One Sword Reigns Supreme

2829 Chapter 288: Kill!

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SO, fastest update a sword alone!

Ye Qingqing looked at a silent little girl, nothing again.

Ye Xuan went to the little girl and smiled: "What is your name?"

The little girl looked up at Ye Xuan. "The master has always called me Xiao Wei!

Xiao Yan!

Ye Xuan slightly nodded, smiled: "Then you are called Xiao Yan!"

Said, he pulled Xiaoyi\'s hand, "I will go to Xuan Academy!

He feels that it is necessary to bring this enchanting to the Xuan Academy to cultivate!

Now, in addition to money, there is also a talent, you must know that the management college is a lot of talents. In addition to doing things, you have to play, you can\'t be less!

At this time, Xiao Yan suddenly said: "Can you take me to a place?"

Ye Xuan looks to Xiaoyu, "Where?"

Xiao Wei: "I don\'t know!"

Ye Xuan stunned.

Xiao Wei: "There is a picture in my mind, but I don\'t know where it is, but there is a voice that has always let me go.

I took me to take me, the master said that I took me later, but I haven\'t arrived yet!

Said, her look suddenly became awkward!

Ye Xuan turned his head and looked at Ye Qingqing. Ye Qingqing walked to Xiaoyu, she put on Xiaoyu\'s head, "Close her eyes, think you want to go!

Xiao Yan nodded, then the eyes slowly slowed down!

After a moment, Ye Qingnan frowned!

Ye Xuanlian asked, "What\'s wrong?"

Ye Qingqing deeply looked at Xiaoyu, and then wandered, and a picture suddenly appeared in front of the three.

This is a unknown world, and in the center of this world, there is an ancient tree. This tree is up to millions of feet, straight into the deep depths of the stars, around this ancient tree, standing a white long The glamorous woman in the skirt, there is a lot of thousands, every one is holding a golden gun, and the British is cool.

At this moment, the top of the ancient tree, a woman-headed white woman suddenly opened his eyes, "bold, dare to spy the god domain!"

The ancient voice passed directly into the countless cosmic River, then came to this star area where Ye Xuan is located, and the powerful power directly smashed the star river in this voice.

Seeing this horrible power, the Ye Xuan face changed moment!

At this time, Ye Qingqing\'s face suddenly was cold, she stepped forward, and a sword fierce forward.


The whole starry sky is directly torn!

On the ancient trees, the white woman suddenly wrinkled, she looked up, seeing the sky above the sky, very fast, she watched the star of the star, came to Ye Qingqing!

Ye Qingqing face has no expression, "Look at your mother!

Said, the sword in her suddenly threw.


Tooother secret hole wearing a star river, come to the top of the ancient tree, see this scene, white women\'s eyes suddenly shrink, she angered, "Let\'s go!

Said, she rushed to the sky with her right hand, welcoming the sword!


Suddenly, a sword was suddenly burst from the top of the ancient trees, and the white woman was instantly falling from the sky, and the blink of an eye, but the sword did not stop, but Continue straight!

Seeing this scene, the four weeks of the white skirts are bigger, and they have been thrown out, and nearly a thousand golden lights are over, and the black sword is flooded!


As a deafening fried, a sword was blown out, and the black sword pen passed into the earth.


The whole land crashed, and the ancient trees were dramatic and violent, and the next moment, the black sword directly took a head to the sky and disappeared in a group of white women\'s sight.

Changing, the black sword with the head of the white woman came to the forefront of Ye Xuan three!

Ye Qingqing is playing in front of the head, "Go to you.

Oh shit!


The bloody skull flew directly to the end of the line!

Ye Xuan expression stiff!

Xiao Yan looked at the Ye Qingqing, then he rely on Ye Xuan!

She felt that when I met this Ye Mother, I was too risky!

Ye Xuan is also a bit of sweat!

These young people, temper is different, while this is not a general hot!

It\'s just a explosive barrel!

I am blown at a little!

Although the temper is not good, but many times, she is still very gentle, of course, she shot with this difference, she can\'t show up, I will be the kind!

Anyway, it is not good!

One is more fried!

Green Hill is good!

This girl is still willing to talk to others!

At this time, Ye Qingqing turned his head and looked at Xiao Yan, Xiao Yu hesitated, then said: "I can apologize for me before!

I am sorry!

Said, she is slightly!

Ye Xuan smiled.

This gimmick is afraid of yourself!

Ye Qingqing calm: "I accept your apology!"

Ye Xuan: ".

Wen said, Xiao Yan is busy, "Okay!

Ye Xuan hesitated, then said: "Shantou, do you want us to go to the place where there is a tree?"

Xiao Yan nodded, "Yes!

Ye Xuan Shen said: "Do you know where the place?"

Xiao Yan shook his head, "I don\'t know!

I only know, I am going to that place.

Ye Xuan turned his head to see Ye Qingqing, Ye Qingqing calm: "Go!

Ye Xuan does not understand, "Why?"

Ye Qingqing calmly: "I see them unhappy!"

Ye Xuan: ".

Xiao Yan nodded, "Go!

Play them!

Ye Xuan looked at Xiaoyu, "Are you not afraid that they are your people?"

Xiao Yu hesitated, then said: "Don\'t worry so much, first fight again!"

Ye Xuan speechless.

The heart of this gimmick is not a general!

Ye Qingqing said: "Square, they will shoot me, I have already induced their position, let\'s go!

Ye Xuan nod, "Okay!

Then go shopping!

If he is alone, he thinks it is still!

Wretty development is only a period of time!

However, since there is a young, it can be greatly different!

He can do whatever you want!

Soon, the three will go to the mysterious place!

In the time and space shuttle, Ye Xuan looked at Xiaoyu, "Your master teaches you to practice?"

Xiao Yan nod, "teach!

Ye Xuan is so curious, "How did he teach?"

Xiao Wei: "He just gave me a master, then he died!

Said, her look suddenly, "I think, I have to revenge him for him!

Ye Xuan nod, "Good!

Xiao Yan looked to Ye Xuan, "What are you calling you later?"

Ye Xuan Xiao said: "You will call me brother in the future!"

Xiao Yu nodded, "Okay, brother!

Ye Xuan smiled and smiled, this gimmick, it really doesn\'t resist it!

Ye Qingqing looked at Xiaoyan, nothing to say.

After a while, everyone came to a unknown starry sky, did not arrive, three people stopped, because it stood in the old man!

Block the way? Good gallbladder!

The old man looked at Ye Xuan and Ye Qingqing. Finally, he fell on Xiaoyan. When he saw Xiao Yan, his eyes became hot!

Ye Qingqing looked at the old man, the look was calm.

Black old man laughed: "Are you Xiaoyu?"

Xiao Yan nodded.

The old man laughed: "I am the door, it is your master to pick you up, you will go with me!


Xiao Yan has some doubts. "Is my Master not hanging?"

The old man smiled slightly, "he is dead!

However, he notified us before dying, so let\'s pick you up to the door, where you will have a more powerful master!

Xiaoyu hesitated, then said: "I have already followed my brother now!

Said, she refers to Ye Qingqing, "I have to play with this beautiful sister, who will win me!

Ye Xuan speechless!

This girl is not very good!

When I heard Xiaoyu, the old man turned into the head to see Ye Qingqing. He looked at Ye Qingqing, and his brow wrinkled.

Because he found that he could not see the true strength of the Ye Qingqing!

But he is not panic at all!

The old man is laughing, "the girl, this little girl is my door, I have to take him now, do you have any opinion?"

Ye Qingqing calmly: "Yes!

Black old people are dead and stare at Ye Qingqing. "You don\'t want to lift!

Ye Qingqing suddenly disappeared in the same place!

The old man is suddenly shrinking, and he is holding a punch, then a punch, the powerful power is directly allowed to get this star river instantly.


However, the next moment, a sword directly took a hole in his eyebrows!


The old man is directly used by black swords in the original place, and it is not allowed!

Black old man is in the same place, and it is incredible, "this.

Ye Qingqing looks calm, "weak!

Black old man: ".

On the other side, Xiao Yan looked at the black old man, she hesitated, then said: "Madefen, I can\'t go with you!"

You will go all the way!

Black old man: ".

Ye Xuan said: "Let\'s go!

Three people have to leave, and at this time, the black old man suddenly said: "I am the door!"

I am the door!


Ye Xuan looks to the old man, "Don\'t you know who I am?"

Black old man looks to Ye Xuan, anger: "Do you know who I am? I am Taoist!

Avenue pen owner, can you hear? "

Ye Xuanjiao is spread, and the avenue pen appears in his hand.

The old man is stunned, "How is this in your hands?"


Avenue pen: ".

Ye Xixiang calmly: "You don\'t know who I am?"

Black old people are dead, staring at Ye Xuan, "Who are you!

Ye Xuan Xiao said: "Ye Xuan!

Black old brow wrinkled, "What Yixuan, the old man has never heard!

Ye Xuan turned his head to see Ye Qingqing, "Kill it!

Ye Qingqing sleeves before.


Black old people are directly fascinating!

Black old man: ".
