One Sword Reigns Supreme

2838 Chapter 222: Titting into zero!

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SO, fastest update a sword alone!


When I heard the first thing of the South Pai, the strong people who saw Xuanchuan in the field moved directly to Ye Xuan!

See this scene, Ye Xuan\'s face suddenly sinks!


At this moment, suddenly roaring suddenly, the next moment, the next moment, the time and space suddenly torn, followed by a old man!

And behind this old, there are tens of thousands of horror!

Everyone stunned!

After the old man appeared, the Southern Academy was slightly, then smiled: "It turned out to be the first scene!

The first scene!

This is the first of Tianhe Star Field, and the Tianhe Star Field, that is a few grades than the Nanling star field, and the Nanling Star Field will also return to this day of the river!

Subordinate relationship!

The shooting is directly in the Naval First. He quickly walked to Ye Xuan and Li Shuangzhi, and then in the eyes of everyone, deeply a gift, "I have seen the dean!

Dean? Wen said, the strong people in the scene in the field are stunned, especially those who see Xuanxuan in Nanling Star!

Dean? What dean? The first quarter is also a bit wrong, "" What are you talking about? "

The first angry scene of the scene: "This is the sean of Ye!"

Leaf Dean!

At this moment, he can\'t wait to eat this South.

Participate in the mysterious books to enlighten the sean of Ye? When I learned about this news, he almost scared!

The sean of this leaf, but even relatives dare to kill!

When I heard the scene, the first-class person in the South Hospital became very exciting, the next moment, the first South Hospital was directly turned!

However, the next moment, a cold sudden did not enter his chest, nail it in its place!

And the rest of those who view the books of Xuan, are all fascinating and pale.

At this moment, they have no Lord!

Ye Xuan looked at the first of the South Affinity, who was nailed to the place, and then looked at the head of the scene, "Nanling Star Field, you know?"

The scene is slightly changed, and I am busy: "I don\'t know!"

The blade spokes, a black man suddenly appeared in front of him, black people took out a reel in the hands of Ye Xuan, and then quietly disappeared!

Li Shuangzhi looked at the Ye Xuan, she knew that the black man is a dark house!

Dark court!

This is also a intelligence organization that is only responsible for the Ye Xuan and Qin Guan, which is all over the entire universe! It is very horrible!

Ye Xuan said: "You look at it yourself!"

After that, the reel slowly drifted to the front of the scene.

When the scene, the scenery came to see, the face became pale, his body began to tremble!

He knows, he is going to finish!

But he still wants to struggle!

The scene is busy: "Dean, I am not unaware, but I don\'t dare to manage, because he said that his grandfather is the first auxiliary of my Watching Xuanchuan cabinet!

Ye Xuan said: "Do you believe?"

The scenery is smirk, "I don\'t dare not believe!

Ye Xuan does not understand, "Why?"

Temporate hesitated, then said: "I also have doubts, but what is it really?"

Ye Xuan silence.

Sangkawa, "Dean, to report!

Ye Xuan looks into the scene, "Report?"

When the scene, I was busy, "Yes!

In addition to the first place of the South, there are still many people being greed, but I don\'t dare to say, because he is in the universe!

Said, he took out a scroll to Ye Xuan, "Dean, you see!

Ye Xuan contacts the reel and look at it. After a while, he was silent.

This is just a horn of ice!

At this moment, he suddenly understood the master of the avenue!

The avenue owner is to make the world get better, but he can\'t change the humanity of your hand!

Humanity greed!

And the Xuanxuan Academy has just been established. Now, this situation has already happened, how long, Watching Xuanchuan may become the superbarter in the universe!

The Dragon has become a badlier!

In the field, everyone is watching Ye Xuan, did not dare to talk!

And the Nanling and others are completely relieved!

The dean of the Xuan Academy is coming!

They can live!

Of course, they are also confused. How can this big person visits Nanlian stars? Li Shuangzhi looked at Ye Xuan and did not speak.

But she knows that the way to see the universe!

Ye Xuan got the reel, then said: "Come on!

The sound is falling, and the dark appearance appears next to the Xixiang.

Ye Xuan looked at the first-class people in the south house, "Nanling Star Field View Xuanchuan College," Everyone who participates in today, immediately Ling Chuan, the soul is prison for hundreds of years, warning everyone!

I heard the words, the face of the Nanling star field in the field became the color of the face, and I went down and asked for!

However, the next moment, a debris shadow passed over, the next moment, in the eyes of everyone, those strong people were lively!


And those who came to Tianhe Star Wall Academy saw this scene, and the face became pale, and there was no blood color!

Everything shives!

The headed scene is also cold sweat!

Too blood!

It is not a dare to dare!

Among the field, there is a sharp sound!

Ye Xuan slowly walked to the Naolian people, see Ye Xuan came, everyone is silent!

The leaf of this leaf is really awkward!

Of course, they look very cool!

Ye Xuan looked at Nanling, "I apologize to Nanling on behalf of the book!

Nanling Lin is busy, "the leaves.

Leaf, no, no, no!

Ye Xuan said: "I heard that the construction of the college is because of your help, right?"

Nanling nodded, the heart is complicated, he did not expect that just helped the Xuanchuan Academy to establish an entry, these guys came to pick his blood!

Ye Xuan thought, then he looked to Li Shuozhi, Li Shuangzhi came over, she smiled slightly, looking to the purple skirt woman, "I think this girl is very good, I don\'t know if the girl is willing to go to the Xiaowei universe?"

She knows that Ye Xi wants to compensate this Nanlings, but I don\'t know how to compensate!

Give money? It seems almost meaning!

When I heard Li Shuangzhi, I wiped a smile on Ye Xuan face!

And the Nanling family is boiling!

Go to the Xiaowei Universe!

What is the day? This is!

The woman of the purple skirt came out, and Li Shuangzhi deeply a gift, "I am willing!"

Nanling Han!

Ye Xuan looked at a blister dress, did not speak.

Li Shuangzhi has exposed a smile that means a deep and long.

In the field, the Nanling family is still boiling!

Ye Xuan fid enough to see the first scene, "your sin, books will be sentenced, waiting for notice!"

After that, people of the dark court will take a person!

Ye Xuan is turned off!

Li Shuangzhen took the Nanling Han to follow the past, after the body, Nanling was already tearful at the moment.

He knows that the Destiny of the Nanling is changing this!

What he didn\'t know is that this is only a starting point of the Nanling family. When the Nanling family truly take off, it is more than two thousand years later.


In the starry sky, Ye Xuan slowly walked!

Li Shuangzhi and Nanling are next to him!

Li Half I know: "I have an idea!

Ye Xuan see Li Shuangzhuang, Li Hi knows: "It is a selfishness, there is a selfishness, it will be greedy, even if it is increasing punishment, it is the same to eliminate humanity greed!

Therefore, my idea is to report the law!

Ye Xuan does not solve, "Reporting method?"

Li Shuangzhi nodded, "Yes!

You can add a reporting method in Xuanfa. Anyone who will make a corresponding reward, such as repairing the practice, cultivating resources, and.

Said, she smiled slightly, "there is also an opportunity to promote!

We are now promoted by the method, as long as the report, you can get a score, and it will also be protected by the dark hospital.

Ye Xuan silence.

On the side, Nanling Han hesitated, then said: "I also have an idea!

The two looked at the Nanling Han, Nanling Hanchen: "Li Shuku is very good, because people have a selfishness, if the head is greedy, the following people must think about the upper, as long as he wants to be on, will report, and It also knows this, so it will be jealous, so, all levels of the college will form mutual supervision.


Speaking of this, she hesitated, then looks to Li Shuangzhi!

She looks like Li Shuangzhi!

See this scene, Ye Xuan smiled, this girl, not simple!

She wants to behave, but she has to take advisor Li Shuangzhi, this eye, represents respect, and the representative of the court!

Why not burn him? Very simple, because she is very smart!

Don\'t you die when you lead to the leadership of Barnaise leaders? How does Li Shuang know how unclear this hoe\'s mind? When you laugh: "You continue!

Got Li Shuangzhi, Nanling Han slightly nodded, continue to say: "There is a fundamental question, that is in some small places, if there is a unfair thing, we have no door, so, my thoughts are, we can be Anyone who has an alias is a separate special agency. This institution can directly reach the universe of the universe, which is equivalent to a complaint channel, which can directly let the high-rise of the universe hear the sound from all local people.

Ye Xuan and Li Han know each other, it is nod.

This method can!

Seeing, the Nanling Hano courage, continue: "Of course, there is a countermeasure, there is a countermeasure, this kind of independent institution, the local viewing institution is too powerful, may suppress this special institution, or Both sides are jointly flooled.

Alternatively, the human rights of this independent institution will be too large, and it will be counter-suppressed, so my suggestion is that this independent institution is only the right to supervise and investigation, and there is no penalty, so that the college is independent. Special agencies will form mutual supervision and do each other!

In addition, you can also use Li Shukui method, report and standing, plus the opportunity to promote promotion!

After Li Shuangzhi, after the mind, he said: "This method can!

As long as the small view of the universe does not have problems, then this will not be chaotic!

Ye Xuan nod, if there is a problem with the high level of the universe, then what the method is useless!

The high-rise is corrupt, can the people below? Nanling Han hesitated, then said: "I still have an idea!

The two looked at the Nanling Han, the Nanling Han said softly: "Can I say?"

Ye Xuan nod, smiled: "Of course!

Nanling Haniqi courage, "As far as I know, there are many schools to see the institution, because this is an alnel of countless power, there are many factions, and there will be fault battle.

Said, she carefully looked at Li Sale.

Ye Xuan smiled.

Li Shuangzhi\'s representative is Li Tin, this is what everyone knows!

Li Shuangzhi silence!

The problem of sending, she is naturally very clear, and she has no way!

It should be said that even the Qingqiu girl and Qin Guan girl have no way!

This problem cannot be solved!

But everyone knows that this is a big problem, because not only the dispute between the faction, but these forces are equivalent to a one in Xuanxuan!

Ye Xuan looked at Nanling Han, "Do you have a solution?"

Nanling Han hesitated, then said: "Take a few biggest power into zero, implement the law of the ambition, let them constantly, weaken them.

Speaking of this, she didn\'t say it again.

In the field, the three people were silent.
