One Sword Reigns Supreme

2803 Chapter 268: Beautiful!

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SO, fastest update a sword alone!

Please ask your father to return!

When I heard the official, the old face was instantly changed.

Is this going to be my father? At this time, Shangguan is suddenly said: "Father, I will give it to me later!"

After that, she turned and left.

Inside the temple, the old face is unparalleled.

But I don\'t dare to say anything!


Of course, not afraid of Shangguan Duan, but afraid that Ye Xuan that has been went out!

Although he is a nine pienic master, but in the face of Ye Xuan, it is extremely desperate!

That kind of despair, from the heart!

He knows that he is not the opponent of this human being!

Ye Xuan walked out of the main hall, and at this moment, the officials of the official family have already surrounded!

Everything that happened in the main hall, they have seen, so I saw Ye Xuan at this moment, just like I saw the devil!

It is possible to use any speech to describe any words.

At this time, Shangguan Coal came out.

Shangguancheng looked at all of the official people, then said: "At this moment, I am the Guan Guan family!

I heard the words, some of the Shangguan strong face suddenly changed, one of the old people came out, angered: "You a woman, why can you take a big man? You.

At this time, a sword suddenly wore the eyebrows of the old man.

The old voice is abrupt!

In the field, the official people in the field were surprised, and they retired!

Ye Xuan looked at everyone, "Is there anything I don\'t accept? If there is anything, come out to take two steps!

The people looked at Ye Xuan, facing the fear, did not dare to speak.

Ye Xuan looked at the official Duan Duan, "Now Shangguan people pay attention to you, if there is a problem, come to the college to find me!"

After finishing, he turned and left.

He has also wanted to talk to the Shang Jian, after all, the official family belongs to the big country, the help of the college, but unfortunately, the other party did not think about him, there is no way, then only Can make a man who can do a man!

Shangguan is watching the leaves of the departure, the look is complex!

She knows that she was tied to Ye Xuan!

Now she, only keeps with Ye Xuan, can be able to control the official, if not, the old man in the official family will tear her!

Therefore, she can only rely on Ye Xuan!

After a while, Shangguan cooked his head and looked at everyone, then said: "This may be a new beginning of Shangguan people!

After finishing, she also turned away.

For the surrender Ye Xuan, she didn\'t have much inverse opposite, and even she felt that Shangguan family followed Ye Xuan mixed, it may be better!

After all, this man is really too powerful!


After returning to the Xuan Academy, Ye Xuan found that the entrance of the book has come to many years, and there is 10,000!

These are coming to join the Academy!

Looking at this scene, Ye Xuan revealed a satisfactory smile, it is clear that the reputation of the Xuan Academy is playing out!

Since the reputation has already played, then next, the students can don\'t worry!

There will be more and more people to join the college, because the welfare of the college is really good!

The college is to do is the selection!

Pick those excellent and people!

Ye Xuan did not arrive at the school, he found it.

Inside the temple, Shangguan is watching Ye Xuan, "Middle Middle School?"

Ye Xuan nod, "the more dangerous, the better!"

After Shangguan\'s silence, he said: "Fighting!

Ye Xuan brows, "fierce?"

Shangguan Jingtou, "This is the first forbidden to the mainland, even the top of the nine products did not dare to step into this fierce, because there were more than a dozen nine-character masters died in the ban, no one was still born!


The Ye Xuanzi is slightly smashed, then said: "Go to fierce!

Wen said, Shangguan stared.

Ye Xuan Xiao said: "Is it afraid?"

Shangguan is watching Ye Xuan, "Follow you, not afraid!

Ye Xuan haha ​​smiled, then directly with Shang Juan Duan left the field.

After a while, the two came to the fierce!

The fierce entrance is located in the abyss of the canyon. It looks at the abyss in front of you.

For fiercely, she is naturally jealous and fear!

This is the most dangerous place in the Ultra-ever, even the top-level masters of nine products enter it, and there is also a possibility!

At this moment, the man beside him will enter!

Shangguan is hesitated, then said: "Do you want to consider?"

Ye Xuan laughed, and then took directly into the abyss, just in an instant, the two did not fall directly to the ground.

After entering the ground, a cold and breath suddenly swoop all over the face, and the cold bones!

Shangguan\'s consciousness is relying on the side of Ye Xuan!

Ye Xuan is not far from the distance, there is a dry body that has been dry!

As a result, Ye Xuan took the official, and the official is watching the body in front of the body, Shen Sheng: "This is ancient Zongshi, that year, the name is unpredied, but suddenly disappeared, he did not think of it, he also died Here!

Said, her eyes flashed a complex color.

Even if I cultivate to the nine pieces of masters, in front of many people, it is still like an ant!

At this moment, a footsteps suddenly came.

Wen said, Shangguan\'s face color is instantly changed, she directly pulled the leaf Xuan\'s arm, but she felt improper, and quickly released.

Ye Xuan looked not far away, where the shabby woman came, the woman had a shawl, his eyes, the face, and it looked like a ghost.

Ye Xuan looked at the woman, did not speak.

The woman is also looking at Ye Xuan at this moment. "You seem to be not afraid!

Ye Xuan Xiao said: "What are you afraid of?"

The woman stared at Ye Xuan, "ignorant, fearless!

Said, she slowly lifted his right hand, in an instant, the time and space before Ye Xuan\'s face was torn directly.

Seeing this scene, the Shangguan\'s face color is changing, "Ten products!

You turned out to be the legendary ten big masters!

Ten products!

Fragrance tear time and space!

This has always belonged to the legend, and she didn\'t think of it, and it was a ten product!

Now she finally understands why these nine-year masters die here!

Because there is a ten big master!

Thinking of this, she quickly looked up to Ye Xuan, and Ye Xuan was calmly like water. After a while, the time and space in Ye Xuan is directly torn, but Ye Xuan is not a little!

Shangguan stood up.

The woman in the distance is also stunned.

Ye Xuan looked at the ragged woman, "Is this?"

The woman died in Ye Xuan. There was no nonsense. At the next moment, she disappeared directly in the original place, followed by her hand, directly buckled the throat of Ye Xuan\'s throat.


A horrible power is blown out from the Xuanxunxia!


There is a mistake in the survival of time, but Ye Xuan is still not!

Before Xuan\'s face, the woman directly petrified!

She looked at Ye Xuan, retired after Lianlian, "you.

You are here.

Ye Xuanqi is calm, "it is too weak!

After finishing, he shook his head and sighed, then took Shangguan to go far away.

At this time, the woman suddenly said: "Who are you!

Ye Xuan turned his head to see a woman, "an invincible man!

Woman: ".

Ye Xuan did not have a woman, with Shangguano continued to advance!

Next to Ye Xuan, Shangguan is watching Ye Xuan, does not speak.

Ye Xuan Xiao said: "What happened?"

Shangguan Garden: "Who are you!

Ye Xuan slightly smile, "Dean of Xuan Academy, Ye Xuan!

Shangguan is convinced, "" Is the world of universe? "

Ye Xuan nod.

Shangguan gel sound: "Is the universe outside the universe?"

Ye Xuan Xiao said: "Unlimited!

Shangguan is unparalleled, "it seems to go out!

Ye Xuan laughed: "This is not simple? If you want to go out later, you can go out at any time!

Shangguan Duan Xiangxuan, "Really?"

Ye Xuan nod, "this world is very small, and the martial arts civilization is very backward, you can go out!

Shangguan is neitched, "Okay!

Ye Xuan suddenly turned his head, not far away, the woman has also followed.

Ye Xuan Xiao said: "What do you want to do?"

The woman looked at Ye Xuan, "Who are you!

Ye Xuan laughed, then said: "Girl, I have no malvice to you, here, just want to install.

Oh, I am here, I am curious, I want to explore, there is nothing else!

check it out!

After the woman is silent, he said: "More dangerous inside!

Ye Xuan blinked, "For me, there is no dangerous place!

I have all the things, all of them are water!

Woman: ".

Ye Xuan took the first flight, and the woman hesitated and he had followed it.

After a while, the three came to a river, just arrived by the river, a pungent bloody taste suddenly came.

Ye Xuanbei wrinkled, he found that this river is actually a blood river!

Blood river!

Ye Xuan turned his head to see the woman, the woman looks calm, "the blood color river, this place is the blood of the blood!


Ye Xuan said: "Can the girl say this?"

The woman looked at Ye Xuan, "I don\'t want to say!"

Ye Xuan slammed the hand, and a leaf suddenly fell into his hands. Next, he looked at the leaves with the leaves.


The woman has not reacted, the leaves are directly inciting her eyebrows, and the blood suddenly spilled out, and her cheeks!

The woman is in the original place!

Ye Xuan looked at the woman. "Do you think that I am very good? It is indeed, I am really very good when I face the beauty. For example, the Shangguan girl around me, I think it is very pleasant to talk to beauty, after all, Grunge!

but you.

Said, he shook his head, "IMHO, you are not beautiful enough!"

I only have a beautiful girl!

Woman: ".

Shangguancheng looked at the Ye Xuan, the mouth is slightly slightly.
