One Sword Reigns Supreme

2809 Chapter 269: There is something, he is really dare!

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SO, fastest update a sword alone!


The war will be some speechless!

Have to say, this young sword in front of you is so lotus Hui!

If it is not the sword in the hands of the other party, he is going to repent!

No, it should be said that he has a bit trying to repent!

Because Ye Xuan is too installed!

He really wants to fight the other party!

But he still endures!

Although this young man is very movable, it is clear that this is clear!


Such young, so, and there is such a horrible sword, will this be average? It is impact that it is a great force!

The war is sigh!

There is a kind of tiger, Pingyang is bullied by the dog. If it is still in the Empire, he will manage the other party in the back office? It\'s over!

And now, he has to be cautious!

In the distance, Ye Xuan has not repeatedly nonsense. He directly collected the wealth of the Ming Empire!

Hundreds of millions of gods!

Have to say, he is rich!

Ye Xuan smiled and turned directly to it!

At the point, the town yuan and others did not dare to stop.

At this moment, a horrible breath suddenly swept it from the sky, and went towards Ye Xuan crushed!

Ye Xuan\'s brow is slightly wrinkled, raising his hand is a sword!


The ancient breath is directly broken!

Suddenly, the sky space is split, it followed, a giant hand broke out, then carrying the horrible pressure and swept.

Ye Xuanzhi has no expression, raising his hand again, sword!


A sword is shining!

Among the eyes of everyone, the giant hand is directly divided into two, and then makes countless fragments to scatter the world!

At this time, a black old man slowed out from the split time and space!

The old man is staring at Ye Xuan, "You are big, and dare to kill me.

His words have not been finished, I only see that the Qing Xuanjian in the next Leaf Xuan is suddenly disappearing, followed by a sword to break!

The black old man suddenly shrinks. He will be gentle, however, when he raised his hand, Qing Xuanjian has already pierced his eyebrows!


In the eyes of everyone, the old man is directly nuts in time and space!

Everyone is in place!

The black old man is also a horror at this moment. To know, he is a strong man, however, in the face of this boy, you can\'t even have a sword. ? I don\'t come early!

Black old people regret it!

At this time, Ye Xuan suddenly calmly: "Where is the vastness? Refers to a direction!

Wen said, the old man is in the heart, "you.

what are you up to? "

Ye Xuan also refers to it.


The old man is directly cut into countless blocks by a sword.

Ye Xixing calmly: "Let you answer, didn\'t let you ask!

Everyone: ".

Ye Xuan looked at the Zhenyuan, "Where is the vastness?"

Zhenyuan hesitated, then quickly pointed to the right, "I am going to million, it is a vast!


Ye Xuanbei wrinkled!

This sword passed, afraid that it couldn\'t die!

Too far!

Ye Xi wants to think, then said: "Okay!

After that, he directly rushed to the sky and disappeared in the sky!

Still running one!

Seeing Ye Xuan directly disappeared in the sky, then the town Yuan suddenly made a breath!

Fortunately, there is no head in front!

In fact, when he came with the old man, he took the way, but, in the last moment, he returned to the back, let the old people walk in front!

It turns out that his approach is right!

Otherwise, death may be him!

Just then, the battle in the distance will suddenly go to the sky!

Zhenyuan looked at the war, did not speak.

This is also a big big!

And at this time, the battle suddenly accelerated, and the blink of an eye disappeared in the end of the starry!

Seeing this scene, the town yuan first is a stalk, the next moment, it seems to be what, his face suddenly changed, directly turned to the end of the stars.

The rest of those strong people are full of face!

What\'s wrong? Suddenly, the sky is cracking, the next moment, a white spot straight.

With this white light, a horrible breath is swept in the scene, the blink of an eye, the rest of the strong people are shredded by this breath!

Direct erase!

Everyone: ".

White light is scattered, a woman in white appears, the white woman slowly swept away from four weeks, after a long time, she cooled: "Can break my god seal, a bit of powerful!"

After saying, she palm opened, and then gently waved, in an instant, the time and space suddenly trembled, after a while, there was an image in the surrounding time, very fast, everything happened in front of the woman!

After a while, the woman wedned, and the time and space in front of her returned to normal!

White women\'s eyes are cold, "Jian Xiu!

After that, she turned directly to disappear.



When Ye Xuan came to the vastness, a strong breath was directly locked him!

Obviously, the other party already knows his intention!

At this time, the vast people of Mo Gu appeared in front of Ye Xuan.

Mocha hugged boxing, then said: "This little brother, before it is a misunderstanding!

Ye Xuan did not have any nonsense, raising his hand is a sword, and this sword is not against Monogu, but is against the vastness below!

This sword goes down, and the sword is straight down. This sword is very fast, that Mo Gu has not reacted, the vastness below is directly smashed by this sword!

Numerous strong people were killed by this sword!

And the whole vastness is also destroyed at this moment!

At this time, Ye Xuan was holding a boxing, "Holding Box, this is a misunderstanding!

Mocha looked at Ye Xuan, "You are happy!"

After that, he turned and disappeared directly!


Ye Xuan is in the original place!

This goods are not playing, just ran directly? Have to say, Ye Xuan is a little unexpected!

The other party actually fled to escape!

Ye Xuantili sometimes speechless, now the enemy, why don\'t you have a temper? Have to say, he is still a little missing!

Everything is something, I really dare!

No waste, he turned and left.

Shortly after Ye Xuan left, Mount Mocha appeared again, looked at the back of Ye Xuan from the distance, Moagu\'s face is very ugly!

The vastness is so destroyed by this family!

At this time, some vast people appeared in the field.

Looking at the distance in the distance, all the faces of the people are incomparably ugly, and some are even more murderous, not bad!

A young man said: "The main owner, this is really bullying too much, is it so much?"

Mo Gu said: "That sword, you can\'t get it?"

The old man is deeply said: "Can\'t help but, but you can try it!

Mocha looked at the old man, "I am dead!"

Hello, is it? "

The old man suddenly became busy: "Don\'t dare!

Mocha was cold and glanced at the old man, then said: "The sword came down, and the nine-level strong is not enough to catch up!

In fact, he is not a real nine-strong, because he is forcibly improved by external substance, the foundation has been unstable, so he has moisture than the true nine-strong!

And just the sword, he did not grasp it at all!

Therefore, he will choose to leave!

At this time, a middle-aged man suddenly said: "The first sword is this person!

Millions of miles of miles are directly scratched.

This person is strong than we expect!

Monogu nod, "I don\'t know where this person came, the strength is so powerful!

Said, he whispered, "This time, we kicked the iron board!"

Middle-aged man nodded, "This loss, we can only swallow!


Speaking of this, his eyes flashed a cold, "this person won the wealth of the Empire!

That is definitely a hugegar!


Moagu Road: "Borrow the knife to kill?"

Middle-aged man nodded, "In fact, we don\'t need us to kill!

He won the things of the imperial wealth, and he must have spread throughout the battlefield. The south of the wolf will never let him!

The people still need more people!

Let them fight!

Mocha noodles, "only this!

After finishing, he sighed in his heart and turned away.

Take a practice, you will never know, tomorrow and the unexpected first!

When you go wrong, it may be a rush!


After leaf Xuan left Hao Zong, he found a quiet place and then entered the small tower.

Looking at the gods of the dense Ma Ma, his mouth is not from the autonomous!

God Gogi!

I have to say that this god is he has seen the most pure latency!

Really best!

Repair is not only talent, but also resources!

With these gods, he can re-cultivate the law!

Just then, Ye Xuanbei wrinkled, he turned and disappeared in the same place!

When you appear again, among the stars, it is not far from him, there is a demon, oh is not, it is a demon!

Personal wolf!

This demon is the people\'s head, hands with sharp claws, exudes a cold light!

Ye Xuan played a demon, then said: "Is there?"

The demon licked the mouth, and he said: "I heard that you get the wealth of the Empire, I don\'t know if it is true!

Ye Xuan Xiao said: "This is true!"

There are a lot of gods, how? "

The demon is staring at Ye Xuan, and the eyes are not hidden with greed. "Can you give me a flower flower flower? Of course, it will not still still!

Ye Xuan shook his head, "no!

The demon grin smiled, the next moment, he directly pulled it, the past, the speed is accelerated, the blink is in front of Ye Xuan, however, Ye Xuan is faster than it, he just arrived in Ye Xuan, Ye Xuan\'s Qing Xuanjie is directly piercing his eyebrows!


The demon is directly stained to the place!

Ye Xuan turned his head and looked at the isnas of the waswolf people standing. "He has been so brave?"

One of the wolves looked at Ye Xuan, "He has been so brave, there is something, he really dares!"

This is his first dead!

Ye Xuan: ".
