One Sword Reigns Supreme

2747 Chapter 2633: Borrow a talk!

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SO, fastest update a sword alone!


In the next time, Ye Xuan is pondering this Qingxuanjian every day!

And he also named this sword technology to study: Qing Xuan, a sword!

This sword, he only has a word: fast!

Fast to the ultimate!

At first, Ye Xuan is just simple let the Qing Xuan sword take the target as coordinates, then through the sword, do this, the power is not good, but it is far less than!

So, Ye Xuan began to integrate into the Qingxuanjian with the avenue of swords!

Just like normal royal swordsman!

However, the operation mode is very different.

Before, I was in the heart of the sword, and now he is directly with the sword, the former rely on himself, and the latter is completely dependent on the Qing Xuan Sword itself!

What is inverted? No!

Because Qing Xuan Sword has been integrated with him, the sword is a sword, when he holds Qing Xuanjian\'s moment, he is a part of Qing Xuanjian, so he can also have Qingxuan Sword. Special ability!

It is very difficult to think that Ye Xuan found that there is no!

In the middle of the world, the sword light is constantly flashing, and the speed is getting faster and faster. At the end, the whole world is full of swords!

After a long time, Ye Xuan stopped, at this moment, he is excited!

At this time, the speed of this sword is at least ten times more than the speed!

Ten times!

What is this concept? Don\'t say that the three knows, even if it is the way, he can have a sword!

He knows, he has not had enough grasp. After all, there is a good thing to borrow the universe, and the power is still very horrible!

But it can be determined that the following is less than the ants!

It is worth mentioning that his world is getting stronger now!

Every day is stronger!

And he also faintly felt that this sword is awesome!

Once the quality is reached, his sword will get a big breakthrough!

After the success of Qingxuan, Ye Xuan began to study this sword!

Originally, he is not very interested in this sword field!

But after seeing the old man\'s sword field, he found that it was not strong in the sword, but he did not eat!

Ye Xuanjiaxe is spread, the Qing Xuan sword is slightly trembled, the next moment, he is directly in a mysterious power!

Sword field!

And his sword is the orderful sword!

Take advantage of!

Ye Xuan double eyes slowly, very fast, countless human swords appeared within the sword domain, there are more and more swords in the world, and the time and space in the sword is directly dramatic, and he has not stopped , Constantly urged the world of swords!

His faith is endless!

Unless the universe he managed, otherwise, his faith will never disappear!

In the sword domain, there are more and more swords in the world. At the end, the whole world tremble this moment!

Ye Xuan is calm, countless swords suddenly flood into his Qing Xuanjian, Qing Xuan sword is trembled, and it is ready to go. !

Ye Xuan double eyes slowly, countless human swords suddenly moved back to Qing Xuanjun!

After returning to the Qing Xuanjian, I slowly returned to normal at this moment, but the human sword in Ye Xuanjian did not disappear!

Ye Xuan looked at Qing Xuanjian. If he went out of his sword, this sword was able to easily destroy this whole world.

Thinking of this, Ye Xuan suddenly stunned!

A thought suddenly appeared in his brain!

Why is you often sword with a sword? Yang Sword, thousands of days, sword must be dead!

Think here, Ye Xuan\'s heart is moving, endless human swords source continues to enter the Qingxian sword!

Qing Xuanjian began to arranging!

Ye Xuan double eyes closed slightly, crazy released the swords of the world, gradually, the world\'s swords in Qing Xuan swords are more and more!

Ye Xuan\'s god color became more and more downsful, and Qing Xuanjian can bear, but he can\'t get this world of swords!

In the end, he can only rely on the sword domain to suppress this human sword, because he found that the world has begun to become illusively!

There are too many swords in Qing Xuanjian, too strong, this sky is completely unbearable!

After a long time, Ye Xuanlian stopped, at this moment, his face is full of sweat!

It\'s too big!

This is not just the consumption of the flesh, but also the consumption of the soul!

Continue such, the sword will not be destroyed, but his soul will definitely not bear, not only the soul, the flesh is absolutely unbearable!

Ye Xuan looked at the Qing Xuanjian in his hand, shocking in his heart, at this moment, there is an endless human sword, if it is a sword, it will be destroyed!

Even if it is a known situation, it is afraid that it is not necessarily able to live!

If he uses the sword to use the blood of the blood and the avenue, the power of this sword must once again increase!

And if it is another sword, this sword is powerful, it will double!

Thinking of this, Ye Xuan couldn\'t help but see the Qing Xuan sword in his hand, he all look forward to himself!

If you have this sword, how much will this sword? Of course, he didn\'t try!

This sword is out, this universe is not destroyed, and it is afraid that it will be hit!

What seems to be, Ye Xuan suddenly mentally, and a sword suddenly appeared in front of him!

No sword!

Looking at the sword in front of you, the Ye Xuanzhao\'s mouth is not allowed to be slight!

This sword is, it is definitely a yin!

Qing Xuanjian is in the Ming, the sword is dark!

Old man is really an old cloud!

Ye Xuan haha ​​smiled.

At this time, the little pen suddenly said: "In fact, you forget one thing!"

Ye Xuan stunned, "What?"

Small pass: "The avenue is three, you only cultivate the first, and now you can actually practice the second!

Ye Xuan Xiao said: "I didn\'t forget!

Small pen silence: "Why don\'t you practice? As far as I know, this is the owner spending a lot of hard work, the first part is enough to cultivate into the defenses, and you are cultivating the second, Your avenue will change, then your strength will also enhance a lot!

You must know that the past Zongzong is only cultivating the first, the strength is already so striving!

Ye Xuan smiled, "because the conditions are not allowed!

Small pen can not understand, "Conditions are not allowed?"

Ye Xuan nod, "cultivate the second part, I have to absorb the legendary avenue aura!

Do you know that Avenue aura? "

Small pen silence.

Ye Xuan brow is slightly wrinkled, at this time, the little pass: "Know!

That is a special aura, there is only some special places in Tangmen.

There is also the place where the previous returns, but you didn\'t care about it at the time!

Ye Xuan Shen said: "Where is it now in addition to the place of return?"

Small pass: "Some special places, specific, I am not very clear, however, you want to get this avenue aura, I am very difficult, because this is in the door, it belongs to a very precious thing!

The awareness of the heavens need this stuff, so the door can basically control all the heavens, because the door is difficult to find this avenue, of course, even if you encounter outside, Will soon be taken away by the door.

Ye Xuan light voice: "Can I go to the door?"

After the small pen is silent, he said: "Do you pay attention to your mind?"

Ye Xuan wants to think, then said: "If it is the door to see the trouble, I will grab it, it should be inevitable, it should be contrary to my heart!

Small silence: "Do you want fishing law enforcement?"

Ye Xuanzheng is going to talk, just at this time, the distance between the horizon suddenly trembled, the next moment, a middle-aged man came out!

See this middle-aged man, Ye Xuanbei wrinkled!

This middle-aged man is the middle-aged man who fled before, and after the middle-aged man, he still followed more than a dozen strong, and the three kings did six!

After the middle-aged man appeared, he looked at the four weeks, then looked at Ye Xuan, cold channel: "Your father!

Ye Xuan said: "Go!

Middle-aged man asked, "Where do you have?"

Ye Xuan shook his head, "I don\'t know!

The middle-aged man is furious, "He is you, you don\'t know where he has?"

Ye Xuan looked at a man, "I don\'t know!"

Middle-aged man cold channel: "Father debate is also!

Ye Xuan low sigh.

Middle-aged man asked, "What is your sigh?"

Ye Xuan said: "You are walking with people now, I just didn\'t have happened this, how do you see?"

Middle-aged man\'s mouth is bruising, "Are you not joking?"

Ye Xuan shook his head, mind, movement - !

In an instant, behind the middle-aged man, a three-known strong head flew out directly, blood is pillar.

See this scene, everyone in the field stunned!

How is this going? At this time, Ye Xuan suddenly said: "Fall!


The sound is just falling, and a three-known strong head flew out.

Seeing this scene, everyone suddenly came back, the heart is very awkward, and they have retired, they look at Ye Xuan, just like watching ghosts!

The middle-aged man headed is also a frightening, "you.

Ye Xuan glanced at the middle-aged man, then said: "Do you know how lucky you can go before, is it lucky?"

Middle-aged man trembling: "You, it is, I am waiting for the god, please please don\'t remember the little person."

After finishing, he ran!

However, just running, his head did not have a sign of flying out, and blood splash was a long!

Directly erased!

Ye Xuan looked at the remaining strongest, those strong faces instantly changed, they were going to escape, Ye Xuan suddenly said: "Who moves me first!"

Everyone has a stiff!

Ye Xuan looked at everyone and then said: "Don\'t know if you have an interest to read? You can save the kind!

Everyone is silent.

Ye Xuan brows, "It seems that it is not interested!"

I heard the words, and everyone\'s face was instantly changed, and one of the old people were busy with the voice; "read.

Old husband read.

I don\'t think about it. The old man once is also a reading person, the ancient double repairs, what is the 36-hole mystery, what seventy-two road gods.

The old man is very popular.

Ye Xuan wants to think, then said: "Borrow a talk!

Everyone: ".
