One Sword Reigns Supreme

412 Sword Immortal Chapter 412: I can fight!, the fastest update to the latest chapter of Yijian Dozun!Over the ancient mansion, Gu Jian held his right hand tightly, his face cold.

He knew that he might have been tricked!

But the question is, how can such a strong person break his promise?

An old man appeared next to Gu Jian. The old man glanced at the end of the sky, frowning slightly, "That man, really strong?"

Gu Lian whispered: "A sword almost broke my heart of martial arts, what do you think?"

The old man said solemnly: "Such a strong one should not break his promise."

Gu Lian shook his head slightly, "No matter what, this person is extraordinary, my ancient family should not be underestimated."

The old man said: "Naturally, I have checked the origins of Ye Xuan. That treasure should be on him. Besides, behind him, there really seems to be a mysterious strong man. Because he had several crises, all Passed silently. However, we don’t know who this person is and what origin!"

Gu Lian whispered: "No matter who this person is or that treasure, my ancient family must get it. If I get this, my ancient family will definitely be able to surpass Vietnam\'s North Wuzong and the holy land, and even surpass the Weiyang Star Palace."

The old man said solemnly: "But if you really get this thing, I\'m afraid it will be a disaster!"

Gu Si said: "Got a gamble."

The old man nodded slightly, as if thinking of something, he said again: "As far as I know, Ye Xuan and the Yun family seem to have a big holiday."

Gu Lian said: "Contact the Yun family, and the big formation in Infernal Purgatory, maintain it at any time, don\'t let this person go out."

The old man nodded, "Someone has always maintained the formation, but the monster beast on the ninth floor..."

Hearing this, Gu Jian\'s expression suddenly became a little solemn.

For this infinite purgatory, the ancient family is also quite jealous.

After Gu Si was silent for a moment, then he said, "I\'ll find a way to deal with it."

After speaking, he turned and disappeared at the end of the sky.


Dugu family.

Because of Ye Xuan that day, there are only a few people left in the Dugu Family today. It can be said that the Dugu Family is no longer qualified to be listed as the three great families alongside Yan and Gu.

In a large hall, the lonely soul who was still sitting quietly, his face was a bit hideous.

Because of Ye Xuan\'s sake, the strength of Dugu\'s family has dropped significantly, and some surrounding forces are already slowly eroding the industries around Dugu\'s family.

As for the Dugu Family, there was no resistance, nor did it dare to resist.

At this time, Du Guming walked into the hall.

Seeing Duguming, Dugu stood up quickly, "Is it dead?"

Dugu Ming shook his head.

Dugu sat down, "Can\'t the ancient family kill him..."

Dugu Ming glanced at Dugu Lian, "We have to leave the universe!"

"Leave Tianyu!"

Dugu narrowed his eyes slightly, "What do you mean!"

Dugu Ming said solemnly: "Now my Dugu family is gone. If we continue to stay here, there is only a dead end. We are leaving with our people now, and we still have a chance to make a comeback."

Dugu Lian said a little grimly: "Is it all for those people who died in my Dugu family?"

Duguming sighed in a low voice, "Keep going, more people will die in the family!"

Dugu Lian clenched his fists, "Ye Xuan must die!"

Dugu Ming glanced at Dugu Lian, then quietly retreated.

Outside the hall, Du Guming glanced at Tiantian and whispered: "It\'s no help!"

After speaking, he left directly.

Leave Dugu\'s house!

In the end, he chose to leave Dugu\'s house because he could not see any hope!

In the hall, Dugu Lian was silent for a while, and then came to the ancestral shrine of the Dugu Family. In the middle of the ancestral shrine, there is a sculpture of a middle-aged man.

Dugulian was silent for a long time, and then slowly knelt down, "Ancestor, Dugu\'s house is undergoing a big change, and the unfilial son invites the soul of the ancestor to appear!"

After a while, the sculpture\'s hand suddenly moved...


Infinite Purgatory, the ninth floor.

Ye Xuan sat on the ground, in front of him, a Yin Lingqi sword was condensing.

Behind him, Ye Ling quietly leaned against him, while Du Guxuan sat aside, just looking at the two siblings.

And that little monster was staring at Ye Xuan, it really wanted to slap Ye Xuan to death, it really didn\'t dare to do it!

After almost half an hour, the space in front of Ye Xuan trembled slightly, and then, a yin spirit sword condensed into it.

Now he has condensed seven Yin Lingqi swords!

Every Yin Lingqi sword is equivalent to a supreme holy artifact. The most important thing is that this sword cannot be touched, even if it is touched by the Supreme Realm, it will be corroded.Moreover, this sword is in a gaseous shape, extremely light, used to make flying swords, and very fast!

Ye Xuan quickly received the sword into the prison tower, he didn\'t dare to let the sword stay outside for too long, because he still couldn\'t fully control the Yin Lingqi sword.

In the world prison tower, Xiao Ling\'er was standing in front of the eight-handed Yin Lingqi sword. She stared at the eight-handed sword coldly, "You, be careful, I can fight well, do you know?" She raised her small fist.

Ye Xuan: "......"

Seeing Ye Xuan, Xiao Ling\'er blinked, then turned to continue to water her spirit fruit, but she would look at the nine swords coldly from time to time, and those swords obviously did not dare to provoke her.

Ye Xuan shook his head and smiled. He looked at the nine-handled Yin Lingqi sword. With these nine-handed flying swords, it was equivalent to one more hole card!

At this time, Duguxuan came over, she glanced at Ye Xuan, and whispered, "What are your plans next?"

Ye Xuan grabbed Ye Ling\'s little hand, who was already asleep, "protect you!"

Duguxuan suddenly sat in front of Ye Xuan. She looked at Ye Xuan and said softly, "Would you like to call me a mother?"

Ye Xuan\'s hand trembled slightly, he was silent for a moment, and then said: "Give me some time!"

Some things are hard to let go of all at once.

Hearing Ye Xuan\'s words, Duguxuan quickly said: "Okay, okay..."

Her face was full of smiles and tears.

Ye Xuan whispered, "My sister and I grew up in Yejia, but I don\'t know anything about my father..."

Duguxuan was silent.

Ye Xuan said, "Can\'t you say it?"

Duguxuan shook her head, "My mother will tell you this later, okay?"

Ye Xuan nodded and said, he put Ye Ling in Duguxuan\'s arms, and then walked to the little demon beast not far away.

The little monster beast looked at Ye Xuan with a calm expression and no happiness or anger.

Ye Xuan thought for a while, then said: "Many people want to kill me, they are very strong."

The little monster beast looked at Ye Xuan quietly.

Ye Xuan said again: "From the first time I saw you, Senior, I knew that Senior, you are a demon with a very righteous heart. Regarding this kind of thing, Senior you will never sit idly by, right?"

The little monster beast looked at Ye Xuan directly, with a very firm tone, "I will!"

With that said, it emphasized again, "I really will!"

Ye Xuan\'s face turned dark, this guy is not in the play!

The little monster beast walked up to Ye Xuan, and it looked at Ye Xuan directly, "She\'s not here, right?"

This she naturally refers to Jane Zizai.

Ye Xuan nodded, "Not here!"

The little monster beast stared at Ye Xuan, and after a while, it said: "Human, leave here."

As he said, it turned around and was about to leave, and at this moment, Ye Xuan quickly said: "Wait a minute."

The little monster beast looked at Ye Xuan, and Ye Xuan thought for a while, then said, "Don\'t you want to go out?"

There was a hint of sarcasm in the little monster beast\'s eyes, "Can you do it?"

Ye Xuan said, "I can\'t do it, but my master can do it!"

Jane at ease!

The little monster beast narrowed its eyes, and it looked at Ye Xuan that way. After a long time, it shook its head, "If it sees me, it will only kill me."

Ye Xuan said, "With me, she won\'t."

Little Monster Beast sneered, "How do you guarantee?"

Ye Xuan sternly said: "I am her only disciple. She likes me the most. She usually listens to me."

The little monster beast glanced at Ye Xuan, "I really don\'t understand, you don\'t even have a spiritual root, and your physique is so ordinary, how could she look at you!"

Ye Xuan: "..."


Jian Zizai\'s laughter suddenly came out from the prison tower, "This protoss gatekeeper can speak, I don\'t want it to die, haha..."

Ye Xuan: "..."

At this time, the little monster beast suddenly said: "I can\'t get out, but if they enter the ninth floor, I can protect them."

Hearing this, Ye Xuan was overjoyed, and just about to speak, the little monster beast said again: "There is one condition."

Ye Xuan said sternly: "You say it!"

The little monster beast hesitated, then said: "If she comes, let her not hit me!"

Ye Xuan was stunned...This guy is so afraid of Jane!

It seems that what Jane Zizai did in the Protoss back then was far more simple than what the old man said above.

Not only that, this woman is also very difficult. Don\'t think she is usually gentle and not very angry, but Ye Xuan knows that it is this kind of talent that is the most terrifying, because once she gets angry, it may be ruining the world. !

It\'s better to be less provoked in the future!

With the promise of the little monster beast, Ye Xuan was a little relieved, at least, as long as Ye Ling and Duguxuan did not go out, the temporary safety would still be fine.

Ye Xuan walked to the side and sat down, then he took out the Sheji seal and said in a deep voice, "Miss Jane, how can I refine this thing?"

Jane said freely: "Blood."

Ye Xuan was a little suspicious, "It\'s that simple?"




"Don\'t lie to me?"

"Don\'t lie!"

Ye Xuan: "..."


Ye Xuan didn\'t drop his blood directly, because these simple words were really unreliable, but unfortunately, the god on the second floor just didn\'t reply.

In the field, Ye Xuan hesitated for a long time, and in the end, he still dropped a drop of blood on the Sheji seal.

In an instant, She Jiyin burst out with a bright white light, and the next moment, it flew directly into Ye Xuan\'s eyebrows.


A powerful breath suddenly swept out of Ye Xuan\'s body. At the same time, a phantom figure appeared in front of Ye Xuan. Soon, this phantom figure was solidified. He was wearing a dragon robe and wearing a dragon on his head. Middle-aged man in crown.

God Emperor!

The Emperor looked at Ye Xuan with a voice like Hong Zhong, "What is Sheji?"

Ye Xuan\'s head shook. After a while, he shook his head, "I don\'t know!"

The emperor asked again, "What is the world?"

Ye Xuan thought for a while and shook his head, "I don\'t know!"

The emperor continued to ask, "What are all beings?"

Ye Xuan thought for a while, still shook his head, "I don\'t know!"

The emperor was silent for a moment, and then said: "You are like this... it\'s hard for me to do it... you know a little bit!"

Ye Xuan: "..."


PS: Busy till half past one, very tired, want to rest...