One Sword Reigns Supreme

421 Sword Immortal Chapter 421: You know too much!, the fastest update to the latest chapter of Yijian Dozun!conspiracy!

Great conspiracy!

Although the Emperor Dog has not been in contact with Ye Xuan much, it knows that the human in front of him often looks harmless to humans and animals, but it is actually a stomach of bad water.

Therefore, for Ye Xuan, it is always on guard.

All in all, this person is very bad!

Not far away, Ye Xuan walked slowly in front of the old man, the old man looked very alert, because according to their investigation, this ancient family was destroyed, it is very likely to be related to Ye Xuan.Although they didn\'t quite believe that Ye Xuan could destroy the ancient family, it was better to be more cautious.

But when Ye Xuan walked in front of him, the old man was a little bit dazed, "Are you... your aura?"

Ye Xuan nodded honestly, "Fighting against others, he was defeated by his magical powers, and his cultivation base plummeted...Well, is there a problem?"

The old man stared at Ye Xuan, "You... don\'t seem to be afraid at all!"

Ye Xuan whispered: "What about being afraid? You won\'t let me off easily anyway, right?"

The old man whispered: "Then go!"

After speaking, he turned and left, and his divine sense locked Ye Xuan.

Ye Xuan did not run away, but followed, and Du Guxuan also hurriedly followed.

After the little monster beast hesitated, it also followed Ye Xuan.

Along the way, Ye Xuan was expressionless, beside him, Duguxuan followed quietly.

In the front, the headed old man turned his head to look at Ye Xuan from time to time, and intuitively told him that something was wrong.

At this time, a North Wuzong expert beside him suddenly spread his profound energy, "Do you want to solve him first?"

The old man shook his head, "If the treasure is not on him and kill him, where do we go to find the treasure? First take him back to the sect, even if he has great talents, he can\'t escape."

The Northern Wuzong expert hesitated, and then said: "The ancient family may not have been destroyed by him, but this Dugu family was destroyed by him. This person is not simple."

The old man nodded, "No matter what, take him back and let the elders deal with it."

After speaking, he speeded up.

Behind him, Dugu Xuan\'s profound energy transmitted to Ye Xuan, "Xuan\'er, Bei Wuzong can be said to have a pivotal position in the heavens, and its status and strength are still above the ancient family. With your current strength... ."

Having said that, she did not go on.

Ye Xuan whispered: "Escape can\'t solve the problem."

Duguxuan grabbed Ye Xuan\'s hand, Ye Xuan\'s hand trembled slightly, but did not take it back.

Du Guxuan said, "No matter what, mother will stay with you."

Ye Xuan lowered his head slightly and said nothing.

After a while, everyone came to Beixuan Mountain.

Beixuan Mountain is located in the south of Tianyu, covering thousands of miles, surrounded by endless mountain ranges, and on this Beixuan Mountain is Beiwuzong.

As soon as everyone arrived at the foot of Beixuan Mountain, they saw a statue of Qingtian, which was thousands of feet high, standing in front of Beixuan Mountain.

Beside Ye Xuan, Du Guxuan whispered: "Chen Beixuan, the once founder of Wuzong, is a legendary figure!"

Ye Xuan asked, "Wu Zong? Not Bei Wuzong?"

Duguxuan shook his head, "In Tianyu, there are Northern Wuzong and Nanwuzong, and the two were actually the same, that is, Wuzong, but then the two geniuses in the clan diverged, so they were divided into two... ...If it\'s not like this, Wu Zong is afraid that it will not be weaker than Weiyang Star Palace. Although it is divided into two, the strength of these two schools is still terrifying."

Ye Xuan nodded, "Understood."

Soon, under the leadership of the old man, everyone came to a hall of Beiwuzong, the hall was named\'Wudian\'.

The old man walked in.

Ye Xuan stood quietly, Du Guxuan kept holding his hand, and the little monster beast followed him and Du Guxuan.

This little demon beast had no aura, it looked like an ordinary little demon beast, so the old man and others had never cared about it.

After a while, the old man walked out, he glanced at Ye Xuan, "Come in!"

After speaking, he turned and walked into the hall.

Ye Xuan, Duguxuan, and Emperor Dog also walked in. The hall was very wide. There were about thirty people in the temple. The lowest of these thirty people were from Origin Realm, and there were two Holy Realms.

And above the head is a beautiful woman, about 30 years old, wearing a tight-fitting robe, her body protruding backwards, very hot, especially on her chest, raging, as if she is about to break out of her clothes. Looks a little shocked.

This person is the great elder of North Wuzong, Chen Beixian.

Seeing Ye Xuan, Chen Beixian stood up suddenly. The next moment, she had already appeared in front of Ye Xuan. In an instant, Ye Xuan asked for an intoxicating fragrance, which was body fragrance.

Chen Beixian glanced at Ye Xuan and smiled: "Sure enough, he is a young hero. He is not only a talented evildoer, but also looks very handsome. The whereabouts of the lord is unknown. What about this, I will be the lord and let you join my Beiwu Sect and directly What do you think of being promoted to my North Wuzong Young Master?"

Ye Xuan smiled slightly, "How am I!"

Chen Beixian smiled and said, "So, you don\'t look down on my North Wuzong."

Ye Xuan nodded slightly, "I don\'t see it!"

As soon as this remark came out, the scene instantly became quiet.

After a moment of silence, a black-robed old man suddenly stood up, glaring at Ye Xuan, "Presumptuous, you..."

Ye Xuan shook his head and smiled, "Everyone, what do you mean, I know very well. You didn\'t let me be the young master, but wanted the treasure, right?"

Everyone stared at Ye Xuan, and they didn\'t expect Ye Xuan to be so straightforward.

Some were caught off guard!

In front of Ye Xuan, Chen Beixian suddenly smiled and said, "You surprised us."

As she said, she glanced at Ye Xuan, "You dare to come here, and you are so calm, what trump cards or reliance do you want to show up for me to see?"

Ye Xuan whispered: "The Dugu family wants the treasure, and the Dugu family is gone. The ancient family wants that treasure, and the ancient family is gone. Your Sect Master of Beiwu Sect also wants that treasure, and he is gone. What? Do you want it now?"

Hearing this, Chen Beixian narrowed his eyes, "Are you threatening us?"

Ye Xuan smiled and said, "You can understand that."

The corner of Chen Beixian\'s mouth lifted slightly, his smile a little cold, "Then let us see your support."

The sound fell, and a powerful aura swept towards Ye Xuan. Wherever this aura passed, the space trembles directly, as if it were about to burst, terrifying.

At this moment, a paw suddenly appeared in front of Ye Xuan, and then the paw gently patted forward.


That breath disappeared instantly without a trace.

At this moment, everyone in the field looked at the Emperor Dog in front of Ye Xuan. Gradually, everyone\'s expressions became serious, including Chen Beixian.

Ye Xuan spread his right hand, and a sword suddenly appeared in the court.

It was not the Soul Suppression Sword, but the sword on the top of the tower. With the appearance of this sword, the expressions of everyone in the field changed drastically.

This sword is too damn scary!

The sword was so quietly suspended in the field, very calm, but it gave people a tremendous pressure.

Ye Xuan whispered: "If Bei Wuzong wants to fight, I, Ye Xuan, will accompany me at any time!"

Not far away, the black-robed old man sneered, "You are so loud..."

Ye Xuan suddenly faced the black-robed old man, "I can destroy the ancient family, so why be afraid of your Northern Wuzong?"

The black-robed old man said grimly: "Why do North Wuzong fear you? You..."

Ye Xuan suddenly said: "Then fight!"

When the sound fell, he took a step back, and the Emperor Dog in front of him suddenly slapped it with a paw.


A monstrous fierce might oscillated from its body like a volcanic eruption. In an instant, the surrounding halls shattered directly, and the surrounding powerhouses retreated violently.

The little monster beast was about to make a move, Ye Xuan suddenly said: "Hold on!"

Hearing Ye Xuan\'s words, the little demon beast stopped, and Chen Beixian and others who were about to take action also stopped and looked at Ye Xuan one after another.

Ye Xuan pointed to the sword in front of him, and whispered softly: "Master, the disciple is incompetent. You can\'t kill the enemy with one person. Please also Master for help..."

The sound fell, and his two fingers gently clamped the sword.


The sound of a sword suddenly resounded all around. In an instant, the space within a radius of a thousand feet instantly cracked, and the ground beneath everyone\'s feet collapsed and annihilated!

At this moment, everyone stayed!

The Emperor Dog looked at Ye Xuan in disbelief...

Although Ye Xuan\'s expression was extremely calm, his body was tumbling like a wave, not only that, but he swallowed the blood that was almost ejected several times!

He just touched the sword lightly, and his whole body almost collapsed!

This sword is too scary!

In the field, everyone was looking at the sword in front of Ye Xuan. In their eyes, there was a deep jealousy.

The oppressive power of this sword is too great!

And Ye Xuan is obviously not the master of this sword, so the question is, who is the master of this sword?How strong is the other party?

Thinking of this, the expressions of the North Wuzong experts in the field gradually became more and more solemn...

At this moment, Ye Xuan walked to the side of the Emperor Dog. He glanced at Chen Beixian and the others, "Do you really think that Ye Xuan is a lonely person? Do you really think I have no support? Wrong, you are wrong."

Speaking of this, he smiled coldly, "You are so wrong!"

The Emperor Dog glanced at Ye Xuan, somewhat suspicious, because his instinct told him that Ye Xuan was talking nonsense, but, as Ye Xuan said, it felt that there might actually be someone behind Ye Xuan...

Chen Beixian stared at Ye Xuan, "Who is behind you?"

Ye Xuan said lightly: "You really can\'t guess?"

Chen Beixian frowned slightly. After a while, she seemed to think of something, her face changed, "Weiyang Star Palace?"

Weiyang Star Palace!

This is the biggest power in Weiyang Star Territory, and it can also be said to be the most mysterious power!

Only this power and holy land can erase the ancient family and the Dugu family so easily!

Hearing what Chen Beixian said, Ye Xuan was silent for a moment, and then said: "You know too much."

Hearing Ye Xuan\'s words, Chen Beixian\'s expression suddenly changed, "Are you going to kill someone?"
