One Sword Reigns Supreme

2734 Chapter 262: Wild Anyuan!

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SO, fastest update a sword alone!

Have to say, at this moment, the arrogant is really shocked!

The strong people of the town were killed!

Of course, this is not a focus, the focus is the strong people who dare to kill the town of the town in front of you!

How do you dare? That is the town!

Soon, the Lord of the Shang Zongzheng became a hi from shock!

Because people in front of you killed the people of the town, the town will not give up!

This is a face problem!

The more this top force, the more it cares about the face problem!

Ye Xuan stared at the Lord, "I know, your relief is on the air, I am now killing the town, you are definitely very happy in my heart, because the power of the town will sure to find me!

But I have to tell you that before they come, I can clean you, do you believe it? "

The arrogance of the Zongzong is staring at Ye Xuan, "This is a misunderstanding!

At this moment, he has to serve soft!

Ye Xuan smiled, "also delay time!

After that, he turned and left, in the moment of leaving, his right hand suddenly spread, Qing Xuanjian directly flew out, Qing Xuan Jian wanted to disappear in the field, turning instant, countless screams in the field Running!


Seeing this scene, the arrogance of the main face is instantly changed, he quickly said: "I tell you!"

In the distance, Ye Xuan is slightly shaking his head, "Don\'t worry!

The arrogance of the arrogance: "Chasing her, except me on the gas, and returning to Yuanzong!

Not long ago, she fled to the wild anyle!

Ye Xuan turned his head and looked at the main land, the eyes were calm, "returned to Yuanzong, the ancient enkem?"

The tone is very calm, but the arrogance of the Gong Zong, but it feels cool, and he does not dare to hesitate. He quickly nodded.

Ye Xuan slightly, then turn around!

However, Qing Xuanjian is still slaughter!

Seeing this scene, the gas is the main leader first, then anger: "You don\'t talk about it!"

Ye Xuan turned his head and looked at the emperor. "I first opened me, you don\'t say!

I don\'t let you say, you have begun to say.

Blame me? "

The arrogance of the main look, wants to talk, just talk, a sword is suddenly wearing his throat, let his voice abrupt!

Qing Xuanjian is so thunder, and the wilderness in the field can\'t resist, in just a short time, all the strong people in the whole field are tagged, blood is reddish!

On the one side, the air is angry in the Sisss, but Ye Xuan Gen is no matter what he.

Finally, Qing Xuan Jian flew back to Ye Xuan\'s face, and Ye Xi\'s hands were spread, and Qing Xuan sword fell to his hand, Qing Xuanjian is like blood, and the demon is extreme.

At this point, there is only a gas owner in the field!

Ye Xuan was turned to look at the main defenders, the latter stared at him, but Ye Xuan did not have any nonsense, and referred to it, Qing Xuanjian did not enter the main eyebrow!


The arrogant is clean and clean.

Ye Xuan got a Qing Xuan sword, it was going to turn left, and at this time, he suddenly turned to look at the gas ground in the distance. On the ground, there was a boy who was staring at him, a boy approximately fifteen Years, at this moment, double punches, I am dead and staring at him!

Ye Xuan is turned off!

The teenager suddenly said: "You don\'t kill me, is it I can\'t see me?"

Ye Xuan did not stop, he continued to go far away!

At this time, the teenager suddenly fell to the Ye Xuan, "Jian Xiu, 30 years of Hedong, 30 years of Hexi, Mo to deceive the poor, you are waiting, I will have to take you all the door.


A sword is suddenly wearing a young eyebrow, and the juvenile voice is abrupt!

The teenager looked at the horizon, "Don\'t you kill me?"

The sky, Ye Xuan Head will not return, "I am full of gates, it\'s too difficult!

Kill you, this is not for you so hard, I am for you!

Said, he suddenly took a meal, and said: "Also, do people in the next life, don\'t force it, this is for you!"

Some people are not suitable for being forced!

After that, the Qing Xuan sword was trembled, and the teenager was directly erased.

Ye Xuan disappeared in the depths of the starry sky, Qingxuan Swordization made a sword light chasing the past!

Teenager: ".


After half an minutes, a middle-aged man appeared in the field, and the middle-aged man looked at the mountains in a glance, and the eyes were cold!

After a while, the middle-aged man was cold and glanced at the horizon, "the Tuzong!

Killing my town, it is really gallblaguing, the old man wants to see, where are you sacred!

After finishing, he disappeared directly.


In the stars, Ye Xuan right is full of one.


Starry sky is boiling directly!

At this time, an old man appeared in the field, which was not a few days ago.

Tiandao looked at the Ye Xuan, and there was a lot of jealous!

The things that he is destroyed, he already knows that ignoring the gas is not terrible, terrible is to ignore the town!

Looking at him for many years of experience in heaven, this is not for yourself, it is a cow!

Ye Xuan looked at the heaven: "Where is the ancient entertainment?"

Wild an enviation!

I heard the words, and the Tiandao suddenly, and then quickly said: "You, this is not simple, it is the first for the universe, and the first dangerous place, do you say you, even the top forces, I don\'t dare to enter into!

Ye Xuan looked at the heaven: "You tell me the place!"

Tiandao hesitated, then said: "Go to the right, after passing through nine stars!"

Ye Xuan slightly, then turn around!

Heaven suddenly said: "What is your name?"

Ye Xuan did not speak, and the direct imperial sword disappeared in the end of the star!

Tiandao looked at the end of the star, the brow was deeply frowned!

The genius and enchanting of this domain, he basically knows that he has not seen this.

Is it going outside? Thinking of this, the Tiandao stunned, followed, his face changed!

The heavens have no difficulty, "Is it too late.

Too early!

This horrible family is the biggest enemy of the current domain, and the extent of the Dao is now so united, that is, because of the beginning of the group!

This family, incomparably terrible!

After the heavens are silent, turn around!

He thinks that this is not simple, you must have to report!

As the Taoist Door, they naturally do not want too far to enter the Taoist field. I know that the Tao gate of the Game is in front of the Taiwan, almost being caught up!

And the way to the Domain, that is, there is great prestige, three super power have to give them a door!

Moreover, there are also their interests of their doors, which can be said that they have the same interests in this domain!

They are integrated!


Too early!

This day, the weather is extremely good, the school of the school is too late to be fishing in a river. It is not far from her, where there is a black robe!

I suddenly turned around to see the black robe, "he went to the domain?"

The black robe nodded, "Yes!

After the silence of the Taijie silence, the look gradually sinked, "What to do in the road!

The black robes are deeply said: "There is a woman who has a problem in the Domain. He went to help!

I heard the words, and the young appearance suddenly became easily, and the face was just a smile. "It\'s really helping me!

The black robe is stunned, "What?"

Too late, haha ​​smile, then said: "The command, immediately convene all the strong people in our family to the Domain!

The black robe hesitated, then said: "The family is long, why?"

Too late sickness: "Why? Of course, in order to save the leaves!"

I am friends with Ye Gongzi, he is difficult to say in the Domain, I can stand by side? Call everything now, go to the domain!

As my Ye brother is shocked, I will have a whole domain too early!

Black robe people don\'t dare to ask again, let\'s take it now!

At this time, a voice came from the side, "Is this start to gamble?"

It\'s too late to look at it, not far away, standing with a white old man, the old man must be white, the temperament is elegant!

Too late: "Confucius, don\'t you think this is a good opportunity?"

After the film is silent, he said: "Let the teenager stir over the Domain, not better?"

Too late, "then?"

Kong Shi said: "We are sitting in the interests of fishermen!

Too early, happening, "can\'t receive it!

If this person is destroyed in the Domain forces, he must establish an order in the Domain, then we can\'t enter the Cosmic!

After the film is silent, he said: "Can you tell me the real strength of this person? Otherwise, what I think may give the disaster!

Too late: "His order is the order!

But now still alive!

Confucius first, it\'s incredible, and after a moment, he nodded, "understand!

Too late: "This time, we can take his trend to enter the road universe. Once we take the universe, the worst situation, it is also our gentleman to coexist with him!

Even so, we also earn, because he will help us block the cause of the avenue pen owner!

Said, she shook his head smile, quite helpless, "have to take advantage of!

Confucius: "If you want to have a universe, I am more in your sister!

Too big!

I heard the words, the smile on the face was gradually disappeared. After a moment, she whispered; "To her, now I, no good!"

Confucius: "She is a gentle body, as long as she gives her time, she will become a peer-like person. At that time, she could shake me too late to make me too late, not only that, at that time Some people will support her.

I suddenly laughed at: "What is it?"

Confucius said to Taijie, Taiji and his face: "Confucius, if you are a big family, you said, will she do better than me?"

After the film is silent, he said: "Should not!

After finishing, he suddenly said, "Of course, you do it, it is absolutely not bad."

Too jealous, she bowed his head, he looked down to the fish pond in front of him, and smiled: "I am less than one year with my sister, you can start, my father and mother, there are only sister, as long as I want my sister. If you want, there is no she can\'t get it, and I, everyone ignores me.

why? Because my sister is too early to be the body, I have known the first body, everyone think she can bring me too late to glory.

At that time, I am actually hateful, why do they prefer my sister? Do you think I don\'t do it? What? "

After the silence of Master, Kong Mas is silent, whispered: "No wonder you have deprived her generous bones, but did not use it.

No wonder you have been doing a family, directly abolish special treatment, everyone is a colleague.

It\'s too late to laugh, then said: "I was in my heart, I won the sister\'s pretty bones, killing her.

Today, she is returning, if she kills me one day, it is also my causal, I don\'t complain, I don\'t regret that I have made it.

Said, she looked at the four weeks, "Whether it is me, still her, will continue to go with too late, the better.

Kong Shi slightly, "If there is a day, I will die with the same family!
