One Sword Reigns Supreme

423 Sword Immortal Chapter 423: Don't Give Me Face?, the fastest update to the latest chapter of Yijian Dozun!In the field, Ye Xuan was full of black lines!

Do you want to be so straightforward?

Do you want to be so straightforward?

Don\'t you want to lose face?

At this time, the voice of the Soul Sword Spirit sounded again, "Little lord...Actually, you are not that bad, you still have advantages. For example, you have a very thick skin, and your former master is similar to you. Compared to you!"

Ye Xuan: "..."

The Spirit of the Soul Sword said: "Also, although the young master is not very talented, the young master has a great blessing. You know, some people are born with something that others have struggled for a lifetime. Something, like the little lord..."


Ye Xuan quickly said: "Are you complimenting me or hurting me!"

The spirit of the Soul Sword said: "You don\'t need to care about these, because luck is also a kind of strength."

Ye Xuan: "..."

The Spirit of the Soul Sword said again: "Do you have any doubts, the young master?"

Ye Xuan said sternly: "Can I completely control you now?"

The spirit of the Soul Sword said: "No! Because the young master\'s soul is not strong enough...No, it is rare for the young master to reach such a level at this stage. However, if you want to be complete Controlling me is far from enough. Now, the young master can use me twice a day, and after two times, the young master’s soul will be backlashed. The kind of pain, the young master will definitely not want to experience.”


Ye Xuan\'s expression was calm, he had already guessed, because using the suits of the gods would have backlash, not to mention this Soul Suppression Sword!

Fortunately, his soul is strong, otherwise, I\'m afraid he won\'t be able to use it once!

In any case, it is a good thing, because there is one more hole card!

At this moment, the Soul Sword Spirit suddenly said: "Little Lord, can I go around?"

Ye Xuan smiled and said, "Why?"

The spirit of the Soul Sword said: "This tower is not a four-dimensional thing. If I get in touch with it more, there may be new gains. I hope the little master will complete it."

Ye Xuan smiled and said: "Let\'s go shopping!"

With Ye Xuan\'s consent, the Soul Suppression Sword immediately turned into a sword light and disappeared.

Ye Xuan was about to practice. At this moment, Xiao Ling\'er flew in front of him, and Xiao Ling\'er glanced at the Soul Suppression Sword floating around not far away, "Who is it!"

Ye Xuan smiled and said, "A sword!"


Xiao Ling\'er lowered her head slightly, her mood seemed a little bad.

Ye Xuan gently rubbed Xiao Ling\'er\'s head, "What\'s the matter? It seems a little unhappy?"

Xiao Linger whispered: "I feel the...good and evil atmosphere in the fifth layer, I, I\'m afraid."

Fifth floor!

Ye Xuan\'s expression suddenly changed. He raised his head and looked at the fifth floor. What was inside the fifth floor?

Xiao Linger gently pulled Ye Xuan\'s sleeves, and whispered, "I\'m afraid..."

Ye Xuan smiled and said, "Don\'t be afraid!"

As he said, he pointed to it, "Did you see those three swords? With them, the guy on the fifth floor would definitely not dare to hurt you!"

Three swords!

Xiao Ling\'er blinked, then grinned, "It seems to be too!"

As she said, she turned and ran, but soon she ran back to Ye Xuan, and holding a fruit in her arms, she handed the fruit to Ye Xuan\'s arms, "Eat!"

Ye Xuan smiled and said, "Okay!"

Xiao Ling\'er smiled brightly, and then continued to water her spirit fruit.

Ye Xuan ate the fruit in his hand, and soon, a pure aura radiated from his body, and for a moment, he felt very refreshed all over his body.

good stuff!

Ye Xuan was a little surprised, he somewhat underestimated the effect of this spirit fruit!If this fruit is sold, it will surely be able to sell a lot of amethyst crystals!

But now he is not short of money.

Ye Xuanjing lowered his mind, now his sword intent has disappeared, but it does not mean that he disappeared, but he wants to realize his good and evil sword intent from a new perspective!

Good and evil!

This time, he didn\'t want to go with the two sides, he decided to go with the evil side first!

Because in this world, if people are not evil, they will not stand firm and live soon.

Evil Thought Sword Intent!

Ye Xuan completely suppressed the good-minded sword intent and madly released the evil-minded sword intent. Soon, an evil aura appeared around him...

What is good?

What is evil?

This question has always puzzled him, because there is no standard definition of good and evil.But at this moment, he doesn\'t want so much, he just wants to develop the evil side.


Human nature is inherently good, in fact, it is also accompanied by evil!

He walked from the Azure Realm to the present and discovered one thing, that is, this world is full of malice, especially when he owns the prison tower at this moment, he feels the malice of countless people!

Evil... Once, he only valued personal good and evil, but now he realized that he might be wrong.

Good and evil depend not only on their own good and evil, but also on the good and evil of others.

In this way, time passed bit by bit, Ye Xuan\'s evil thoughts and sword intent became stronger and stronger in the world prison tower... and his whole expression was gradually becoming hideous... because At this moment, he is full of evil thoughts!

Outside, the Nebula ship suddenly stopped, because in front of them, there was a huge Nebula ship, which just blocked their way.

The Emperor Dog lay on the board of the Nebula ship, seeming to have fallen asleep.

Du Guxuan\'s expression was a bit solemn, because the person who came was bad!

At this moment, a middle-aged man suddenly appeared not far in front of Du Guxuan. The middle-aged man was wearing a loose robe with his hands hidden in his sleeves, with an inexplicable smile on his face, "I heard that Ye Xuan is here, I don’t know how See you here?"

Duguxuan was about to speak when a man walked out behind her.

It is Ye Xuan!

Ye Xuan\'s expression was calm, he walked to Du Guxuan\'s side, and then faced the middle man, "Something?"

The middle-aged man glanced at Ye Xuan, his eyes narrowed slightly, "Qi has changed!"

Ye Xuan nodded, "Fighting against others, using magical powers, was backlashed, and his realm plummeted. Now he is slowly recovering...Your Excellency, what happened to me?"

The middle-aged man stared at Ye Xuan, "I heard that you have a treasure in your hand. I want to see it later, I wonder if you want it!"

Ye Xuan smiled and said, "What\'s unwilling to do with this, it\'s just one thing, you have to watch it, just watch it!"

As he said, Ye Xuan opened his palm, and a seal appeared in his palm.

She Jiyin!

When he saw the seal of Sheji, the middle-aged man frowned, "No, I heard that the treasure is a small pagoda, you are the seal."

Ye Xuan smiled and said: "What you asked is clear. My seal is also something inside the tower, but since you want to see the tower, then I will show you the tower..."

As he said, he pinched a seal with both hands, as if he wanted to release something, but the middle-aged man\'s expression changed, "Hold on!"

Ye Xuan faced the middle-aged man, and the middle-aged man stared at Ye Xuan, "Are you going to play any tricks?"

Ye Xuan shook his head, "No! I have become like this, so what tricks can I play?"

The middle-aged man stared at Ye Xuan like that. At this moment, he was extremely guarded. No, he should be a little afraid.


From the beginning to the present, Ye Xuan was too calm!

Calm to abnormal!

Because under normal circumstances, Ye Xuan should be afraid, after all, he is just a change of Qi now, but Ye Xuan is too calm and very cooperative!

If something goes wrong, there must be a demon!

The middle-aged man said solemnly: "Ye Xuan, that treasure is on you, it will only bring you endless disasters, do you understand?"

Ye Xuan nodded and said seriously: "I know, therefore, I am willing to give this treasure to your Excellency in order to protect myself."

After speaking, a small illusory tower suddenly appeared between his brows.

Seeing this scene, the middle-aged man stepped back again and again, his face was extremely ugly, "Ye Xuan, what are you doing!"

Ye Xuan looked innocent, "I didn\'t play any tricks, I just want to give you this treasure! You, don\'t you want it?"

The middle-aged man\'s face was gloomy and terrible, "Ye Xuan, you..."

Intuition told him that things were very abnormal, very abnormal.However, he was not reconciled just to leave like this!Moreover, if you just leave like this, how can you go to the top?

After the middle-aged man\'s expression changed for a while, he said: "You put the treasure in front of you, and I will get it myself!"

Ye Xuan nodded, "Okay!"

After speaking, the little illusory tower between his eyebrows suddenly floated out, and then steadily fell in front of him, while Ye Xuan pulled Duguxuan back a dozen steps.

The middle-aged man didn\'t get the world prison tower, he just looked at Ye Xuan, his hands were shaking.

How could Ye Xuan hand over this precious treasure so easily?

There is a conspiracy!

Great conspiracy!

Instead of moving forward, the middle-aged man took a few steps back.

Aside, the Emperor Dog suddenly opened his eyes and glanced at the middle-aged man, shook his head, then, it looked at Ye Xuan, this human gimmick is really too many, and you have to be careful in the future.

At this time, Ye Xuan suddenly said: "Don\'t you want it?"

The middle-aged man said solemnly: "Ye Xuan...what are you doing!"

The last sentence is almost roaring.

Ye Xuan sternly said: "There is no trick. As you said, this treasure is on me. It is a disaster for me. Therefore, I decided to send this treasure out. In this way, I will It can reduce a lot of troubles and practice with peace of mind.

As he said, he pointed to the small tower not far in front of him, "Quickly, take it away, I really don\'t want to see it!"

In the air, the middle-aged man stared at Ye Xuan, he had never been so entangled at this moment in his life.

At this time, Ye Xuan smiled and said: "I am sincere, don\'t worry, take it away, there is absolutely no conspiracy."

The middle-aged man glanced at Ye Xuan deeply, then he turned and left.

In the end, he decided not to!

Because I told him directly that Ye Xuan had a big conspiracy, if he really went to get it, he would definitely be dead.Therefore, he chose to leave.

At this moment, Ye Xuan who was not far away suddenly said, "Hold on!"

The middle-aged man stopped and turned to look at Ye Xuan. Ye Xuan\'s expression was cold.

The middle-aged man\'s face twitched, and he roared: "I don\'t want it anymore, what do you want!"
