One Sword Reigns Supreme

2726 Chapter 262: Three-flow physique!

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SO, fastest update a sword alone!

Too early!

When the woman is talking about this family, it flashes a grief in the eyes.

Just then, the woman\'s woman suddenly turned to see, not far away, there is three people!

Participant, it is the owner!

After him, there is no god.

Looking at the owner, the shakhow woman laughed: "Hey, don\'t be innocent!"

Bless: "Jiang Taichen, I didn\'t expect, you actually have a relative!

Jiang Taichen laughed, "Hey, you are not the same as before!

I used you, not like this now.


I use this word, you don\'t mind? "

Berrove shrugs, "You don\'t want, why don\'t you kill the king?"

Jiang Taichen gradually disappeared on his face.

The boundless laugh, then said: "Jiang Taichen, I have to say, many times I think you are really true!

You actually think that you can get the place of returning.

what are you thinking? "

Jiang Taichen smiled: "Hey, according to what I know, after you fail, now you have been mixed everywhere, how do you want to mix a lifetime?"

I still want to say anything, Jiang Taichen suddenly said: "You know the sky, know the future is the king of the mountain, but you have your own pride, you don\'t want to attach him, you want to seek other opportunities to achieve the purpose, but unfortunately.

You don\'t have any other opportunities!

Because, you don\'t have it to rely on the king, you can\'t save people from the return of the market!

Moreover, if you are returning, even if you save it, the cause is enough for you!

Said, she laughed, "I am boundless, I haven\'t found it yourself, you have started to compromise to the fate, now you, no more in the past, there is no arrogance.

Now you, low-key,,!

Of course, this is safe, after all, you know the sky, you can easily avoid the murder.

But? What is the meaning of this life? "

I watched the ginger is too quiet. "I wish you success!

Jiang Tai singer said: "I don\'t know, I don\'t know, I only know, I am going to fight!

After that, she turned and left.

After two steps, Jiang Taixedan thought what she thought, she stopped again, then said: "You suddenly leave on the same day, knowing that you can\'t take away from the hoping!

After finishing, she turned around and watched and laughed: "On the day, it can block you, only the avenue owner, and the avenue pen owner is absolutely impossible, that is, if you join hands, we all Can get what we want!

I am looking at Jiang Taichen, "then?"

Said, he laughed, "Then you can really overturn the order of the avenue owner? Do you think of a returning man?

I know that you want to resurrect some ancient gods, but you think these people are resurrected, can you shake the avenue owner? "

Jiang Tai singer said: "You don\'t know me, I don\'t know you!"

We will take all ways to see who can go to the end!

After finishing, she turned and disappeared at the end of the starry.

Non-side ginger is ginger in the depths of the stars, silence.

He knows that this ginger should still have a backhand!

Resist the avenue pen owner? The borderless main double eyes slow down!

So far, only one person can be afraid of the owner of the avenue!

Rely on the mountain of Yuxi!

There is no sudden silence: "Hey, if you want to save people from the ruins, in fact, we can find Ye Gongzi.

He is still very good!

I\'m smiling, "" You think too simple!

He is now guiding people from the regulations.

Of course, even if he can now, I will not see him!

There is no need to say.

Shenming suddenly said; "Is the avenue owner not let Ye Gongzi bring a life imprint?"

The boundless look in the distance, soft: "That is what he is giving this king!

Shen Ming hesitated, then said: "The owner of the avenue is doing this, isn\'t it?"

I watched a god, "Order and law are what he is created, do you think he is a private law?"

Shen Ming Xiao said: "Is the little girl?"

Bless soft: "Tai New.

A good old old big country.

Shen Ming said: "Is Ye Gongzi is calculated, will it be dangerous?"

Hey, look at the god, "Are you worried about the king of the mountain?"

The god expression is stiff.

Borderless: "Jiang Taichen said by the knife and killing people, not borrowing the hands of the school to kill the king, but borrowed from the Hami\'s hand to the genus!

do you understand? "

God nodded slightly, "understand!

The boundless look at the depths of the stars in the distance, and the eyes flashed!

The future of the future is getting harder and harder!

I have to say, sometimes he is very envious of the Xuanxuan!

Don\'t worry about it at all, just take it!

Because of the front road, others have helped him!

After a while, the owner shook his head smile, "Everyone is born by the mountain, everyone wants to do the king!

After finishing, he turned and left!

Shenming turned to see the shackles, "Do you want to do the king?"

There is no hesitation, then said: "Don\'t want!

God is unconnected, "Why?"

10, "I have no sister!

After finishing, he walked in the distance!

After the disloyalty of Shenming, he said: "I have a sister, but.

Said, he shook his head and sighed. "There is no contrast, there is no harm!

After finishing, he also followed it.


Endless starry sky, Ye Xuan Yujian!

He already took the leaf shallow through and didn\'t know how many universe areas, however, still not arrived!

Ye Xuan has some helplessness!

What is this little girl going? At this moment, Ye Xuan suddenly looked at the distance. In the stars in the distance, there was a huge stone monument, while the stone monument, gathered a lot of people!

After the shuttle is so long, Ye Xuan this is the first time to see the cultivator!

Ye Xuan decided to look at it, he came to the stone monument, he looked at the stone monument, the stone monument was up to Baizhang, and two big words were engraved: Wushu!

Ye Xuan looked at a man beside him, then asked, "Xiongtai, this is?"

When I heard Ye Xuan, the man got an eye of Ye Xuan, then laughed: "You don\'t know?"

Ye Xuan Xiao said: "Yes!

Just come!

The man smiled slightly, "This is a martial art!

Ye Xuan looked at the man, "Wu Mun?"

Men explain: "Yes!

This martial art is not simple, there is a legendary avenue nerve!

Avenue nerve!

Wen said, Ye Xuan\'s face is black and black!

Oh shit!

Is this a road of the avenue that is already bad? Thinking of this, Ye Xuanzhen wants to kill the master of the avenue, Mom!

This goods are not personal!

The man continued: "Do you know the avenue nerve?"

Ye Xuan looked at the man, and the man laughed: "This is the owner of the Avenue, cultivating this, cultivating, and hard work!"

If you want to buy it, you can buy at least twelve billion cars, but here, you can get it!

Ten billion pass crystal!

Ye Xuan silent!

Oh shit!

He feels insulted!


At this moment, some people were exclaimed, "is the Miss Ji Master!

I heard the words, the people in the field turned around, not far away, a woman was slow, the woman wearing a simple green embroidered long dress, long hair shawl, delicious facial features, very good looking!

However, her face is cold, and the look is a proud of it, give birth to a person!

The woman was slowly walked to the stone monument, and her right hand was placed on the stone monument, soon, the stone monument suddenly fed slightly.

Seeing this scene, those in the field suddenly shocked, but very fast, the horror became envious!

In the eyes of everyone, the stone monument suddenly released a white light, in white, a old man slowly came out!

When I saw this old, the woman quickly greeted, "the old age!

After the old man came out, he looked at a woman, then nodded slightly, "Tianling\'s body.

Can you barely!

Wen said, the woman suddenly became big.

At this moment, the old man suddenly turned to look into the Ye Xuan not far away, and when he saw Ye Xuan, he was slightly!

Ye Xuan smiled; "I am already very low!"

But did not think of it, still being discovered!

The old saying is good, it will give light.

At this moment, the old person suddenly fell on the shallow body behind the Xixia, and when he saw the leaves, he suddenly became one, the next moment, he was ecstatic, "this.

This is actually the legendary geodes!

Too early body!

In the field, when everyone heard this sentence, it is petrified in the same place, and it is incredible!

Too early body!

That is, the first body of the ancient times!

Summary, this horrible physique has only been once, and that is the ancestor of the Taijie, and the ancestors of the eagerness will also, but it is invincible for the "super strong"!

After he established the Taijien, he has so far been the first ethnic group of the first universe.

It is not polite, in the early universe, even the avenue owner, you must give this family face!

The reason why the gear is so horrible, all because the terrorist strength of the ancestors of the same year, now, now there is a generosity in the body? At this time, the old man flew directly to Ye Xuan and the leaves, he looked at the two places in the shallow eyes, trembling: "This is the first of the morning, this.

This is really a gentle body, my day.

Said, he seems to think about what, quickly crush a sound.

Call people!

The leaf is shallower, it seems to be some afraid, she is busy hiding behind the bliss of the leaves.

Ye Xuan glanced at the old man, he hesitated, then: "Do you want to see me? I think I am very good!" I don\'t think I am very good!

The old man looked at the Ye Xuan, then said: "Zhu Body.

Thirtan-current body.

After finishing, he looked at the leaf and hot.

Ye Xuan wants to think, then take the Qing Xuanjian to point to the old man, "You talk so much, it is really too much!

The small tower suddenly said: "The little is anxious!
