One Sword Reigns Supreme

2806 Chapter 269: What do you think?

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SO, fastest update a sword alone!

Watching the book!

White men\'s face have always maintained a calm smile!

He is not panic at all!

Why? Because he is behind Xuanxin!

These small places don\'t know what to watch the mysterious books, but he knows, that is the super hegemony among the universe!

Nowadays, I will watch the school, such as the day, the world\'s sword owner, who dares to comply with the universe? Who dares not? Invincible!

At this point, the white man sorted out the clothes, calmly laughed: "Sword repair, your strength is not good, the temperate is extraordinary, and also knows the Western Academy, I want to come to the average!"

However, I have to tell you that everything that is in front of the view of the school!

Ye Xuan looked at the white man, "Which branch are you?"

He knows that men in front of you are definitely not a small view of the universe school, because if it is the general court, you absolutely know him!

The white man laughed: "The ancient universe wesks the school!

Ancient universe!

Ye Xuan silence.

He doesn\'t know!

This is awkward!

White men haha ​​smiled, "Look at your look, I have never heard of the ancient universe!

Ye Xuan looked at the white man, the look was calm, "according to the view of the mystery of the book, if there are two forces to fight, the Xuan Academy should adjust, not with big bullying!


White men directly interrupted the words of Ye Xuan, smiled: "God!

This world is always a strong!

Of course, if you can give me more benefits, I can stand in the opposite continent, but they can\'t!

Ye Xuan slightly, "I understand!

White men stared at Ye Xuan, just opened a mouth, a sword suddenly did not enter his eyebrows.


The white man is directly stained to the place!

In the field, the tribunal is directly petrified in place, and he is afraid to look at the sword in front of him.

A sword!

This is a sword that is even a sword. White men are also full of horror!

A sword!

The speed of the sword is fast, let him even have a reaction time!

The white man seems to be, even busy with a matchar, and the sounds are directly turned into white light, enter the starry sky.

Ye Xuan looked at the white light, the look was calm!

The white man is dead, staring at Ye Xuan, this moment, his face has never had previous calm!

Strong swords!

But soon, he turned into the face, he cumbersome: "You dare to do it for me, you will do it for me, you can do it for the Shuixuan Academy, you can know the consequences of the case?"

Ye Xuan calm: "What context?"

White man : "Destroy you!

Ye Xuan said: "I will destroy my tenth.

I think, even if you can\'t do the sword owner!

Arrogant? He is of course not arrogant!

His Ye Xuan also did not destroy his own tenth!

He is in the pro, he is weak!

"Ha ha!

The white man suddenly laughed, laughing very mad, "I don\'t know!

It\'s ignorant!

Ye Xuan looked at the white man, nor did you talk.

After the white man laughed, he said: "You have heard the sword owner?"

Ye Xuan shook his head, "I haven\'t heard it, is it very powerful?"

White men angryly refers to Ye Xuan, "When the world is invincible, you have never heard, it is true that the frog in the well is also!

Ye Xuan Xiao said: "Exaggerate!

The white man is dead and staring at Ye Xuan. "I can only say, you are ignorant!

Ye Xuan speechless.

On the one side, Shangguan is watching the Ye Xuan, the eyebrows are slightly wrinkled, and the eyes are full of doubts.

Watching the book!

Is it a Watching Institute? What seems to be, Shangguan\'s eyes suddenly shrink, she glared at Ye Xuan, is this also watching Xuan Academy? Moreover, the level is very high, so the white man does not know? The more you want to get it, the more you think it is possible!

I saw a blink of Ye Xuan, and my heart was also puzzled!

Of course, she is not panic at all!

Because the white man is very weak, even she is playing!

Moreover, as in Shangguan, she feels that her master is definitely the view of the school, and the level should be high!

What seems to be, watching one suddenly looking to the white man, "Who are you watching the president of Xuan Academy?"

The white man is cold and glances. "Ye Sword Lord!

Ye Sword Lord!

At the same place, she looked at the Xuan, the big mouth of the mouth, and the next egg was in the face.

Shangguan Coal was also horrified to look at Ye Xuan, full of horror.

Ye Sword Lord!

At this moment, the two women thought of it!

At this moment, the star of the head suddenly trembled, followed by a horrible breath!


A horrible breath swept, and the entire star river began to tremble.

This is the super power of the ten parents!

When the triethically saw this scene, suddenly she was relieved.

The real power of the Xuan Academy will come out!

At this time, more than a dozen top power appeared in front of everyone.

The first year of the middle-aged man, the middle-aged man is in a robe, and the right hand holds a roll of ancient books. After him, there are twelve top-level strong people!

In the middle-aged man, when he saw the sword of the white man, he frowned and frowned, and his eyes flashed a angry!

People who watch the books also dare to bully? But soon, he stunned, followed, in the eyes of everyone, he quickly appeared in front of the white man, the white man angrily refers to Ye Xuan, "It is him, it is him.

"To shut up!

The middle-aged man suddenly roared, like a thunder, lived directly to the white man!

White man is stunned.

Among the eyes of everyone, the middle-aged man turned slowly. He looked at the Ye Xuan in the distance, and his body could not sway, "leaf.



In this case, the strong people in the mysterious books in the field are in place.

And the white man is a face, "I am lonely, you.

, "To shut up!

The middle-aged man roared again, he watched a white man, then said: "This is the Sword of the Juan Yusi!

Leaf Dean!

When I heard solitary, the white man suddenly became a lightning strike, the head was blank, the whole person stayed in the original place!

Ye Xuan!

Human sword!

Watching the Dean of Xuan College!

The solitude of the lonely went to Ye Xuan face, and gave a deep gift in Ye Xuan, respect: "Dean!

Ye Xuanqi is calm, "It seems that the ancient universe is not small!

When I heard Ye Xuan\'s words, the lonely face was instantly pale, and I was busy slowly, "It\'s the fault, please, please punishment!


In fact, he also collapses at this moment, because he is impossible to contact Ye Xuan in his level, don\'t say Ye Xuan, even if he is not qualified!

Therefore, he did not think that Ye Xuan will appear here!

If it is not the Qing Xuanjian, he dares to determine the identity of Ye Xuan!

Long like, still there, but Qingxuan sword, that is a single!

Ye Xuan looked at the longevity, look calm, "I will inform the General Center, the general court will send people to handle this place, as for this person.

Said, he looked at the pale white man, "I don\'t kill him, his sin will be tried by the general hospital!

Wen said, the white man suddenly made a breath!

If the General Hospital is tried, then his sin is not caused!

At this time, Ye Xuan also said: "This person has done things, there should be a lot, let the people in the hospital, understand?"

When I heard Ye Xuan\'s words, the white man suddenly turned to be asged.


This is going to turn old!

When I heard the words of Ye Xuan, how can I still understand? The moment is deeply a ceremony, "will tell!"

After finishing, he turned around with a white man.

After the solitude of the solitary and others left, Shangguan Duan and the view were walked to Ye Xuan face, and the two women looked at Ye Xuan and did not speak.

Ye Xuan laughed, then said: "What do you look at me?"

A smile: "Master, are you really a dean of the school?"

Ye Xuan smiled and smiled. "What do you think?"

I have been asked in the view. "Is it really very powerful?"

She did not have exposed to the external mysterious school in the outside, so there is not much to understand the strength of the school.

Ye Xuan laughed, "I can go to the terminal to see!

A view as his disciple, naturally you can go directly to the hospital!

When I heard Ye Xuan\'s words, I was busy: "Thank you!

Ye Xuan laughed, then said: "I have to leave!

I still want to stay in more time, but now, the people of the general court know that he is here, will definitely send people to take over, so he doesn\'t have to continue to stay here!

I saw the face of the face of the face, "What should he do?"

When I heard a view, the tags were trembled when they were born!

At this moment, he is directly desperate!

Ye Xuan looked at the truth, then said: "I have given you a chance, you think, will I give you the second opportunity?"

The tags are long, and the trembling: "They are all my personal fault, please also ask the sword to hominantly honest!

Ye Xuanqi is calm, "Your business, watch the mysterious college main hall to handle, go back and wait!

For this tribunale, he is actually not interesting, because the other party is in front of him, it is really like the antite!

He is not the same now!

Many things, there is no need to personally shoot!

Especially in front of apprentice and beauty, I can get a little more!

When I heard Ye Xuan\'s words, the trunteen was bitter and smiled and went up since respect!

Ye Xuan\'s view and Shang Duan Duan, "You first deal with the matter here, the general hospital will come with you!

I hesitate, then said: "Master, where do you want to go?"

Ye Xuan slight smile, "Go to my sister, she is in the battlefield!

I gave a look, then said: "Your sister?"

Ye Xuan nod, "is the first of the martial arts, after encountering her, you can obey, otherwise, you can have bitter!"

I blinked blinking, "You are amazing, or she is amazing!

Ye Xuanhaha smiled, did not talk, and pointed at this point, this, the whole star river universe is directly divided into two, one million huge sword traces across the star universe!

Ye Xuan turned his head to see a view, laughed: "What do you think?"

Viewing one: ".
