One Sword Reigns Supreme

2702 Chapter 268: Do you have some sisters?

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SO, fastest update a sword alone!

younger sister!

Ye Xuan smiled.

The other party really knows him!

The other party can know him, it should be that the Ye Qingqing, the sword, the ancient universe, the strength of the gods.

Thinking of this, Ye Xuan looks to the demon, "Take the demon", just because I have a hand in my hand, are you going to be on me? "

Hi pemy, "Ye Gongzi, please sit!

Ye Xuan is also welcome, sitting aside.

The demon came to the Xuanqi to sit down, then said: "Ye Gongzi is a straight-up, I will no longer make a declaration!

First, the end of the gods of the gods, that is Ye Gongzi can\'t imagine, you can say this, to break the combo, you need to get all the power of all the strong people!

And the sister is broken!

Second, the borders of the borders are equal to the order of the owners of the avenue. After the sword broke the master\'s order, there was no movement!

Why? Only one explanation, the door does not dare to have any movements!

Some power to suppress the door, such strength, I can only say, the cow!

After Ye Xuan Shen Si, said: "So, the demon girl wants to be a deal with me?"

Hi pemy, "I am tangent to help the public, and Ye Gongzi saves my god ancient people!

Ye Xuan looked at the demon, "How will you do it after going out?"

The demon is silent.

Ye Xuan laughed and looked at the demon and waited for an answer.

After the demon silence for a long time, he said: "If there is no hate and grievance, it is fake.

However, even if you hate it again, what is the use? In the peak of my gods, I was suppressed by Doumen, let alone my god ancient family is far less than the peak.

So, after this world, I will take a family to live well, don\'t engage in things!

I don\'t dare to engage in things!

Ye Xuan silence.

The demon suddenly said: "Ye Gongzi, come with me!

Said, she got up and walked towards the temple!

Ye Xuan hesitated, then followed!

Tong Demon took Ye Xuan to come to a unknown town, when the Ye Xuan stunned.

This city is different from God ancient city. In this city, there are many people who have many people, but these people are very very weak, wrong, these people are ordinary people, not cultivator!

Ye Xuan looked at the demon, and the peers said: "After the battle, I got into the ancient people, the aura collapsed, directly fell into the end of the final method, and after the same, I can only cultivate a hundred people every year. Diviners, because the aura is not enough.

Ye Xuan said: "This is the punishment of the altruation!

The demon smiled and didn\'t talk.

Ye Xuan said: "What are you doing?"

Although he is not particularly understanding for the owner of the avenue, he seems that the owner of the Avenue is not a mess.

After the demon silence, he said: "If it is wrong, the biggest mistake is that my family is too weak!

Ye Xuan lightly patted the shoulders of the demon, "all have passed!

Don\'t think so much, you will mix it with me later!

Pei demon looks at Ye Xuan, don\'t talk.

Ye Xuanzheng color: "I opened a book. I need a variety of talents. I think you are very good, are you interested in joining my book?"

Tao Peki: "Join your college, what is the benefit?"

Ye Xuan Xiao said: "Join my college, it is your god ancient family!

After the demon silent, I said: "Can I talk to your sister?"

Ye Xuan face suddenly turned black, "Hey, do you believe me?"

The demon is sigh, "Ye Gongzi, I believe you, but.

Can you send me an oath? "

Ye Xuan silence.

Oh shit!

Do you believe me? Ye Xuan Xiao said: "The demon girl, in fact, your inner thoughts are, you think I will save the ancient people, but I don\'t want to follow me, right?"

Head, "Yes!

Ye Xuan gattered taking a shot of the demon, smiled: "The pattern is small!

After finishing, he walked in the distance.

Pei demon looked at the Ye Xuan, the heart is confused, why did he take his shoulders? Is it a debate? Tani shook his head, this Ye Gongzi should be not that kind of person!

There is not much thought, she followed, "Ye Gongzi, how do you see for the transaction?"

Ye Xuan shook his head, "I refuse!

The pechapse looks to Ye Xuan, "that but ancient body.

Ye Xuan Xiao said: "An ancient body has disregarded the Taoist caver, the demon girl, don\'t you think this is too profit?"

The demon is silent.

Ye Xuan also said: "I don\'t force you to tell you that the door does give me a face, but what do I use my face to save your entire god?"

Said, he looked at it!

Sample, think I will take me a few horses, I will go up, then I will go to the road for your god ancient people? Do you look like a pig? The demon smiled slightly, "if Ye Gongzi has any conditions, you can talk about it!

Ye Xuan shook his head, "I have no conditions!

It means you own, give him satisfaction!

The demon is silent.

What is the meaning of this Ye Gongzi? Thinking of this, the demon is sigh, you can see others!

At this time, I will look to Ye Xuan. She is facing the palm of her hand. One of the quenches slowly floating into the Ye Xuan face, in the quie, there is a few billion models, in addition to this, there are countless value Money treasure.

Tong Demon looked at Ye Xuan, "This is the property of half of my whole family, I will give Ye Gongzi today!

Ye Xuan silence.

It\'s a bit beyond him expect, this woman is very decisive!

The demon also said: "Ye Gongzi is not enough.

Ye Xuan suddenly shook his head, "Forget it!

The demon hit.

Ye Xuan Xiao said: "Let it be!

Pei demon looks at Ye Xuan, don\'t talk.

Ye Xuan said: "A condition that helps me cultivate into ancient body.

Second, you owe me a person in the ancient man, compared to those foreign objects, I value your god ancient people!

I heard the words, and I won a smile when I was on the face.

At this time, the big respect suddenly appeared in the court, and the great looks at the Ye Xuan, and then looked at the demon, "ready!

Her peles, she looked to Ye Xuan, "Let\'s go!

Ye Xuan is slightly nodd, and there is also a great respect for the demon.

After a while, Ye Xuan followed the peer to a altar, this altar is close to thousands of foots, very big!

Pei demon looks at Ye Xuan, "Ye Gongzi, please!

Ye Xuanmoo nodded, he embarked on the altar, just on the altar, a white light did not enter the bluff.


Ye Xuan Bao is full of countless information!

The lower half of the ancient body!

At this time, the demon suddenly said: "Ye Gongzi, I will introduce God\'s ancient power to you, you run this complete ancient heart method, the process may have some pain, you have to hold back!

Ye Xuan slightly nodded, "Come on!"

Pei demon looks at Ye Xuan, "starting the power of God!

God\'s power!

Today\'s god ancient power is in the god ancient people, it is very very precious, because it is necessary to have a great force, it is necessary to condense, now the gods, the aura is very small!

With the fall of the demon sound, suddenly there were countless god ancient times in the sky, these gods were like a river to gather together in Ye Xuan!


Countless god ancient power has just entered the body, Ye Xuan is slamming his eyes, and there is an extremely terrible powerful breath in the body!

At this moment, he felt that his flesh and the soul were blown!

The strength is too powerful!

Tong demon silence: "Working with the heart!

Ye Xuanlian is busy, he has moved the heart, and the gods of the gods in his body have been attracted, and finally the energy is filled into the limbs.

Below, I look at Ye Xuan, don\'t talk.

At this time, the great scene of her side: "The family is long, can he really help us break the seal of the avenue pen?"

Tong demon light: "In addition to him, can we believe who?"

Great respect.

The eyes of the demon moved down, "Don\'t choose to believe in him, we have to build the avenue master seal, even if it can break, it will also bring the avenue pen owner to suppress!

Nowadays, our family did not take a strength to compete with the avenue owner!


Just then, a laughter came from one side.

I heard the words, and the big face was changed. He turned, not far away, where there was a middle-aged man.

At this time, more than 30 Ancient Guard appeared in the field.

The middle-aged man is calm. He has been staring at the demon, "He is long, you are pinned in a human affection, don\'t you feel ridiculous?"

Pei demon looks to the middle-aged man, "the past is!

Middle-aged man smiled: "Self-introduction, go to ginger!

The peep laughed: "I have heard you, but I have never seen you!"

Ginger looked at Ye Xuan, who was cultivated on the altar, then laughed: "He is long, this is the people I have to kill in the past!

The demon is silent.

Ginger smiled: "Of course, this is not for him, but is ancient ancient people!

He demon: "How, have you helped me to help me in the past?"

Ginger looked at the demon.

Not only that, but I am willing to help God to fight the door!

He thought about it, then said: "The condition is that my Shen ancient people return to you in the past?"

Ginger laughed: "It is merger!

After the demon silence, he said: "This is to see, I have promised this Ye Gongzi to help him cultivate ancient body. He now has to make it, and he also promised me, if it is cultivated into ancient body, help my god Ancient people are getting off!

If he can\'t do it, let\'s talk again, how do you see? "

Ginger looked at the demon, did not speak.

The peestles said: "Do you want to talk about credit, what do you say?"

Ginger smiled: "Yes!

Tong Demai smile, "Thank you for understanding!

After finishing, she waved softly, and the gods of Shenqian was retired!

Ginger looks to Ye Xuan on the altar, "He is long, I am now killing him, let you choose one, how would you choose?"

The demon smiled slightly, "Do you have some sisters?"

Wen said, ginger stunned, "no!

The demon laughs and not speaks.
