One Sword Reigns Supreme

2840 Chapter 282: The rise of the hospital!

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SO, fastest update a sword alone!

Seeing Xiaoyu and stepped on the head of the man, those people in the field were stunned, and then they retired!

Xiao Yan looks to the ancient rules, "The ancient sister, the sky is awkward, I can live, self-creation, not live!

You are the leadership of the hospital, and how can I be a master of the House, so I think there is necessary to change our kind school!

Honestly, she is a bit uncomfortable!

Because the ancient people are too good, therefore, in the Western Academy, the Sale House is the most existence, the people of the college are not as respectful as respect for other hospitals!

This is her most dissatisfied!

Even in the way to see the truth of Xuan College, you have to have strength, otherwise, others will not respect you!

The ancient nodded, "You are right!

Xiao Wei also said: "To change the good court, you have to expand!

Only by expanding, we can develop our own people, as long as we are enough, we are strong enough, we are more important in the departments, so we can do more good things!

In addition, in the future, we have the right to speak, wait for my brother to die.

Oh, not, wait for my brother to be unhappy!

We can also go to the campaign!

Can you have a bad disease!

Gu Zhen Zhengqi: "We don\'t want to win!"

Xiaoyu is serious: "When the dean, your right is bigger!"

At that time, you can do more good deeds!

The ancient hesitation hesitated, then said: "This is!

Xiaoyi is busy again: "After we go back, you will go to my brother, saying that we must expand the good hospital, let him allocate to us, not only this, but also to give you the tight command, the secret of the secret The information of the universe, this must have to go!

Gu Zhen Shen said: "The dean is afraid that it will give me the tight command!

Xiao Yan Zhengqi: "He will give it, you just say to him, you are doing something well, he will definitely give it, even if he doesn\'t give it, he will definitely let the people in the hospital cooperate with you, as long as The people in the dark courty cooperate with you, we can call the power of the secret!

Gu Zhi is skeptical, "Really?"

Xiao Yan nodded, "will definitely!

After all, everyone knows that you are fighting with the world, just want to do something well!

Moreover, the dean brother also supports you, isn\'t it? "

After ancient times, I saw a moment, nod, "After going back, I will try!

Xiao Yan continued: "In addition, you have to remember, let him allocate, how can you make a good job? If you can, you can fight him, let the Xianbao Pavilion work together, of course, this fairy The treasure cabinet is a brother\'s small gold library, fully cooperate with us, it must be impossible, so you have to make your brother to fix us every year!

The ancient is nodded, "it is true!

Xiao Wei also said: "It\'s a very important thing!

The ancient times looked at Xiaoyu, Xiao Wei, said: "Brother is not a built-in cabinet? You have to find a way to join the cabinet!

The ancient brows, "What do I do in the cabinet?"

Xiao Yan Zhengqi: "The cabinet determines the movement of the future, after you join the cabinet, the identity is completely different!

At that time, you have to do good deeds, you can mobilize all the people who have a wedding school in the same way with you, you think about it, is this more good? "

Gu Zhu wanted to take a while, nod, "I will try!

Xiaoyu is serious: "Go!

Here, I will deal with it!

She naturally dares to go to Ye Xuanji, because she knows, she must not come!

But the ancient is different!

Although this girl is not valued, it is still very good at the people of the college, especially Qin Guan, and Qin Guan in Qingqiu!

The ancient booked, "Well, this is given to you!

After that, she turned and disappeared in the sky.

After the ancient rush, Xiao Yan looked at the patients in the field, she calmly: "Who do you need to help?"

Everyone is afraid to watch Xiao Yan, I don\'t dare to talk.

Xiaoyu brows, "Do you want to help? Don\'t, I will send you to take the tire!

Everyone has changed!

A man trembled to Xiaoyu, trembling: "Girl, I.

I am not hurt, I am a terminally ill.

Xiao Yan got an eye, then said: "After the doctor, what are you going to do?"

The man was stunned, then said: "What to do?"

Xiao Yu angered: "You will not think about it?"

Man expression is stiff.

Xiao Yan said: "I will give you a reminder, so how do you thank me?"

The man trembled: "As long as I have, the girl wants anything!"

Xiao Yan nod, "After the doctor, you have to remember to publicize the publicity, saying that it is good for the scholastic book to be good, remember, as long as you live a day, you must say that it is good to say that Western College is good. You, understand? "

The man is busy, "understand!


I will help me.

I know!

Xiao Yan nodded, she watched, a pure energy did not enter the man\'s body, soon, the man\'s body returned to normal!

Some people in the field are going to Xiaoyu!

And Xiaoyu is in order to reunion, and he also begins to heal everyone.

I don\'t know how long it took, Xiao Hao suddenly slapted a man hurt by wine, "no need to save!

I will give you a better way, go back to the tire!

Everyone: ".


Watching an institution.

After the ancient times returned to the Xuan Academy, she immediately came to Ye Xuan!

When I learned to find myself, Ye Xuan was also stunned!

For ancient , he naturally knows, but he rarely contacts the ancients, and this girl is also in the hospital, with the world!

Ye Xuan Dang let go of the things in his hand, meet with ancient times!

Inside the temple, Gu Yan looked at Ye Xuan, and suddenly became nervous.

Ye Xuan laughed: "The ancient girl, we met again!"

The ancient , "Do you still remember me!

Ye Xuanhaha smiled, "Of course!

Say, what are you coming to me, is there anything? "

The ancient booches, "It\'s like this, I want to do more good things!

Ye Xuan said: "This is a good thing, do you need help?"

Gu Gu said: "Yes!

I need a dark house to cooperate with me, but the people of the secretary only listen to your order, so I.

Ye Xuan is a little surprised, "people in the secretar.

Why do people who want to have a dark courty with you? "

The ancient Gui Zhengqi: "Because the secret of the universe is in charge of the universe of the universe, if they can work with me, I can help more people!

Ye Xuan wants to think, then said: "Yes!

After finishing, he looked right, "Dush!

Dark appearance appeared next to Ye Xuan, Ye Xuan said: "After the secret of the secret, there is unconditional cooperation with the ancient girl!

Dark swearing, "understand!

Seeing Leaf Xuan, Gu Hui suddenly was very happy, and then quickly said: "Also, I need some funds, because the people I help are a bit more, so.

I need to make a fund for me every year!

Rest assured, I am not corrupt, I will use good things!

Ye Xuan wants to think, nod, "really need!

You can rest assured, I will explain the Xianbaoge, let them make a fund for you every year!

The ancient times is busy: "They can\'t delay, or gratify!"

Ye Xuan haha ​​smiled, "Reassured, they don\'t dare!"

The ancient risks nodded and then continued: "Also.

Said, she sneaked with Ye Xuan, Ye Xi Xiao: "Let\'s talk!

Gu Gu said: "I want to join the cabinet!

Ye Xuan stunned.

Dark reading ancient ancient times, did not speak.

But intuition tells him that this is afraid to rise in the future!



Also join the cabinet!

In addition to the martial arts, there are no few hospitals to get this treatment!

And the reason why the martial arts is so different because the martial arts is the first of the martial arts!

Ye Xuan Shen said: "Do you want to join the cabinet?"

The ancient booked, "I think, the purpose of the book is to help the people of the universe, and the purpose of our kind school is also the same, and the cabinet is related to the way to go in the future, so I think I need to join the cabinet!

But you can rest assured, I will not take care of the matter, but the future direction, such as this kind of thing about the benefit of the whole universe, I will tap.

Ye Xuan is hesitant this time!


This organization is his just established, identity and power are very uncommon.

Gu Yan continued: "I am just doing things well, just here!"

Wen said, Ye Xuan smiled, "Okay!

You join the cabinet!

The ancient grin smiled, "Thank you!

Ye Xuan Xiao said: "Is there anything else?"

Gu Zhai thought, then said: "I am also cultivating, but I don\'t have any good practice. Can you give me a little?"

Ye Xuan nod, "can!

After that, he palm is open, a white light is not in ancient eyebrows, "This is my own Temple, you can practice!

The ancient grateful, "Thank you for the dean!

Ye Xuan laughed: "There should be no other requirement?"

The ancient hesitated, then said: "Is Qingqi\'s sister found a mysterious troops, called Xuan Wei?"

Ye Xuan nod, "Yes!

The ancients blinks, "Can you divide me five? My strength is not particularly good, I am going to do things everywhere, no one protects me!

I heard the words, and I saw it again in an ancient times again!

What\'s going on here? View Xuan Wei!

View Xuan Wei and the Towers are Ye Xuan\'s private procedural soldiers, the secret hospital is responsible for murdering and intelligence, and Xuan Wei is the most elite force of Xuan Academy, and every year will be able to cultivate Xuanxuan.

Now, the people of the secret hospital have to cooperate with the good hospital. If Ye Xuan is another five views of Xuan Wei to the ancient , Who dares to provoke the hospital? It should be said that if you want to do things, who dares to find things? Ye Xuan wants to think, then said: "You are not wrong, I will send you five people!

Gu Yan as a slight rite in Ye Xuan, "Thank you!"

I am nothing!

Said, she looked at Ye Xuan, "You can rest assured, I am not corrupt, I don\'t want to win the power, I just want to do a good harmony, do more good things, let the whole universe become better!"

Ye Xuan laughed: "I believe you!"

The ancient nodded, "You are busy, I am gone!

After that, she retired!

And the hospital is rising.
