One Sword Reigns Supreme

2704 Chapter 269: Big Jian Xiu!

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SO, fastest update a sword alone!

Tao god did not go!

If she goes, this Ye Xuan will definitely be killed by the ginger, and Ye Xuanru is killed, the trouble can be big!

The two sisters of Ye Xuan are not the master of the explanation!

In the distance, the ginger saw Ye Xuan actually absorbed his sword directly, his face became incomparably ugly!

Of course, more is shocked!

How can this Ye Xuan absorb his sword? This is really not normal!

Moreover, after leaf Xuan sealing, it seems to break through!

Seeing this scene, ginger slowly scratched it, it was going to shoot, and at this time, a breath directly locked him!

Taoist God!

Ginger looks at the gods, and the sound: "Taoist God, he is also a violation of the law!

Why don\'t you shoot him? "

The Tao god glared at the ginger, "Are you like him?"

Ginger Switch: "What do you mean?"

The gods are calm, "I mean, he has a sister, you don\'t!

younger sister!

Wrecked, ginger wrinkled.

Tao God suddenly said: "I don\'t know if it is? I will remind you that he has two sisters, and I like to wear a skirt. If you are looking for her, you should be a bit difficult, however, you can pay attention !

There is also a sly called Quanqiu, now I can find her!

Ginger looks at the gods, "What do we do for them?"

The God is whispered, "You don\'t want to kill him? I tell you, I have to kill him!

Wen said, ginger wrinkled again.

Taoist gods shook their heads, "You have not made it clear about him, how do you think? Remember, don\'t walk in the future!

You only solve his sister, can you kill him, understand? "

Ginger looks at the gods, "What is the two sisters?"

The Taoist Taoist: "There is no origin, it is two big sword!


Ginger is silent, I don\'t know what I am thinking.

The Tao god did not take this ginger, and her strength, although she was against ginger, but she had to kill this ginger back, still difficult!

When they arrived at this level, we must win the other party, no problem, but to kill each other, it is too difficult!

The god looked at Ye Xuan, at this moment, Ye Xuan\'s breath is getting stronger.

Do you want to break through? Taoist brows micro-wrinkle.

Under normal circumstances, Ye Xuan is impossible to break through, because the order is a very special realm, must have the power of faith, it can break through!

At this time, Ya Xuan suddenly suddenly had countless people!

When I saw this, the look of God suddenly sinked!

This is the power of faith!

This Yaxi really has to break through!

At this moment, the look is somewhat, because Ye Xuan is an order!

The internal order is allowed, but the outer order, that is not allowed, it is really challenge the owner of the avenue.

This is rebellion!

In the field, the demon god also became an old.

She also found that Ye Xuan is out of order!

This is really rebel!

Taoism, I saw the god of the gods, but when she didn\'t work, she frowned deeply!

On the one side, the ginger suddenly looked at the God, "he is an order!

The god looked at the ginger. "What are you talking about? I don\'t understand!

Ginger is dead, "I said, he cultivated the outer order, he was challenge the order of the owner of the avenue, he was provoking you to the door!

The God calmly said: "Then?"

Wen said, ginger stunned, and then shouted: "What\'s the then? Do you don\'t do him?"

The god looked at ginger, and the brows were browned. "Who can\'t hear it?"


Ginger is incredible to look at the gods. "The god of your boundary is fake?"

Said, he angered Ye Xuan, "Do you see it? He is an order!

He wants to build a new order, he is rebellious!


Taoist brows, "people make you refuse.

Mom\'s fart? "

Everyone: ".


Ginger is angry: "My grass!


God, what do you mean? you.

He has been talking.

The God didn\'t care about him, she turned to see the Ye Xuan, who is about to break through the distance, silent!

Her heart is also suffering!

She naturally knows that Ye Xuan is rebellion, and the whole door knows that Ye Xuan is rebellion, and it is a clear rebellion, there is no hidden!

However, they have no choice but to include her master!

Because his sister is too powerful!

She has seen, rebellious, rebel!

Have a look, close one eye, hello, everyone!

On the side, the ginger roared again, "he is rebellious!


The Tao god turned to see the ginger, anger: "Who must not rebel? Who stipulates? If you feel uncomfortable, you also rebellious!

Ginger is unbelievable to look at the gods. At this moment, how did he don\'t understand? What happened? On the other side, the demon deeply looked at the God.

From the God of God, she is watching the gods. She found a question, that is, the god is a little joyful!

Why is it? Obviously, it is a person behind the joy of the leaves!

It is a mysterious woman\'s sword in the old demon. At first, the ginger is calm at this moment!

He found that things were not right!

How is this god? Thinking of this, he couldn\'t help but Xuan, the next side, can let the Gods Item, the identity of this person is absolutely unhappy!

You know, then the Taoist, that is the door!

Thinking of this, ginger gradually became a little difficult to look.


At this moment, the Ye Xuan on the distant altar suddenly opened his eyes. In an instant, countless swords and powerful breath came towards the four weeks. The whole world is like a big earthquake. It is generally dramatic. people!


In the field, everyone looked at Ye Xuan, the look is complex!

In the case of these big bodies in the order, it is actually completely not enough, but Ye Xuan is different, this is an order!

Moreover, the most terrible thing is that this is a breakthrough in front of the Gate\'s God!

This is equal to that I am in front of you, not only that, you still have to protect my law!

Thinking of this layer, some people in the field suddenly looked at the gods, and the God is really not very beautiful!

At this time, there was a sudden thunder and lightning in the world!

Moreover, these lightning is blood red!

This is a penalty!

And, still the highest level of road!

In the field, everyone looked toward the gods, the look is quirky!

The God suddenly looked at the blood thunder, then cold channel: "I can\'t see me here?"

Wen said, those blood thunders were trembled, and then quickly returned.

On the side, the ginger suddenly angered: "Taoist God, you dare to open the law, you are not afraid of your master.

The God suddenly turned to look at the ginger, cold channel: "I have a much fart, I have been to you for a long time!

Said, she directly turned into a lightning and disappearing in the original place!


The time and space before the ginger suddenly fell, followed by a lightning, like a volcano, generally touched him!

See this scene, ginger suddenly became anger, "the grass!

Said, he jumped, and then a boxing, this fist, countless past power crazy.


A light sudden broke out!


After the ginger, the gods were returned. After the god stopped, she palm opened, and the Daolian appeared in her hand, she missed ancient spell, suddenly, there were countless blood color Thunder clouds, which followed, Those blood thunders left again appeared in the field!

See this scene, the ginger in the distance is one of them, and if you are in a hurry, "Are you crazy?"

There is no nonsense, directly and refers to it, this point indicates that the Lotus flooded out, a moment, a horrible pressure instantly swept the world.

See the blood of the blood, ginger is changing, and this woman is really crazy!

This is to play!

If you don\'t think too much, the ginger stepped forward, and his right hand, and then a hand.


This, the power of a Hui Tianwei suddenly rushed to the sky, followed, on the sky, the horrible giant was blocked!


At this moment, the whole god ancient world is shaking!

Below, the big son sound next to it is: "Shen ancient world.

Tongyu: "What is worried? Cell!

Just change place!

Dagun: ".

At this time, the giant hand has fallen.

However, the giant hand just came into contact with the blood thunder, it was crashed, and a more powerful force was blown out of the four weeks!

And the ginger is crazy, this will be more than ten thousand feet. When he stopped, he gave a little annihilated under the eyes of everyone!

Meat is destroyed!

And the distance, the gods are also rejected thousands of feet, she is not very good, with a blood!

On the other hand, I looked at the ginger, and then looked at the gods. Finally, she was looked at the Ye Xuan in the far altar. She did so, I don\'t know what I think.

At this time, ginger suddenly trembled: "Are you crazy?"

Said, he pointed to Ye Xuan on the altar in the distance. "I have passed the past, but we don\'t have to rebel!

You see clearly, the guy he is an order!

Outer order, he is in front of your face!

The god looked at ginger, "I know!

Ginger is dead, staring at the god, "Do you know why not let him?"

The god looked at ginger, "I want to hit you, do you have any questions?"

Ginger almost vomiting blood.

At this moment, Ye Xuan in the distance suddenly opened his eyes, around him, people swords like a torrent shock, horrer!

In the field, everyone looked to Ye Xuan.

Ye Xuanqi, I took a deep breath, he looked at the god of the distance, "Thank you!

Taoist looked at the Ye Xuan, "You are welcome!

At this time, ginger suddenly loudly: "Grass!

I understand!

I understand!

You are a group!

Your fucking is a group!

