One Sword Reigns Supreme

2816 Chapter 288: The ancient race!

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SO, fastest update a sword alone!

Zhang Lao smiles, "Ye Gongzi, this is afraid that you have to personally go out!

This place is known from the week. This master is the old age of the god, belongs to the Shengou core group, so he does not put me in the eyes!

Ye Xuanmi nodded, "the long group.

It is no wonder that the director of the Gong Hall, the long group, to change it!

I heard the words, and Zhang Lao\'s episode jumped.

Ye Xuan saw Zhang Lao, laughed: "When the elderly, the elderly group will have Zhang Lao!

I heard the words, the old man didn\'t excite, and I respect the gift, "Thank you Ye Gongzi!


This is the core of the gods in the gods!

If you can enter it, it can fly Yellow Tengda!

Now he, naturally there is no chance to enter it, whether it is strength or qualificance, therefore, he never expects!

But this is different!

If it is a person who can become a gob, it will have a chance!

Because everyone knows that the gods of the gods are under the gobs!

At this time, Ye Xuan suddenly said: "Take me to see this from the wealth!

Zhang Lao nod, "Good!

Three people leave!

Under the leadership of Zhang Lao, the three came to the site of the gods governed, which was originally a chamber of commerce, but finally she was acquired by the gods, became a stronghold of Sheno Gui in the wilderness, responsible for managing god Some industries in the wilderness!

After coming here, Ye Xuantian is very satisfied!

This place is really big, and the geographical location is really good, and the mountains are like water, the scenery is picturesque!

At this time, Zhang Lao suddenly laughed: "Here is the Gobi to choose!

Ye Xuan smiled: "The eyes of Ge Hall have been so good!"

Whether it is a selection or optional!

Zhang Lao is busy smiling: "Yes!

Just like Ye Gongzi, if it is not good, how can Ye Gongzi? "

Ye Xuan blinked, "Zhang Lao can really speak!

Zhang Lao said: "There is no , like Ye Gongzi, the dragon and phoenix, there is little world!"

Ye Xuanhaha smile!

On the one side, the South is watching two people and shakes his head.

Just then, a middle-aged man went away.

On the one side, Zhang\'s old face is sinking, "This is the week!

Leave the week!

Ye Xuan watches the week, looked at Ye Xuan from the week, "Are you a person under Golden?"

Ye Xuan suddenly raised his hand is a sword!


The sword light flashed, and it was not reacted from Zhou, it was directly by Ye Xuan this sword!

Stay away from Zhou!

Zhang Lao in the side is also stunned!

I didn\'t think that Ye Xuan will actually do it!

So fierce? At this time, there were a strong breath in the surroundings, and these breaths directly enveloped the Ye Xuan three!

Ye Xuan coldly looked at the strong who rushed over, "Don\'t you want to live?"

Zhang Lao, on the side, also busy: "This is the people under the Ge Hemi!"


I heard the words, the strong people who rushed quickly stopped.

Everyone looked at Ye Xuan, and there was an anger in his eyes!

Ye Xuan ignored everyone, he slowly went to the circumstances, straight around Zhou, "Now, this place I take over, have you?"

Looking at Ye Xuan from the week, "No problem!

Ye Xuan slightly, "I know that you don\'t accept it, but it doesn\'t matter, you can go back to tell your grandfather, let your grandfather come to me!

However, I have to remind you, I have recently been very smooth, now because of her ancient german negotiations, now she is very temper, if my grandfather came to her at this time, I believe in me, you can send you grandfather in advance. !

After that, he walked toward the temple in the distance.

The South is busy with the past!

And that old, went to the weeks, he was smirked, "Listening to the mountain? Your husband in the mountains? People under Golden!

You are taking this!

When the old man said with you, you will tear your grandfather to Laozi, why don\'t you pull your grandfather now?!

After finishing, he got a lot, and then he was busy with the past.

Originally, it is ugly from the weighing face.

In the distance, the south is walking next to Ye Xuan, "I thought you would kill him!

Ye Xuan Xiao said: "Why?"

The South is laughing: "I don\'t know, intuition!"

Ye Xuan smiled and smiled, "killing people, can\'t solve the problem!

The South is watching Ye Xuan, "Is there a problem now?"

Ye Xuan said: "Do you think he will go to his grandfather?"

Nanjing nod, "will!

Ye Xuan asked again, "Then do you think his grandfather will go to Golden?"

South is silent.

Ye Xuan Xiao said: "He has not dared to find Golden!

South is unfolbened, "Why?"

Ye Xuan said: "Everyone knows that the Ge Hemi is the gods of the gods, if the Gobi is on the top, the neighborhood of the gossom will change? Affirmation will!

Because if I didn\'t guess the wrong, I definitely had my own group, of course, I will definitely be unrealistic, but some people will definitely be changed!

Therefore, the grandfather from Zhou must not go to Golden because of this little thing!

The South is watching Ye Xuan, "If he really goes?"

Ye Xuanqi is calm, "Then go find it!

South is somewhat intake, "Are you not afraid of wearing it? To know, if you pretending to be dismantled, the consequence is very very serious!

Ye Xuan looked at the South and south, "" For the gods, the consequences are really very serious!

After finishing, he turned and left.

South is quiet: ".

So, Ye Xuan took over this place.

Next, it is rebuilding, of course, this doesn\'t need him to worry, because there is Zhang Lao and South!

Zhang Lao is particularly positive!

Because Ye Xuan told him that this column is the construction of Gobians, there is a big role!

Zhang Yuan is really desperate, it is really desperate, and there is no complaint that is a complaint.

As for Ye Xuan, he once again took the palm of his hand!


He cultivated his own folding in the small tower. As for the outside thing, he only need to be responsible for the money!

Zhang Hao will handle everything!

For Zhang Lao, Yixuan is also very satisfied, I think it can be cultivated, and then let it enter the elderly group.

Oh, it is to enter the West Institute!


God Gorse.

After being driven away from the week, the more I want it, so he returned to the gossic!

I can\'t stand this!

Inside the hall, an old man looked at the front of the week, browbowned, "people under Golden?"

Departure from Zhou: "Yes!

However, I don\'t know the truth!

The old man wrinkled, "Ye Gongzi.

Look at the old people from the week, "Grandpa has heard of this person?"

The old man shook his head, "I have not heard of it!

It is said to be said to be: "Then this person is very likely to be pretending!"

The old man angered, "stupid!

Who dare to pretend to be my god? "

I dare not talk to the week, I don\'t dare to speak.

The old man silently said: "As far as I know, Golden is indeed a wealthy person, and she has a variety of elements, which are all talents who are recruited, and this Ye Xuan.

May be the people of this elements!

I hesitated from Zhou, then said: "Do you want to ask Gao Hall?"

"To shut up!

The old man grates to the week, "Do you want me to die?"

Leaves tremors: "Grandpa.

The old man took a deep breath and then said: "You can know why the old man is still returned yet? It is because of the ancient heroes of the sea, if the Gobi has solved this problem, then she is coming back to God, she is a long !

Zhou Shen Sheng: "If it is not solved?"

The old man looked at the grandson of this unrestrained, "then she is also a family!

As long as she is back, she is the family!

If you can sign a peace treaty with the ancient nib, it is natural, if you can\'t, then she will come back with my god and the ancient legacy!

It\'s so simple!

I don\'t talk about it!

The old man said: "You don\'t have to manage this matter!

Anyway, the place where the wilderness is just the land of the projectile, give him!

I don\'t think about it for you!

Although it is somewhat unwilling to Week, it can only be promised.


Bitter sea.

The bitter sea is a dead sea, and there is no endless. The sea is dark, exudes extremely horrible toxic gas.

It is such a harsh place to live in a horrible super race!

The ancient race!

Even if I don\'t know what kind of race in this ancient nation is, I only know that they live in the sea!

Originally, both sides have been safe. After all, the gods did not have any interest in this place. This place is not normal people to stay!

Until, in the short ago, the supernum of the sea actually began to leave the sea and entered the field of Godgou!

The two sides have conflicted the first time!

The gods were also the first time I saw the power of the ancient legacy, of course, the gods were not weak, so both sides did not expand the war, but to choose negotiations!

Bitter sea.

A woman stands on a boulder, she is in a dark skirt, long hair shawl, her hands are negative, she is not far away, standing with a thin old man, the old man looks weak, but The eyes are fierce.

This woman is the gossom of the gossom\'s union!

On the opposite side of the blessings, there is a black robes that are in the dark, the black robe is exudes a strange black breath, can\'t see the true face, but the breath is very powerful!

The black robe suddenly hoarsely hoarse: "Is it true that you are really not promised?"

Learned to the Ge: "The big priest, I have said from the beginning, you ask us to give you the source to you, this is impossible!

The black robes are deeply said: "We have made concessions, as long as the source!

Looking at the black robe, "In addition to the source, other conditions can be talked!

The black robes are shaking their heads. "In this case, there is nothing to talk about there."

I noddi, "Since there is nothing to talk, let\'s play!

My god can always accompany!

After that, she turned and left.
