One Sword Reigns Supreme

2674 Chapter 2666: I don't lie!

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SO, fastest update a sword alone!

True value of 2 million!

When I heard the cloud, Ye Xuantun came to interested, he looked at the crystal, "Is this?"

Cloud prayed: "This is a mystery of crystal, and it is currently known for the hardest materials!

Since the extremely cold star field, such a piece, at least hundreds of millions of years can be condensed!

Ye Xuan said: "Where is the extremely cold star field?"

Cloud prayed: "A very cold world!

There is a super beautiful woman, the cold emperor, very beautiful!

Ye Xuan\'s consciousness: "Are you beautiful?"

The cloud prayed, then said: "I am beautiful?"

Ye Xuan nod.

He didn\'t say a fake, he had to say that the cloud prayed very well!

See Ye Xuan nod, cloud prayer smile, "You can still!

At this time, the old man on the side suddenly said: "Are you coming to buy something, or come to play?"

Cloud prayed at the old man, then said: "Two Millions?"

The old man said: "There is a few cars do not sell!

Cloud prayed: "Can you still have less?"

The old man said: "Little girl, this is Xuan Crystal, when the first hard thing is in this village, you can have this store!

Ye Xuan suddenly said: "Boss, you brag!"

The old man looks to Ye Xuan, Ye Xuan said: "Do you say this is the first hard thing in the world?"

The old man looked at Ye Xuan, "Yes!

Ye Xuan shook his head, "I have seen it harder than this!

The old man is laughing, "Young people, do not spend a lot of boxing!

Ye Xuan said: "I really have seen it harder than this!

The old man is staring at Ye Xuan.

Ye Xuan suddenly took a Qing Xuan sword, then a sword stab in the mystery!


Xuan crystal instantly cracks!

See this scene, the old people stunned!

Ye Xuan looked at the old man, "Do you not talk about?"

Wen said, the old face suddenly became incomparably, he looked at the sword in Ye Xuan\'s hand, "you.

Your sword.

Ye Xuan stretched out the right hand.

The old man is silent.

Ye Xuan Xiao said: "You won\'t want to swear?"

The old man said: "You are good count!

I surrender!

After saying, he is on the palm of your hand, and the Xuanzhi fly before the Ye Xuan face, then he won\'t leave things!

At this time, Ye Xuan suddenly laughed: "This thing, I bought it!" I bought it! "

Said, he made a little, one of the quinces flying to the old man.

In the quie, there are two million cars!

The old man is stunned, "you.

Ye Xuan smiled: "There is no way to extort you, just want to tell you, this Xuanzhi is not the most hard thing in the world!

After that, he looked to the cloud, "Let\'s go!

Cloud prayed.

The two leave!

The old man looked at the quench in his hand. After a long time, he looked at the Ye Xuan and Yun prayed in the distance, "the sword.

Good life is terrible!


After going out, Yunyou suddenly asked, "What do you do?"

Ye Xuan said: "This thing can create a talent!"

Cloud prayed: "It is true!

However, if you need to create a word, it is too little!

You have to buy more!

However, this thing is too difficult to buy!

Ye Xuan is slightly nodd, just talking, at this time, a moving in the distance suddenly rishes.

Cloud prayed to Ye Xuan to see the shadow of the sky, and at this time, a lightning suddenly broke the sky!


The shadow is directly smashed by this lightning!


Cloud prayed slightly, "There is always someone wants to challenge the rules of this place!

Ye Xuan said: "Run?"

Cloud prayed, "Yes!

During the speech, the cloud prayed with Ye Xuan into a large shop, just entered the shop, a black old man greeted up, smiled: "It turned out to be a cloud pray!"

The cloud prayed slightly, "I am ready to prepare, is it?"

The old man is busy: "They have already prepared!

After finishing, he quickly took out a quarter to pray!

Cloud prayed to a ring, after a moment, she nodded slightly, then took out a quarter!

The old man looked at the road crystals in the quite, then took the quite, "What needs still need to be in the clouds?"

Cloud prayed for four weeks, then shook his head, "there is no time!

The old man laughed: "Okay!

If there is any need, the girl will know!

Cloud prayed to nod, then look to Ye, "Let\'s go!

The two turned around!

Cloud prayed with Ye Xuan continued to move towards the street!

Yunyou suddenly sighed, "He is poor!

Ye Xuan Xiao said: "What did you buy?"

Cloud prayed: "Some special materials can imitate God!

Ye Xuan said: "Can you help me create a battle armor?"

He remembered this, this cloud pray is a forging teacher!

Cloud prayed, "You are too strong, there is no need to do anything again!

Moreover, a piece of Xuanzhi can\'t create a super-war armor, at least more than 100 pieces!

One hundred pieces.

Said, she shook his head again, "You can\'t buy it outside!

Unless you go to the extremely cold star field to rob the emperor!

Ye Xuan shake his head smile, "Okay!

Cloud prayed: "Take you to see the biggest shops in this place!

Ye Xuan Xiao said: "The biggest?"

Cloud prayed, "Yes!

The treasures there are real treasures!

Said, she looked at the Ye Xuan, "There is a treasure, the lowest lowest is thousands of crystals, and not to speak!

Wen Yan, Ye Xuantili came to interested!

money? He is now money, don\'t know how to spend!

After a while, the cloud prayed with Ye Xuan to come to a very luxurious shop, this shop is the biggest and most luxurious field.


This is the name of this shop!

The cloud prayed with a shop, just a shop, a very beautiful white woman greeted, she prayed slightly against Ye Xuan and Yun, "What does the two need?"

Cloud prayed: "Let\'s go shopping!

The white woman laughed: "Okay!

Said, she retired!

Cloud prayed to Ye Xuan, "This place, points a lot of categories, there are gods, genius treasures, and Tan medicine, there are also runes, in addition to this, there is a heart method, epicomy, Martial arts.

In short, it is very comprehensive!

Ye Xuan nod, "then look at the gods!

Cloud prayed, then took Ye Xuan towards along!

Ye Xuan glanced for four weeks, I have to say that this shop is really big, and there are six layers!

Cloud prayed with Ye Xuan to come to the second floor, and the white woman followed behind him, with a touch of smile!

Because the clouds are asked to see themselves, she didn\'t come over!

Some guests like themselves!

When entering the second floor, Ye Xuan found that there is near the upper 100 light column in this second layer, and one box is placed in these light columns.


Ye Xuan suddenly turned to look at the white woman, "What is the best god here?"

I heard the words, the white woman quickly went up, laughed: "The son comes with me!

Said, she came with Ye Xuan two to the most central, Ye Xuan found that this is a purple light column!

White woman pointed to the box, "Avenue Ring!

This is from the door. Once the actual combat is actually, even the unnecessary strong people will be bound, of course, there is a time limit!

This ring can be kept at least three interests in a day, and there is no strength in the third interest, and there is no strength in the unless offered. It is like an ordinary person!

When I heard the white woman, Ye Xiunedied, then said: "So against the sky?"

White woman laughed: "Yes!

Ye Xuan looked to the cloud, the cloud prayed shrugged, "I don\'t know!

Ye Xuan looks to the white woman. "Can this thing try?"

White woman nodded, "Yes!

Said, she missed a few spells, very fast, the light column automatically disappeared, the box floated, the woman\'s palm is open, the box is automatically opened, and a bracelet is slowly floating. Various black runes!

White woman looks to Ye Xuan, "Be son is willing to try it with you?"

Ye Xuan nod, "can!

The white woman directly urged the avenue ring. In an instant, the avenue cyclization made a black light set on Ye Xuan, and when she was in this avenue, Ye Xuan found that all the power in the body can\'t be mobilized!

Not only that, he can\'t even play the swords!

Have to say, Ye Xuan at this moment is a little shocked!

But very quickly, the avenue ring disappears, all power recovery!

The white woman laughed: "What is the son thinks?"

Ye Xuan slightly nodded, "This is very good!

The white woman nodded, "selling the price of more than 500 million videos!

10 million!

Wen said, even if Ye Xuan is also a bit shock, I have to say, this is still a bit more, I want to know, even if some super forces, it is not necessarily to take so many Diverts!

The white woman looked at Ye Xuan and smiled: "Do you want?"

Ye Xuan wants to think, then said: "Can I discounted?"

The white woman shook his head, "Our store is a price, don\'t discounted!

Ye Xuan still wants to say anything, at this time, Yunyou suddenly said: "Take me!

The white woman looked at the cloud, then put the avenue ring to the cloud!

She is not afraid of luck.


No one dares to move here!

Cloud prayed to the avenue ring. After she saw a moment, then gave the avenue to the white woman, "We consider!

The white woman took the avenue ring and laughed: "Okay!

Said, she put it back in place!

Cloud prayed to Ye Xuan, "Go!

After finishing, she turned and left!

Ye Xuan also didn\'t say much, followed by leaving!

When I came out of the store, the cloud picked up and looked at Ye Xuan, "The thing, I can imitate!

Wen Yan, Ye Xuan stunned!

Cloud prayer: "She sells more than 5 million, I don\'t want more, as long as you are more than 100 million, you give me 100 million, I give you a touch, including the function function!"

Ye Xuan silence.

Cloud prayed: "Are you afraid that I am lie to you?"

Ye Xuan is very honest, nodding!

Cloud prayer: "Just kidding, I never deceive people when I am endless!

Ye Xuan: ".
