One Sword Reigns Supreme

480 Sword Immortal Chapter 480: Mo Ke Sword!, the fastest update to the latest chapter of Yijian Dozun!In front of Ye Xuan, the black robe old man stopped!

The black robe old man stared at Ye Xuan, to be precise, at the soul-suppressing sword in Ye Xuan\'s hand!

When he saw this sword, he frowned, "Good Fortune Realm artifact!"

Ye Xuan grinned, "Good eyesight!"

At this time, the black-robed old man said solemnly: "Impossible, even if it is a weapon of good fortune, it is impossible to kill him in seconds!"

Speaking of this, he looked at Ye Xuan, "You must have some hole cards!"

Ye Xuan\'s face changed slightly, and soon, he said angrily: "I don\'t have any cards, come here!"

The black-robed old man stared at Ye Xuan, "Do you think the old man will be deceived by you?"

Hearing this, Ye Xuan seemed to be angry into anger, and immediately rushed towards the black robe old man with his sword.

Seeing this scene, the black robe old man\'s face changed slightly, he did not choose to take a shot, but chose to step back a hundred feet, and distanced himself from Ye Xuan!

Seeing the black-robed old man retreating, Ye Xuan was about to chase him. At this moment, he seemed to think of something and stopped quickly. He almost forgot that he couldn\'t beat the opponent.

Opposite Ye Xuan, the black robe old man glanced at Ye Xuan, with a trace of alert in his eyes.

At this moment, the divine mage in the sky suddenly said angrily: "What are you waiting for? Kill him!"

The black-robed old man looked into the air. At this moment in the air, the Shenmage and others could hardly stop Wei Yangtian.Seeing this scene, the black robe old man\'s face sank, and he looked at Ye Xuan again, who was waving his soul-suppressing sword.

The black-robed old man slowly clenched his right hand. At this moment, Agui appeared beside Ye Xuan, and when he saw Agui, the black-robed old man\'s face suddenly sank.

Ye Xuan suddenly said: "Senior, take it!"

Hearing Ye Xuan\'s words, Agui was shocked, and the next moment, he carried his sickle and rushed out.

The black-robed old man squinted his eyes slightly, he did not choose to retreat, his figure trembled, and he blasted towards Agui with a punch.


With a punch, A Gui was shocked and retreated back and forth, and at almost the same time, a flying sword suddenly appeared in front of the black-robed old man.

This sudden flying sword made the black-robed old man\'s complexion change, and he crossed his arms forward.


Jianguang jumped to pieces, but in the next moment, several flying swords slashed towards him from all angles!

The black-robed old man looked grim, and he slapped his hands to both sides.


The surrounding space trembled violently, and Ye Xuan\'s flying swords were all annihilated, but as soon as the flying swords were annihilated, Agui appeared in front of the black-robed old man. At the same time, a blood-red sickle slashed directly at the black-robed old man\'s throat!

Perfect connection!

The black-robed old man couldn\'t dodge at all. He grabbed his hands and grabbed the sickle directly, but at this moment, a flying sword slashed directly on his head.


The black-robed old man retreated a hundred feet away. At the same time, his head was directly separated by this sword. However, he did not die, but his body became a little illusory!

Beside Agui, Ye Xuan said solemnly: "Not to die?"

A ghost said solemnly: "At this level, there are many ways to save lives."

Ye Xuan nodded slightly, "You fight melee, I attack far!"

Agui directly dissipated in place, and when he reappeared, he was already in front of the black-robed old man. The black-robed old man\'s eyes shrunk. Without hesitation, he turned and fled!

He knew very well that if he continued to fight, he would definitely die!

Especially Ye Xuan\'s Flying Sword, it was really disgusting!

The black-robed old man was extremely fast, he was about to return to the sky in the blink of an eye, but at this moment, an afterimage suddenly appeared on his head, and the next moment, a powerful force swept through the air.


The black robe old man\'s complexion changed drastically, and his hands suddenly pointed up.


The sky trembled violently, and the black-robed old man fell down.

And at this time, a ray of sword light flashed across the field——


This ray of sword light passed directly through the throat of the black-robed old man. The black-robed old man’s head flew out instantly, blood was like a pillar, and the soul of the black-robed man was about to flee, but a flying sword was faster, and instantly It penetrated his soul, and at the same time, this sword directly absorbed all his soul!

Ye Xuan made a move with his right hand, and the Soul Suppression Sword returned to his hand. He looked up and looked not far away. A man stood there!

This person is exactly Mo Xie, and it is him who shot the black robe old man just now!

At this moment, it seems that Mo Xie\'s injury has also recovered some!

Mo Xie looked at Ye Xuan, and after a moment of silence, he suddenly pointed at the six divine wizards in the sky void, "Support me!"

The sound fell, and his right foot stomped sharply.


Mo Xie soared into the sky and rushed directly towards the six gods and wizards!

Below, Ye Xuan\'s two fingers were gently brought together, and a Qi sword quietly gathered.

He and Moxie knew very well that although the Moke tribe and Weiyang Star Field had been fighting to the death before, at this moment, they had to join forces, because if they did not join forces, everyone would die!

In the air, the leading divine mage Yansheng saw Mo Xie rushing forward, and a hint of sarcasm appeared at the corner of his mouth, "Little one in the Holy Land..."

At this moment, Mo Xie\'s speed skyrocketed, and in the blink of an eye, he came to Yan Sheng. When he saw this scene, Yan Sheng\'s face changed slightly. His left hand shook forward suddenly, and in his palm, there was a forest blue flame. Swept out.

Mo Xie did not evade and let the palm hit his chest, but he also slammed Yan Sheng\'s chest with a punch!


Mo Xie flew out directly, and that Yansheng retreated back and forth again and again. At the same time, a flying sword came quietly and appeared directly in front of Yansheng. The latter\'s face changed drastically, and his left hand was squeezed forward.

This grip directly held the flying sword, but the next moment, after this flying sword, there was another flying sword!

The divine mage\'s face changed drastically, and he flashed sideways quickly, but it was still a little late, the flying sword slashed directly from his left shoulder.


The magician\'s entire arm flew out instantly.

At this moment, Mo Xie suddenly appeared in front of him again!Seeing this scene, Yan Sheng was shocked. At this moment, he had to give up fighting Wei Yangtian, and quickly withdrew all his energy, pinched his hands, and muttered quietly in his mouth. Soon, the space in front of Mo Xie suddenly trembled. Powerful forces constantly seeped out from those spaces, and Mo Xie who had just rushed in front of him was instantly shocked!

However, at this moment, Yan Sheng suddenly turned his head, not far away, Wei Yangtian was walking towards him, and in Wei Yangtian\'s hands, he was holding two bloody heads!

Seeing this scene, Yan Sheng\'s face suddenly sank.

Before, the six of them were able to reluctantly contain Wei Yangtian, but just now he was restrained by Mo Xie and Ye Xuan, and it was this one that directly caused them to collapse!

Because Wei Yangtian is uncontrolled!

At the same time, after the death of two of the six people, the big formation could not be maintained, and the humpbacked old man of the Moke tribe in the distance was also no longer restrained, and now he was walking towards them!

On the other side, that great master is still fighting the painter!

The two of them were in a white light, and the battle situation was unknown!

As for the bottom, the powerhouses of Weiyang Star Territory and the Moke Clan have joined forces, and their army has been blocked.

Yansheng was silent, not knowing what he was thinking.

At this time, Wei Yangtian threw both hands, those two blood

Linlin\'s head snapped instantly, and she walked towards Yansheng, who remained silent.

Wei Yangtian was about to make a move, and Yan Sheng suddenly turned his head and looked into the distance, "I don\'t want that treasure."

Wei Yangtian raised his head and looked not far away, where the space suddenly cracked. Soon, a middle-aged man walked out.

Upon seeing this, Wei Yangtian frowned slightly, the enemies were one after another, no more fun!

The middle-aged man looked at Yansheng and said with a smile: "The foreign land gave up this treasure. As compensation, both the Moke star field and the Weiyang star field will be foreign land in the future. My Tianhe star field, as long as that treasure!"

Yansheng said softly: "Then thank you Tianzun."

The middle-aged man smiled slightly, then he looked at Wei Yangtian not far away, and smiled: "Palace Master Weiyang, please enlighten me!"

Wei Yang Tian was expressionless, and suddenly, she disappeared directly.

The smile of the middle-aged man\'s mouth widened. The next moment, his body became illusory. Soon, both Wei Yangtian and the middle-aged man disappeared.

On the side, Yan Sheng\'s expression is extremely solemn, Wei Yangtian\'s personal strength is really amazing, if it weren\'t for the previous hunchbacked old man of the opponent and the Moke tribe to consume too much, there would be one-on-one in the field, no one could kill her!

Not far away, the humpbacked old man of the Moke tribe looked at Yansheng, and he was about to make a move. An afterimage suddenly appeared in front of him. The next moment, the surrounding space became illusory, and the cold light continued to shoot towards him. Come!

Seeing this scene, the hunched old man\'s face immediately sank!

Obviously, the other party came here prepared to contain him and Wei Yangtian!

After a moment of silence, the hump-backed old man\'s voice suddenly resounded from the sky, "I, Moko, fight to death! Fight to death! Fight to the last person!"

At this moment, all the Moke people raised their heads to look towards the sky.

Mo Xie was also looking at the sky, his face expressionless, his right hand tightly held.

Beside Mo Xie, Zuo Qing and Di Sha.

On the other side, Ye Xuan stood quietly, and not far from him were the army, the bald, and some genius experts who buried the Great Wall.

At this moment, everyone is seriously injured!

The two parties had already fought too hard before, and the sudden appearance of the foreign and Tianhe Star Territory powerhouses caused them to be hit hard!In terms of overall strength, Weiyang Star Territory and Moke Clan together are not as good as this foreign land and Tianhe Star Territory!

Especially those powerful monsters, emperor dogs and evil unicorns are already a little hard to resist!Fortunately, these two monsters are supporting them, otherwise the Moke tribe and Weiyang star field will be over!

At this moment, the Yansheng in the air suddenly looked down at Ye Xuan, and behind him, there were three magicians.

Four top-level super powers!

Yan Sheng looked at Ye Xuan and the others below, and whispered softly: "Exhaust everything!"

The voice fell, and the three wizards behind him suddenly offered three teleportation formations. Soon, countless powerful men rushed out of these teleportation formations.

In an instant, the entire sky was pitch black!

Below, Mo Xie suddenly looked at Ye Xuan, and Ye Xuan also turned to look at Mo Ke.

Mo Ke said, "You can still use that square inch sword?"

Ye Xuan was startled slightly, and soon, he knew that the other party was definitely talking about the Soul Suppression Sword, so he shook his head!

Mo Ke nodded and pointed a little, a sword fell in front of Ye Xuan. The sword was four feet long and dark gray. The blade was extremely thin and the tip was extremely long. Above the tip, there was a little black light. Besides, on the front and back of the hilt, there are two dark eyes.

Ye Xuan was puzzled, and Mo Xie whispered, "Moko sword, one of the most treasures of the Moko clan, possesses the power of Moko and the magic of Moko, let you use it!"

As he said, he paused slightly, and said: "It\'s a borrowing!"

Ye Xuan: "..."