One Sword Reigns Supreme

2736 Chapter 2622: Join!

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SO, fastest update a sword alone!

After a while, Ye Xuan and Nanbai came to an ancient city. The giant stayed outside the city, and had to say that this giant is really big. In front of it, the city is extremely small!

Nanbang took Ye Xuanfei in front of the city gate, two people walked towards the city!

At the gate of the city, standing in the two boulders guarding!

Seeing Nanbang, two guards quickly rude.

After entering the city, Ye Xuan found that it is very cold in the city, and there is basically no one on the street!

Ye Xuan looks in Nanbang, "Why is there so little?"

Nanbang smiled: "They go to the ridicular mountains hunting!"

There is a ridiculous big demon!

Wild ancient demon!

Nan Bang also said: "The ancient demon, the same year is also the master of the avenue, so it is closed here!

Ye Xuan said: "Do you hate the owner of the avenue?"

Nanbang blinks, "Don\'t hate!

Ye Xuan does not understand, "Why?"

Nanbang smiled: "He can destroy us, but he didn\'t!

Ye Xuan slightly nodd, I am going to talk, Nanbang continues to say: "Why do you want to hate? I hate, I also fight him, so I don\'t hate him, although I\'ve been closed here, but some people, but some people I think I am already very good!

At least, I am still alive now!

Ye Xuan looked at the nature, shocked in his heart!

The mood of this girl is a bit invincible!

Nan Bang continued: "But my grandfather can\'t let it go!"

He wanted to take people in a lifetime, want to reproduce the glory of the year!

Said, she whispered, "I am so strong that the ancestors of the ancestors, I can\'t play the owner of the avenue. Now, how can we hit people?"

Ye Xi wants to think, then said: "If you are a family, what do you do?"

Nanbang\'s alert looks at the four weeks, then the small voice: "If I am a family, I will have a low-key development, and then I am admitted to the avenue owner, and I will develop it!

Because of the current situation, how do our families develop, they are absolutely not able to play the owner of the avenue!

In this case, we also have the heart of revenge, and it is very likely that it will bring the enemy to the enemy.

Failure is not terrible, terrible is the failure, can\'t just wear your own mentality, my grandfather\'s mentality is that he believes that the future will be able to turn over the avenue of the avenue.

Said, she shook his head and sighed, "The last generation of hatred, can\'t forget!

Forgot hatred, it is not respectful for the ancestors!

However, I personally think that before the people who have already played a big road owner, we should be low-profile, we must squat themselves.

Ye Xuan is slightly nodd, "you are right!

Nanbang smiled: "You can lose rationality!"

For example, Grandpa wants to use you, I think this is wrong!

Ye Xuan looked at the nanzi, smiled: "Why?"

Nan Bang said: "First, you don\'t seem to be the kind of fool, you can\'t be used by Grandpa, and Grandpa has the heart, which will give you the retrieval of my family, once you have The heart of the resentment, then, everyone cannot be friends, or even be enemies!

Most importantly, Grandpa did not face you, he was high at the beginning, because he is a gentle, and you are an order, he will have a psychological superiority, this The superiority will definitely bring you a bad impression, with this kind of superiority, you can\'t talk about anything between you!

Ye Xuan silence.

Nan Bang continues; "So, then you will see my grandfather, you, definitely collapsed!"

Ye Xuan Xiao said: "I am here, I am looking for Qin Guan girl!"

Nan Bang said: "The girl is not in the family!

Ye Xuan stunned.

Nan Bang looks to Ye Xuan, "The girl went to the ridiculous mountain range!

Leaf Xuan stopped.

Nan Bang continued: "But you have to go to the ridiculous mountain range, you must help our family, because the only way to the ridiculous mountain range is the ancestral place of my Nanbai.

Said, she grinned, "This is the capital of Grandpa and you negotiate!

He will scare you, say that the girl is very dangerous now, if you don\'t hurry, she may be dangerous, then let you promise his conditions, what conditions? That is, let you help my family to break this seal!

Ye Xuan Shen said: "How do he know that I can break this seal?"

Nan Bang said: "Because you can come in here, under normal circumstances, the average person can\'t get this place.

You can come in with the girl, prove, you can go out!

He was looking for that girl talked, but he did not succeed, because the girl he came in, but it was only sneaked, and you are different, you can take us out!

Simply, if we are smuggle, there will be a big danger, because the heavens must not be us, we have to go out, only one way, that is, the bright is big!

Said, she looked to Ye Xuan, "Can you go out, right, right?"

Ye Xuan nod, "should be!

Nanbang smiled: "Grandpa\'s purpose is to take us with our bright!

He will have two choices, first, talk to you, threaten you with that girl, second, he uses force to threaten you!

Ye Xuan looks in Nanbang, is interested, "if he does it, what should I do?"

Nanbang thought about it, then: "Not what you should do, but if he did it!"

So, I will have evil with you!

At that time, maybe there is no need to wait for the avenue, the owner of the arm, and our family will have a disaster!

Ye Xuan looked at Nanbang, "Why do you think I will threaten your Nanbanese? I want to know, I don\'t care!

Nanbang smiled: "It\'s a terrible!

You repair the order, but you can ignore the avenue pen master seal, what does this mean? Means that you are not afraid of the avenue master!

The reason why our family is almost alive, because my ancestors want to take the order, so, give my family to the top disaster!

And you are now an order, but it is alive, this is already able to explain a lot of things!

Ye Xuan silence.

Nan Bang continued: "Grandpa has a long time, he rarely contacts the outside, so he has the high-level mentality, in his opinion, he negotiated with a real world, it is to give this face!

In addition, Grandpa said in the family, no one dares to reverse him, so you will meet him, there will be no good results!

Said, she suddenly stopped.

Ye Xuan looks in front of him, not far from him, is a hall, the main hall, there are two big characters: ancestral!

Nanbang smiled: "So, I will not take you!"

You entered the ancestral, there is a transfer array in the ancestral, which can be directly to the ridiculous mountain.

Ye Xuan looks in Nanbang, "Will you be punished?"

Nanbang blinks, "no!

Ye Xuan brows micropleded.

Nanbang smiled: "It\'s really not!

I am now the most enchanting person in the Nanbai. The future Nanbanese is my family, so, grandfather, he can\'t take me!

Ye Xuan silence.

Nan Bang continued: "The strongest mountain range is the ridiculous king, this person has been in half-step!

If you encounter it, you can be careful!

The girl you\'re looking for, she went to the ridiculous mountains, in order to find the inheritance of the ridiculous demon god, the ridiculous monsters won\'t let her get the inheritance, so she may be dangerous!

Ye Xuan slightly, "I understand!

After finishing, he walked toward the ancestral!

Nan Bang suddenly said: "If it is a loss, you can return it here, there is our family, the ridiculous monsters do not dare to step into this place!

Ye Xuan turned his head and looked at the Nanban, smiled: "Thank you!"

Said, he suddenly said, and said: "I promised you before, still valid!

Waiting for me to find my friend, I will come to you.

After finishing, he walked into the ancestral!

Originally, Nanbang smiled slightly, not talking.

Soon, the ancestral block was suddenly started, soon, Ye Xuan disappeared in the ancestral!

Ye Xuan Kong disappeared, an old man appeared next to Nanban.

The old man looked at the ancestral temple, then looked at Nanbang, Nanbang smiled: "Grandpa!

After the old man is silent, he said: "Do you not believe in the grandfather?"

Nan Bang light sound: "Other things can be by Grandpa, but this matter is not!

Because if this is in the way of grandfather, it will bring the disaster in the top!

The old man is staring at Nanbai, "I have the disaster of the top? Do you think Grandpa will bring the disaster of the Nanbar?"

Nanban nodded, "Yes!

The old man smiled, "Shantou, don\'t you feel that your words are ridiculous?"

Nan Bang looked at the ancestral ancestors in the distance, "Grandpa, the development of our family slowly recovering the vitality, if it is an inadvertent, I really have a disaster!

The old man is cold: "You know, he can come in, and it is bright and big, and there must be anything I will.

Nan Bang looks to the old man, "Not there of the craft, he is bright, and it is still an order, this kind of person, or it is incomparable to the sky, or the family is incomparable to the sky.

No matter which one is, this is not my family to provoke!

The old man still wants to say anything, Nanbang suddenly turned to him, "Grandpa, you should retire!"

Wen said, the old man is first, the next moment, he is furious, "Shantou, you.

Nanbang\'s right hand suddenly spread, and then slammed down.


An invisible percentage directly shrouded the old man, and the powerful percentage directly put the old people breathed!

The old man looked at Nanbang, "Tianzhan.

You have reached the deflection!

Nanbang nodded slightly, then recovered the right hand, the old man suddenly looked with the weight, the whole body was loose!

Nanbang looks quietly: "Grandpa, I want to talk to you with granddaughter\'s identity, but obviously don\'t speak!

In this case, I can only talk to you with strength!

Said, she looked at the old man, "Now, I am your grandfather, oh is not, now, I will take over the Nanbanese!

Old man: ".

Nan Bang also said: "" The three knows the country, "!

The sound is like a thunder, which is spread throughout the Nanbanese, very fast, and the strong breath is rushing from the city, and then comes toward the ancestors!

The old man looked at the nature, "What do you want to do?"

Nanbang looked at the ancestral, whispered: "Wait, wait for him to conflict with the ridiculous people!

The old man asked, "then?"

Nan Bang is calm: "Of course, the family is full, and the whole force will help Ye Gongzi.

The old man is dead, staring at Nanbang, does not understand.

Nanbang whispered sigh, explained: "Grandpa, we are doing the owner of the avenue, even if you have a granddaughter, I exceed the ancestor, but I can only take advantage of!

This Ye Gongzi is a person who eats soft, hard, this is his soft rib, we are good, you will be good, if he is difficult, our family help, in his character, the future will help me The Nanbanese is one hand, as long as one hand, I can get stripped!

Said, she shook his head, "My ancestant is that year, it is too pedigled!

In this world, I will always understand a truth, that is, I don\'t do it, I will join!

Who is strong, I will mix!

just? They are just!

However, fucking, suffering, our future generations!

How can I have such a pit? "
