One Sword Reigns Supreme

442 Sword Immortal Chapter 442: Sword of Life?, the fastest update to the latest chapter of Yijian Dozun!About half an hour later, Ye Xuan and Emperor Dog came to a piece of the sea. Looking from the sky above, there were islands on the entire sea.

Ye Xuan suddenly said, "Brother Emperor, can you get rid of them?"

Emperor Dog shook his head, "Can\'t shake it off!"

Ye Xuan wondered, "Why?"

The Emperor Dog said solemnly: "Before me, there are several faint auras."

Hearing this, Ye Xuan\'s face suddenly sank, "You mean, the other party might be above the holy realm?"

Emperor Dog nodded, "Even if it is not above the holy realm, it is still the same as Li Changfeng in the previous holy realm. The existence of this level, I can at most drag it."

With that, it paused for a while, and then said: "You have to find a way!"


Ye Xuan smiled bitterly, what can he do?

The only way is to die with these guys!

It\'s just that, he is not reconciled!

Very unwilling!

In fact, many times, he is also afraid of death.

Of course, if he had to die, Ye Xuan did everything he did!

At this time, the Emperor Dog suddenly said: "I just don\'t know why they still don\'t make a move!"

Ye Xuan was silent, he didn\'t know why the other party didn\'t make a move yet.

What are these people waiting for?

The Emperor Dog said suddenly; "Boy, or call your sister here!"

Jane at ease!

Ye Xuan smiled bitterly, he wanted to scream too!With the eldest sister Jane Zizai here, these people around are all clouds!

The problem is, he himself doesn\'t know how to contact Jane Zizai!

At this moment, Emperor Dog said, "Boy, you can\'t get in touch with her, are you?"

Ye Xuan said sternly: "How is it possible! I don\'t want to call!"

The Emperor Dog was puzzled, "Why?"

Ye Xuan said seriously: "You think about it, why did she leave? That\'s because it\'s like training me! Well, and you! If we are in danger, call her, you say, what would she think of us two? Will look down on us!"

The Emperor Dog was silent.

Ye Xuan said again: "So, this time, we must solve it ourselves!"

The Emperor Dog looked at Ye Xuan, "How to solve it? You hit twenty and leave the rest to me, how about?"

Ye Xuan: "..."

The Emperor Dog sighed in a low voice, "I can\'t beat it, not only I can\'t beat it, but I can\'t run it!"

As he said, he looked at Ye Xuan, "Don\'t you have a lot of spooky ideas? Get an idea now!"

Ye Xuan was silent. He was thinking now, what would happen if he urged the world prison tower once!

There will be no good things...

After Ye Xuan was silent for a while, he suddenly patted the Emperor Dog on the back, "Brother Emperor, stop!"

The Emperor Dog asked, "Are you sure?"

Ye Xuan nodded.

The Emperor Dog stopped directly, and the Emperor Dog stopped for less than three breaths, a group of people appeared around them, and the head was the black-robed man before.

The black robe man stared at Ye Xuan, "Why, don\'t you run away?"

Ye Xuan smiled and said, "I don\'t want to run away!"

The black robe man slowly clenched his right hand, and soon the sea below suddenly trembled.

Obviously, the other party wants to do it directly!

The Emperor Dog suddenly said: "Boy, but what\'s the trick?"

Ye Xuan shook his head and smiled, "There is no clever trick. I just think it\'s boring to run down. I can\'t run away anyway. Since I can\'t run away, it\'s better to fight hard! Brother Emperor, I won\'t take advantage of you. We will be half of us later. how about it?"

The Emperor Dog was silent for a moment, and then laughed, "Okay, let\'s fight them happily!"

The voice fell, and it leaped directly towards the black robe old man not far away.

The black robe old man slammed his palm forward to take a picture!


The sky trembled violently, and the black-robed old man and the Emperor Dog retreated violently, but soon, the Emperor Dog rushed towards the black-robed old man again, no matter if he was quickly blocked by more than a dozen Saint Realm powerhouses, soon, the Emperor The dog was beaten!

And ten holy realms surrounded Ye Xuan!

None of these ten people did it, but their auras were all locked in Ye Xuan!

Take one dozen ten?

Ye Xuan shook his head and smiled. He knew his strength, one to three might be okay, but one to ten is totally impossible!

However, he knows his current situation better!

He can do it if he can\'t!

He has no retreat!

There is only one battle!

Ye Xuan opened his palm, and a sword appeared quietly. The moment the sword appeared, the powerful saints around him immediately became alert!They also knew Ye Xuan\'s strength very well!

You know, when Ye Xuan was in the ghost gate, killing the holy realm powerhouse was easy!

Therefore, they dare not despise Ye Xuan at all!

After Ye Xuanliang\'s sword, he didn\'t immediately make a move, because the ten breaths in front of him were integrated, as long as he moved, these ten people would make a move together!

The ten Saint Realm powerhouses did not do anything, they were also waiting for Ye Xuan to do it!

Whoever makes the first move will reveal the flaw first!

On the other side, the emperor dog fought fiercely with more than a dozen holy realm powerhouses. The islands below were turned into dust in their fighting heart, and countless seas were lifted up and turned into waves swaying around. !

Ye Xuan held the sword tightly in his right hand, if he faced a person, he was sure to kill a holy realm in an instant!

However, ten people joined forces, he was not sure!

In this way, after about a quarter of an hour, Ye Xuan suddenly raised his head, and the sword in his hand had become a soul-suppressing sword at some point!

And when the Soul Suppression Sword appeared, dozens of feet away to the right, a strong holy realm suddenly fell straight down, and at the same time, a screaming scream resounded from the field.

Collect the soul!

Ye Xuan naturally did not forget what Xiaohun said, within a certain distance, she can directly take away the soul of a strong man, of course, he needs to use Ye Xuan as a medium!

After the Soul Suppression Sword instantly killed a holy realm, Ye Xuan did not stop. The next moment, he held the sword and slammed at the strong holy realm not far in front of him. The face of the strong holy realm changed drastically. Back violently, but he backed up and fell straight down!

At the same time, a black light plunged directly into the Soul Suppression Sword!

Instantly kill two strong Saints!

However, Ye Xuan\'s face was extremely pale.


The Soul Sword can only be used twice a day, and he has all used up now, if he uses it again, the Soul Sword will absorb his soul!It should be said that his soul will be backlashed by the Soul Suppression Sword!

If it weren\'t for Xiaohun\'s active cooperation, he could only use it once at most!And now, he felt that his whole body was not right, as if there was something missing!He knew that his soul had been greatly affected!

Can\'t be used anymore!

In the surroundings, all the powerful Saints have retreated a hundred feet back!

For the sword in Ye Xuan\'s hand, they are now extremely jealous!

Ye Xuanqiang endured the discomfort in his body. He looked around and grinned, "Who is next?"

As he said, he took the Soul Suppression Sword and gently tapped on the palm of his hand.

Ye Xuan\'s surroundings are extremely quiet!

None of the holy realm experts dared to move!

Who the hell dies, who the fuck dare to move?

Ye Xuan sneered, "Do you know who I am? Don\'t you know? Come on, let\'s sit down and have a good chat. I will tell you who I am and who is behind me......"

While speaking, he unconsciously began to devour the purple source crystal in his arms...

"He is delaying time!"

At this moment, a voice suddenly rang in the field.

Hearing this, the corner of Ye Xuan\'s mouth twitched slightly, and in front of him, the holy realm powerhouses looked at each other, and they were about to start their hands. At this moment, the soul calming sword in Ye Xuan\'s hand suddenly disappeared, and the next moment, a new one The sword appeared in front of him!

The sword at the top of the tower!

When this sword appeared, the world in the field suddenly changed its color. At the same time, a monstrous sword force appeared in the field, and the eight saint realm powerhouses in front of him were shocked and retreated more than a hundred feet!

The eight people stared at the sword in front of Ye Xuan, their eyes filled with jealousy!

Even more afraid than seeing the Soul Suppression Sword before!

Ye Xuan looked at the eight saint realm powerhouses in front of him, and said quietly, "Do you know what sword this is?"

Everyone looked at Ye Xuan, Ye Xuan was silent for a moment, and then said: "This, this is called the natal sword! It is my natal sword of Ye Xuan, born because of me!"

In front of him, the sword suddenly trembled, and the sound of swords shook out continuously, and a sword force enveloped Ye Xuan!

Ye Xuan\'s eyelids twitched, and he said quickly in his heart: "Here... give me some face!"

At this moment, the sword suddenly hit his brow!

Ye Xuan: "..."
