One Sword Reigns Supreme

2693 Chapter 267: Ye Qingqing!

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SO, fastest update a sword alone!

After the animal husbandry left, the chill suddenly shook his head. "This woman doesn\'t want to manage!

A disguise: "Sister, what is this past?"

The cold is soft: "A very mysterious forces, mysterious to even we don\'t touch their bottom!

I only know that they come from the past!


Amazer brow is slightly wrinkled, "Is this not against the time and space law?"

The cold main, "Yes!

Time and Spacer have also taken a lot of headaches!

Said, she looked at the distance, "Let me be more shocked, this past the past is actually chasing this Ye Gongzi.

A disguise: "Is this Ye Gongzi dangerous?"

The cold is silent.


At the end of the star, Ye Xuan Yu Jian is!

At this moment, the flesh has reached an unprecedented height!

Don\'t say that the sky is unobtrusive, even if the ancient road is also awkward!

The avenue pen suddenly said: "Where are you going?"

Ye Xuan smile not to speak!

The avenue pen also said: "Where did you see it before?"

Ye Xuan nod.

The avenue pen silently said: "You have to think clearly!

The place where your sister is giving you, it is definitely not a general place. Although you are now very strong, you can not be invincible!

You want to jump like this, you will become your brother!

I heard the words, Ye Xuanbei wrinkled!

Mixed now, he understands that he knows a truth!

This world is invincible.

Next world brother!

The avenue pen continued: "You don\'t want to get!"

Ye Xuan low sigh!

He also doesn\'t want to go!


Ye Xuan looked up to the depths of the stars, after the silence is a moment, said: "Nothing!

I don\'t believe that I am so sad!

I must be low-key this time!

Low-key people!

After finishing, he disappeared directly!

The avenue pen is sigh!

You low-key!

Your low-key is arrogant in others!

after one day.

Ye Xuan entered a chaotic star area, which is full of a strange black gas everywhere, and the whole star field is dead, weird!

Ye Xuan glanced for four weeks, and there was more alert!

Just then, I\'m thinking, Ye Xuan suddenly said; "Tower, I remember that you seem to have a warning function!

The small tower is calm; "Do you be a alarm?"

Ye Xuan: ".

The small tower continued: "You don\'t want me to haven\'t been transformed? How can I follow the time now?"

Ye Xuan Shen said: "You are also cultivated!"

The small tower is sighful, "You don\'t understand!"


Ye Xuan Don jumped up, "I see you is lazy!"

Small tower: "The practice of a lifetime, as a day transformation, you say, Where is my spiritual significance?"

Ye Xuan silence.

The avenue pen suddenly said: "Tower, your thoughts are still!

The meaning of life lies in the process, your state of mind that lie flat.

Small tower and said: "You know in life, I am a tower, who had prescribed significance tower born?"

For a small silence.

Small tower continued: "You do not persuade me!

I believe my choice is not wrong!

After all, I am going to today, I am relying on!

Small pen speechless.

Ye Xuan also speechless.

Don\'t say, this guy is really relying on!

The small tower continues; "You need to struggle, I need to choose a person who is forced to follow, you work hard, this is a choice, I am with people, it is also a choice, is there a problem?"

The avenue pen silent: "Tower, have you ever thought about a question, if one day you choose this person!

what would you do? "

Ye Xuan suddenly said: "The avenue pen, don\'t turn around, yin and yang strange!

Avenue pen: ".

Ye Xuan also said: "What is it now? Is it not good? Do you think I will be a waste in the future? Are you not heard? In the future, I am a sword of the world!

Invincible existence!

The first sword in the world!

The avenue: "She also said that you are dead!"

Ye Xuan expressive stiff.

The small tower suddenly said: "I finally know why you are so bad!"

Just as your brain, you can only make a pen!

Avenue Pen: "Tower, you attack!

Xiao Tower said: "Do a person, you have your own value!"

I am mixed now, even if I don\'t follow the little master, I will tell me, I will tell me, where is I am not a uncle? "

The avenue pen is silent.

The small tower continued: "What about you? I don\'t want to blow you!"

But what I want to say is that you have known the avenue pen, but now, tell the truth, I didn\'t see any effect!

I still want to dress up every day, small pen, I will give you an advice, people are falling!

Be sure to squand your position, don\'t want to have a brilliant, because it is already in the past!

In the past, it was in the past.

Just as now, you have followed the little Lord for so long!

Do you call the little master? "

The avenue pen is silent.

The small tower also wants to say anything, Ye Xuan smiled: "So far!

After that, he rushed to fly in the distance!

Not long, Ye Xuan suddenly stopped, in the stars in front of him, there is a pub!

Pub? Ye Xuan stunned!

Who is actually in the stars? Ye Xuan hesitated, then decided to see it!

Soon, Ye Xuan came to the pub for the pub, and the pub of this moment is very cold. Only one old man, the old man rely on the chair after sitting behind the counter, it seems to be asleep!

Ye Xuan looked at the old man, then went to the counter, said: "The shopkeeper!

At this time, the old man slowly opened his eyes, he looked at the Ye Xuan, did not speak.

Ye Xuan said: "Come into the pot!

The old man still doesn\'t talk!

Ye Xuan did not say anything, turn it away!

At this time, the old man suddenly said: "Wait!

Ye Xuan fidelized to see the old man, the old sleeves, a pot of wine drifted into the Xuan face.

Ye Xuan smiled, then took a hug, he looked at the four weeks, some good deeds: "The shopkeeper, what is this?"

The old man said: "Chaotic Tian Domain!

Chaos? Ye Xuan brows smashed, he didn\'t heard!

The old man laughed: "First come?"

Ye Xuan nod, "Yes!

The old man looked at Ye Xuan, then said: "Your realm, too low!"

If it is before, you just came here, it should be gone!

Ye Xuan does not understand, "Why?"

The old man laughed: "This is called the chaotic world, why? Because it is very chaotic, do you understand?"

Ye Xuan nod, "understand!

Is it not chaotic now? "

The old man nodded, "Now Xuan Zongzong takes over the entire chaos!

Ye Xuan is so curious, "Xuan Zongzong?"

The old man laughed: "Haven\'t heard it?"

Ye Xuan nod.

Xuan Yu!

For this name, he is a bit curious because his name is Xuan, the name of the green is brought.

Thinking of this, Ye Xuan asked, "Seniors, this Xuanzong Zong Zong Lord is a male is a woman?"

The old man looked at Ye Xuan, "What do you ask this?"

Ye Xuan Xiao said: "Curious!

The old man said; "Is a woman, but also a sword!


Ye Xuan suddenly excited!

The old man looked at Ye Xuan, Ye Xixing, "Female Sword Repair?"

The old man nodded, "Yes!

Wen said, Ye Xuan is more excited, "Is she called Qing,?"

The old man shook his head, "I don\'t know!

Ye Xuanlian is busy: "How to get Xuanzong?"

Intuition tells him that this Xuan Zongzong\'s primary is a young, in addition to the Qingqiu and the Suk Skirt, he also knows two young people, which are Tu, and Xiaoqi!


Think of this, he suddenly feels a little!

I don\'t know where Xiao Seven is mixed!

And in addition to Xiaoqi, there is still a young, he has never seen it!

Is this Xuanzong Zong Zong Lord? Thinking of this, Ye Xuan is even more excited.

Recognize your friends!

The old man said: "Do you want to go to Xuanzong?"

Ye Xuan nod, "Yes!

The old look is a little quirky, "What do you do?"

Ye Xuanhaha smiled, "Go to the sister!

younger sister!

The old man brows slightly wrinkled, just talking, at this time, a white woman is here to come up!

Ye Xuan flashed to see the white woman, the woman long hair shawl, the sword merits, the sword, the hand is very boom!

White woman walked to the pub, she looked at Ye Xuan, then said: "Come into the pot!

The sound is cold, does not contain a touch of feelings!

The shopkeeper looked at the woman, and then quickly got a pot of wine.

The woman opened the jug of the pot, her mouth, there is a wine overflow slowly!

Ye Xuan looked at the woman, eyes blink!

This sister is really popular!

At this time, the woman put down the wine pot, she looked to Ye Xuan, "Good look?"

Ye Xuan nod, "look good!

The woman looked at Ye Xuan, "Sit!

Ye Xuan hesitated, then sat in front of the woman, he smiled: "What is the girl call?"

The woman is calm: "Ye Qingqing!

Ye Wei!

Ye Xiu Xiu, then laughed: "It\'s sufficient, I am also surnamed!

My name is Ye Xuan!

Ye Qingqing took a jug and heavily, then said: "The first time I will chaos?"

Ye Xuan nod, "Yes!

Ye Qingqing put down the wine pot, look at Ye Xuan, "What to do?"

Ye Xuan Xiao said: "Let\'s experience!

Ye Qingqing got an eye Ye Xuan, then said: "It is a bit weak!

Ye Xuan speechless.

How is this sister talking? I don\'t know the euphemistic!

Ye Qingqing said: "You want to experience, I know one place, should you be suitable for you, is there interest?"

Ye Xuan is so curious, "Where?"

Ye Qingqing looked at Ye Xuan, "Gu Jianzheng!

Ye Xuan brows, "Gu Jianzheng?"

Ye Qingqing nodded, she made a bomb, a quite quite flying to the treasurer, "checkout!

After finishing, she got up, then looked at Ye Xuan, "Go!

After finishing, she walked away!

Originally, Ye Xuan has some speechless!

I haven\'t said yet!

However, he is finally going!

Soon, the two disappeared in the distance!

The shopkeeper looked at the two people disappeared in the depths of the stars. After the silence of the moment, he paired, a portrait appeared in his hand, watching the portrait in his hand, he fell into silence.
