xie\'s words, he discovered that Mo Xie did not want to fight, and indeed, if he continued to fight, more people would die!

Of course, these are things to follow, because now, whether it is the Moke tribe or the Weiyang star field, everyone needs to face the foreign land and the Tianhe star field!

Whether it can survive is a question!

Ye Xuan retracted his thoughts, turned and left with the scroll.

On the top of the mountain, watching Ye Xuan disappear at the far end, the hunched old man behind Mo Xie whispered, "Is it worth it?"

Mo Xie smiled and said: "Ancestor, the Mo Ke sword in our hands will only make it dusty, right?"

The hunched old man said: "But that\'s ours too."

Mo Xie whispered, "We now have a common enemy."

The hunched old man asked, "What about after?"

Mo Xie said: "We may die!"

The hunched old man said: "It is also possible to live!"

Mo Xie was silent.

The humpbacked old man said again: "If you live, he may be your enemy, and if you don\'t have him, the younger generation of Weiyang Star Region will have no opponent for you. At that time, you will be the strongest of this younger generation of Star Region!"

Mo Xie smiled and said, "Ancestor, does this kind of strongest person make sense?"

The humpbacked old man looked at Mo Xie, and Mo Xie smiled and said, "If we all survive and I will fight him again in the end, I will do everything I can to kill him."

After speaking, he turned and left.

Humping looking at Mo Xie\'s back, a smile gradually appeared on his face, "I have this son of the Moke clan, how can I be unhappy?"

After speaking, he disappeared in place.


Ye Xuan returned to the Great Burial Wall, in the stone house, he looked at the Mo Ke sword in his hand, and after watching, Ye Xuan\'s expression gradually became serious.

Mo Ke a sword!

This Moko sword is to gather the power of Moko in the Moko sword, and then issue the strongest sword!


This sword was used by the ancestor of the Moke tribe without backlash, but when he used it, there would be backlash!

And it was a big backlash, because this backlash was controlled by the power of Moko and became a sword slave!

Before the ancestor of the Moko tribe, there were already no fewer than dozens of them who decided to be enslaved by this Moko power!

Inside the stone house, Ye Xuan thought for a while, and then took the Mo Ke Sword to the prison tower. The Mo Ke Sword began to tremble, seeming to be afraid of something.

Ye Xuan brought the Mo Ke sword to the top of the tower. At this moment, the Mo Ke sword began to tremble violently.

Ye Xuan glanced at the two swords in front of him, then said: "Moke sword, I have no other meaning, just want to tell you...I have nothing to do with the two swords in front of you, really, you want If they bite me back, they will definitely not hack you to death..."

Mo Ke Jian: "..."


PS: Ladies and gentlemen, are there any videos or paintings?I hope to make a short video of Jianyu, as well as character pictures.Not for nothing, the kind I give money.

I hope to find someone to draw a few pictures of Tianming, Xiaoyaozi, Yang Ye, Xiaobai, Erya, Axiu and others, and a few short videos. Are there any big guys who are good at this?

If yes, contact me. I really don’t want to be a prostitute. The cost is as much as I need. Of course, don’t cheat me... I am not particularly rich...