One Sword Reigns Supreme

431 Sword Immortal Chapter 431: Let me come, let me come!, the fastest update to the latest chapter of Yijian Dozun!Practice into a ghost!

The middle-aged man looked at Ye Xuan, his eyes became fierce and greedy.

Ye Xuan took the sword and walked towards the middle-aged man, "I don\'t know how many holy realm powerhouses you still have!"

The middle-aged man sneered, "The world is afraid of you Ye Xuan, I am not afraid of ghosts."

When the voice fell, he raised his pen to face Ye Xuan from a distance.

In an instant, a black spot suddenly appeared in the space in front of Ye Xuan. Soon, the black spot quickly expanded, swallowing Ye Xuan in the blink of an eye.

But the next moment, the black spot suddenly disappeared.

Seeing this scene, the middle-aged man narrowed his eyes, "How can you be able to repair the space, you..."

At this point, a bit of sword light suddenly came to him.

The middle-aged man raised his pen and tapped forward slightly, this point was directly on the sword light.


The sword light shattered, and Ye Xuan retreated violently.

The middle-aged man pinched a decision with his left hand, and pointed the pen with his right hand toward Ye Xuan\'s position.

A flash of ink flashed across the field.

Ye Xuan raised his sword to block.


Ye Xuan retreated violently again, this retreat completely distanced himself from the middle-aged man.

The middle-aged man glanced at Ye Xuan\'s trembling hand, "Unexpectedly, not only are you so powerful in kendo, but your physical body is also so terrifying."

When the voice fell, he lifted the pen up, and then horizontally, "Fun!"

When the sound fell, the space around Ye Xuan directly began to decompose, and at this moment, Ye Xuan felt as if his body was being pulled by thousands of horses.

Ye Xuan was shocked in his heart, he hurriedly sacrificed the spatial principles, the next moment, the space around him instantly recovered, but his face was pale.

The middle-aged man narrowed his eyes, "You use the space repaired by foreign objects! You..."

At this moment, Ye Xuan suddenly disappeared. This time, there was an extra scabbard in his left hand. When he came to the middle-aged man, he drew his sword abruptly.


The sound of a sword shook the sky!

The space around the middle-aged man was directly shattered by the sound of the sword!

Below the sword, after the middle-aged man noticed the sword, his face changed drastically, and the brush was blocked.


The ground under the middle-aged man\'s feet instantly shattered, but he abruptly blocked Ye Xuan\'s sword!

At this moment, Ye Xuan suddenly raised his sword and slashed again.


When a sword fell, the middle-aged man directly retreated tens of feet away, and just as he stopped, a sword flew out of the space in front of him quietly.

The middle-aged man squinted his eyes slightly, and pointed his left hand together to clamp the sword directly!

However, at this moment, a black flying sword suddenly passed through his chest!

Yin Lingqi sword!

At this moment, Ye Xuancai sacrificed a Yin Lingqi sword!Because he knew that if he sacrificed the Yin Lingqi sword from the beginning, the opponent would definitely be able to stop it!

The person in front of you is too strong!

The timing of the release of this Yin Lingqi sword must be grasped, because he only has one chance!

When the Yin Ling Qi sword passed through the middle-aged man\'s chest, Ye Xuan did not stop there. Numerous Qi swords quietly gathered around him. The next moment, all these Qi swords were in front of the middle-aged man.

However, the middle-aged man disappeared out of thin air.

Ye Xuan suddenly turned his head, and a hundred meters away on the right, the middle-aged man was standing there, and at this moment, there were two old men standing on both sides of him.

All are Holy Land!

The middle-aged man lowered his head and glanced at his chest, his chest was decaying fast!

After a moment of silence, the middle-aged man raised his head and looked at Ye Xuan, "A sword at the level of a fairy! How many treasures do you have!"

At this moment, he is a little aggrieved.

Ye Xuan\'s strength is indeed very enchanting, so enchanting that makes him a little frightened, but Ye Xuan and his realm are too far apart!It can be said that Ye Xuan is simply impossible to defeat him!

But the problem is that Ye Xuan has too many treasures!

He was extremely jealous of the black sword that Ye Xuan took out earlier, but now he took out another sword, and this sword is still a fairy!

And he knew that Ye Xuan must have treasures of this level!

Ye Xuan took the sword and walked towards the middle-aged man, "Let me see, how many holy realm powerhouses there are in your ghost door!"

When the sound fell, a piece of golden armor suddenly appeared on his body. With the appearance of this golden armor, all the suits of the gods appeared.

At this moment, his breath soared again!

Seeing this scene, the face of the middle-aged man in the distance suddenly became extremely difficult to look, "It\'s another fairy! It\'s another fairy!"

The two old men beside the middle-aged man looked a little ugly at this moment. Although they were strong in the holy realm, they didn\'t dare to underestimate the equipment of the fairy weapon level!Moreover, Ye Xuan took out so much at once!

Beside the middle-aged man, an old man said solemnly: "Guardian Yu Tian, ​​let me know the lord!"

The middle-aged man named Yu Tian said solemnly: "The master is not in Tianyu!"

The old man said solemnly: "Look below!"

Yu Tian turned his head and looked down the mountain. At the foot of the mountain, the old man was firmly suppressed by the Emperor Dog. It can be said that it was only a matter of time before the old man was defeated!

The old man\'s face was a bit ugly, "Venerable Qin can support up to half an hour. At that time, when the monster is free, plus this Ye Xuan, we are not opponents, we must notify the sect master!"

Yu Tian glanced at Ye Xuan, "If the three of us join forces, can we kill him in a short time?"

The old man shook his head, a little helpless, "He is in an immortal armor level. We can\'t kill him in a short time. Moreover, your body is still decaying, and your strength is greatly reduced...Furthermore, This person doesn\'t know what hole cards are left, so dragging it on is extremely detrimental to us. Either it is called the Sect Master or the guardian formation is activated.

Yu Tian was silent for a moment, and then said: "Start the guardian formation!"

The old man frowned slightly, "Why not call the doormaster?"

Yu Tian shook his head, "The master is not in Tianyu, he went to the Great Wall of Burial, and there is the Weiyang Palace Master guarding him, and the sound transmission from here can\'t be transmitted, and if he goes there privately, he will be caught The palace owner knows that the trouble is even greater. Moreover, the palace owner does not want the palace owner Weiyang to know that he has gone to the Great Wall of Burial."

The old man said solemnly: "Then start the guardian array!"

Yu Tian nodded, he turned his head and glanced at the door, "Start the formation!"

When the sound fell, the whole ghost mountain suddenly trembled violently.

Soon, black lights floated out from all around the ghost mountain, and among these black lights were countless evil spirits.

In the distance, Ye Xuan stopped and frowned slightly.

"It\'s Ten Thousand Ghosts!"

Around, there was a sound of consternation, "This ghost door actually activated a huge array of ghosts!"

"Can you not start it? This Ye Xuan wears a divine outfit, and the holy realm has nothing to do with him. If he continues to fight hard with him, the strong holy realm of Ghost Sect is afraid to fight cleanly."

"Unexpectedly, Ye Xuan\'s own strength was so powerful, and there were so many treasures on his body. It\'s not easy behind this person!"

"Keep watching! See how he responds to this horrendous array of ghosts!"


On the other side secretly, the Muzhou of Baixiao Pavilion looked at Ye Xuan below, not knowing what he was thinking.

Below, the entire ghost mountain began to tremble violently, and countless evil spirits floated from the graves above the ghost mountain, and finally all gathered on the top of the ghost mountain. At this moment, the entire ghost mountain peak was floating with ghosts.

These ghasts are staring at Ye Xuan below, and their eyes are full of greed.

Ye Xuan was silent. It was the first time he saw so many ghasts, not average, and very strong...

At this moment, an excited voice suddenly sounded from his head, "Little Lord, let me come, let me come!"

The voice of the little soul!

Ye Xuan was stunned.

The little soul said again: "Little lord doesn\'t know, I can take away these souls."

Ye Xuan was stunned, and then quickly said: "Then come out and collect it!"

The little soul said: "Don\'t worry, there are countless evil spirits in this earth, and I won\'t be too late when they are released!"

Ye Xuan thought for a while, then raised his head to face Yu Tian not far away, and sneered, "This is your ghost gate\'s huge array of ghosts? I think it\'s nothing more than that!"

With that, he raised his hand with a sword, and a ghast on the right was directly smashed by this sword!

Yu Tian stared at Ye Xuan, "Really?"

As he said, he stomped lightly with his right foot. Soon, the ground below suddenly cracked. Then, more and more ghasts flew out from the depths of the earth. In less than a while, the whole ghost mountain was filled with all kinds of All kinds of ghasts.

At the same time, a blood-red aperture appeared under Ye Xuan\'s feet, and countless blood began to converge toward this aperture.

Ye Xuan glanced at the bloody halo under his feet, and the little soul suddenly said: "Little lord, don’t worry, these blood are the blood of these ghasts before they are alive. They are using this blood to imprison the little lord. Don’t worry, little lord. I can suck all the blood away. I can feel that their underground ghasts have almost been released. Please wait for a while."

Ye Xuan nodded slightly, "Okay!"

As he said, he turned his head and glanced down. The Emperor Dog and the old man were still fighting, but at this moment, the old man had already lost ground and could only passively defend.


He is going to drag it now, until the Emperor Dog pulls out, because he is not sure if the ghost gate has any other players.

Thinking of this, Ye Xuan raised his head to face Yu Tian, ​​"I have no grievances with the ghost door, why is the ghost door arresting my sister?"

Yu Tian said coldly: "Who knew that she was your sister? Of course, even if I knew, with her special physique, I would not give up."

Ye Xuan slowly clenched his right hand, his expression calm, "What is she doing now?"

Yu Tian was about to speak when the old man beside him suddenly said: "He is delaying time!"

Hearing this, Yu Tian was shocked. He glanced at the Emperor Dog and the old man below. In a flash, he turned to look at Ye Xuan, "Ye Xuan, pay the price for your ignorance!"

When the voice fell, he pinched a decision with both hands, and muttered silently, "Ten thousand ghosts, eat!"

With that said, his hands were facing Ye Xuan with a seal.

In an instant, the ghasts in the entire ghost mountain rushed towards Ye Xuan in the blood formation in the distance like a vicious dog rushing for food.

At this moment, the world changes color!

Ye Xuan was expressionless, and when the ghasts approached him, Ye Xuan suddenly took out a handle and pointed it towards the sky, "Give it to Laozi!"

The Soul Sword trembles slightly, in an instant...


PS: Ask for a prostitute!!!Any prostitution is fine!