One Sword Reigns Supreme

407 Sword Immortal Chapter 407: I am very, very good!, the fastest update to the latest chapter of Yijian Dozun!In front of Ye Xuan, that little demon beast stared at Ye Xuan, and its eyes contained killing intent.

Obviously, the human being in front of him angered it.

But soon, the killing intent gradually disappeared.

Little Monster Beast stepped aside, "Human, tell me why she would accept a human as an apprentice."

Ye Xuan said seriously: "Because I am excellent! Very, very excellent!"

Inside the prison tower, Jane\'s free voice sounded, "Please beg your face."

Ye Xuan: "..."

Hearing Ye Xuan\'s words, the little monster beast\'s eyelids twitched, she stared at Ye Xuan for a long time, then retreated to the corner, saying nothing.

Ye Xuan felt loose in his heart. He turned to look at Duguxuan, "Take care of Ling\'er."

After speaking, he turned and left.

Duguxuan suddenly took his arm, "Are you going to Dugu\'s house?"

Ye Xuan nodded.

Duguxuan said solemnly, "Although the two heads of the Dugu family were seriously injured, the overall strength of the Dugu family is still there."

Ye Xuan nodded, "I know."

Dugu Xuan and Dai frowned slightly, "Then you still go?"

Ye Xuan whispered: "They beat my sister!"

After speaking, he turned and left.

Seeing Ye Xuan\'s departure, Du Guxuan was stunned.

Soon, Ye Xuan quietly left the Infernal Purgatory.

In the vast starry sky, Ye Xuan glanced around, and there were some strong people in the surroundings.

In secret, Ye Xuan was silent for a moment, and the next moment, he suddenly disappeared.

About a quarter of an hour later, more than a dozen corpses appeared in the field, and these corpses were all sucked clean.


Facing the Dugu Family, he certainly wouldn\'t choose to fight hard!

Can\'t beat the bright one, then come dark!

After a while, Ye Xuan disappeared in the field.

Shortly after Ye Xuan disappeared, a black shadow suddenly appeared in the sky above Infernal Purgatory.The black shadow glanced at Infernal Purgatory, and whispered, "The tower has appeared...the Holy Lord must be notified."

After speaking, he turned and disappeared.


In the distant starry sky, there is a palace, above the palace, there are nine giant dragons flying and hovering.

Weiyang Palace!

This is the first force in the Weiyang Star Region, the Weiyang Star Palace!

In the hall, a petite woman was sitting quietly, and not far from her, a man in a black robe knelt down.

I don\'t know how long it took, the petite woman suddenly opened her eyes, she looked at the black robe man in front of her, her face blank, "sure?"

The black-robed man hurriedly said: "He has arrived in the Weiyang Star Territory. But at this moment, the Dugu Family seems to be targeting him. In addition to the Dugu Family, the Ancient Family, the Yanjia, and the Holy Land, as well as the North and South Wuzong, these forces have already been dispatched. "

Speaking of this, he looked at the little girl, "Palace Master, the subordinates suggested that we should take action immediately to snatch the treasure."

The little girl looked at the black-robed man, "I cannot participate in this matter from Weiyang Palace."

The black-robed man was shocked, and then quickly said:\'Yes!"

After speaking, he quietly retreated.

After the black-robed man left, the little girl slowly closed her eyes.

In her mind, a figure lingered...


Dugu family.

As one of the three aristocratic families in Tianyu, the Dugu Family was naturally famous in the entire Tianyu. Therefore, Ye Xuan could easily find out the location of the Dugu Family.


This quiet city is a subsidiary city of the Dugu family, and the Dugu family is in this quiet city.

Ye Xuan sneaked into Youcheng quietly, walking slowly on the street.

Jian Zi said suddenly: "For your sister, are you willing to do anything?"

Ye Xuan said, "What do you want to say."

Jane smiled freely: "It\'s nothing, just to tell you that on your future road, feelings will be your biggest bondage and your biggest flaw."

Ye Xuan stopped and whispered: "Miss Jane, forgive me, if your mother can survive, would you like to use your life cultivation base for it?"

Jane was silent.

Ye Xuan said again: "I, Ye Xuan, are alive, want to become stronger, and also want to see the prosperity of the world. It is more like possessing the ability to destroy the world with one sword... But I want the people around me Friends and relatives are there. If there are no relatives and friends, what about the peak of kendo?"

After speaking, he walked away.

Jian Zizai said again: "Changsheng, Dadao, is it really not that important to you?"

Ye Xuan smiled and said: "Important, but my sister is more important."

As he said, he looked up to the far end, "Dugu\'s family arrested my sister, beat my sister...I will make them pay a hundred times the price.

Jane comfortably said softly: "Cute sister crazy..."

After a while, Ye Xuan came to the residence of Dugu\'s house.

It\'s huge, like a palace.

Looking at the Dugu Family Mansion, Ye Xuan smiled slightly, and in the next moment, he disappeared.

A quarter of an hour later, a corpse suddenly appeared in front of the Dugu family mansion.

Dugu home shakes!

Before long, two more bodies stood in front of the Dugu\'s mansion.

They are all from the Dugu family!

At this time, an old man appeared at the door. The old man took a cold look around, then stopped at the door and did not leave.

However, it didn\'t take long for a corpse to reappear in front of the Dugu\'s mansion, not far from the old man.

Seeing this scene, the old man\'s face suddenly changed.


Because he didn\'t even discover how this body appeared.

Soon, the entire Dugu family was shaken, and after a while, many powerful people appeared around the entire Dugu family mansion.

In a large hall, Dugu sat quietly. At this moment, he and his father Dugu Feng were already soul bodies.

Both father and son are sitting in the hall!

It is not that simple to shape the flesh, so neither of them has yet to shape the flesh.

In addition to the two, there are also several old men in the hall.

The faces of everyone at this moment are extremely ugly.

"Someone is targeting my Dugu family!"

At this time, an old man suddenly said in a solemn voice: "Until now, we still don\'t know who the other party is."

Dugufeng suddenly said in a solemn voice: "My Dugu family has no opponents recently. Isn\'t that Ye Xuan?" Below, the old man shook his head, "Impossible. Although this person is good, he is not so strong yet. "

Du Gufeng said softly: "It\'s not him, who is it!"

The old man said solemnly, "No matter who it is, this person is now targeting my Dugu family. We have to find each other."

Dugu Feng was about to speak. At this moment, a guard suddenly ran in. Everyone looked at the guard. The guard said in a panic, "Patriarch, there are more than a dozen more corpses outside the door, most of which are the source. Realm strong! All were killed with a single sword, neatly and neatly!"

"It\'s him!"

At this moment, Dugulian on the side suddenly said, "It\'s him!"

Everyone looked at Dugu Lian, and the latter grinned and said: "I have seen the expression of that little beast. He is a cruel person. He said he would destroy my Dugu family. Now, he is here."

Dugu Feng said solemnly: "He can\'t have such strength, he..."

Dugu laughed and said, "Father, that treasure is on him. With this treasure, everything is possible!"

Du Gufeng was silent.

Below, the old man stood up and said, "If it is him, there may be more than one person behind him. Now, he is silent, we can\'t stop him at all."

Dugu Lian said: "Call out all the shadows, I don\'t believe it, he won\'t show his feet!"

Soon, all the powerhouses of the Dugu family were dispatched. Around the Dugu family mansion, there were full of guards, not only clearly, but also many secretly.

And when so many strong men appeared, the Dugu family never died.

Outside the Dugu family mansion, in a corner of a street, Ye Xuan held a sword in both hands, quietly leaning against the wall.

Jane asked suddenly, "Are you not doing anything?"

Ye Xuan said lightly: "Don\'t worry, this person has to be killed slowly to be interesting."

Jian Zi said with a smile: "Actually, Ye Xuan, many times, I still admire you quite a bit. If there is a grudge, I will get revenge. I like this very much."

Ye Xuan said quietly: "Don\'t you always want to kill me?"

Jane said freely: "I appreciate you, can\'t you kill you?"

Ye Xuan: "..."

Jian Zizai suddenly said, "Do you know what the little monster beast on the ninth floor is?"

Ye Xuan shook his head, "It seems to be afraid of you."

Jane said quietly: "Do you know why it is so weak?"

Ye Xuan\'s face is full of black lines, is this Nima still weak?

Jian Zizai said again: "Because it was abruptly broken up by me back then. Otherwise, with its strength, this Infinite Purgatory would not necessarily be able to trap it."

Ye Xuan said solemnly: "Miss Jane, did you really destroy the entire Protoss?"

Jian Zi was silent for a moment, and then said: "The destruction of the Protoss has nothing to do with me. I just killed some of the Protoss. What really destroys the Protoss is their arrogance and incomparable arrogance.

Ye Xuan thought for a while, then said, "Among the clans you know, which clan is the most powerful?"

Jian Zizai said: "It should be the ancient people in the legend."

"Prince?" Ye Xuan frowned slightly.

Jane said freely: "A clan that was going to attack the five-dimensional world, but unfortunately, for some reason, suddenly disappeared as a whole without any news. They either entered the five-dimensional world or the group was destroyed.

Ye Xuan whispered: "Can\'t you enter this five-dimensional world?"

Jane said quietly: "Blessed are you kid, because you have the most chance to enter. Of course, you can survive in advance."

Speaking of this, she paused for a while, and then said: "I have always been curious and curious why this broken tower appeared in this four-dimensional world."

Ye Xuan said sternly: "I think it\'s for me!"


Jian Zizai burst into laughter, and after laughing for a moment, she said, "Ye Xuan, Ye Xuan, your face is really the thickest in the world."

Ye Xuan: "..."

A day later, Ye Xuan disappeared in the corner, and when he appeared again, he was already in the Dugu family mansion.

After a while, there was an extra corpse of a strong man in the Dugu\'s mansion, and these corpses were all cut by a sword!

Dugu Feng appeared above the mansion of Dugu Mansion, and he glanced around coldly, "Ye Xuan, what kind of man is the yin behind, he has the ability to come out!"

Did not get a response.

At this moment, Ye Xuan had already appeared in a large hall. In front of him, it was Dugu Lian, and at this moment, Dugu Lian was looking at Ye Xuan in horror.

Around Dugulian\'s neck was a sword.

Dugu Lian strongly calmed himself, "Ye Xuan, you..."

Ye Xuan grinned, "Good uncle, my nephew sent you on the road."

The voice fell, and he cut it off with a sword.


Dugulian\'s soul body disappeared illusoryly, but Ye Xuan\'s expression changed drastically...