One Sword Reigns Supreme

2671 Chapter 265: The grass rate!

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SO, fastest update a sword alone!

When you hear the Qingqiu, the white expression is stiff!

The people in the field are incredible!

100 million strength? Is she serious? At this time, a lotus appeared in front of everyone, above the lotus, standing with a white woman!

Taoist God!

And her feet, that is the legendary Daolian!

Qingqiu looks at the God, "If you want to revenge for them, you have to call you the master!

Taoist looked at the Ye Xuan, then turned to look at the white phase, see the God of God, and the white pearl is low, I don\'t dare to look at it!

Taoist gods shook the head, "I have explained you!

However, you all have the words of the ear!

I heard the words, and the white eyes became pale!

The god looked at the white phase, "" a greedy, harming others!

Said, she fell, and the golden light did not enter the white eyebrows!


White phase instantly gods!

Taoist God also looks to Ye Xuan, "Mastima Road, take care!

After finishing, she turned and disappeared at the end of the Star River!

On the side, Northern Palace is not complicated with silence.

The Tao god came out!

However, there is no Ye Xuan, but it will kill yourself!

Taoist gates!

He didn\'t think of this moment, he didn\'t think of this door, he didn\'t think it!

This is really terrible!

On the other side, Qingqiu turned and looked to Ye Xuan, "Go back?"

Ye Xuan wants to think, then said: "I want to mix for a while in this place!

Qingqiu nodded, "Good!

Said, she is on their deep right hand, "Give me a little money!

Ye Xi Xuan, then smiled: "Okay!

Said, he took out a quarter to give Qingqiu!

Qingqiu took the quite ring, "I am gone!"

Ye Xuan nod.

Qingqiu directly with ancient disappears!

Ye Xuan looked at it, then smiled: "Mo Zone, I am here, the cloud prayer is looking for me, let her come here!

Mo, nod, "Okay!

After finishing, he looked at Ye Xuan, then turned and left!

Originally, the leaves of the leaves are sitting on the ground.

I have to say that the strength of Qingqiu also made him shocked. He knew that Qingqiu was more stronger than before!

It\'s just that he doesn\'t know how terrible in Qiqiu is now!

Is a mystery!

Ye Xuan recovered his thoughts, his mouth slightly, he now has 1.3 billion!

If you don\'t give Qingqiu 200 million, he will have 500 billion!

I have to say that these days of this door are really rich enemy!

Too much money!

Of course, he has a problem now, that is, how much is the money? If it is cultivated, he is completely more than enough!

As for the mysterious school, now many places in the mysterious books are still ancient crystals, not David!


Ye Xuan low sigh, he didn\'t think that he had to worry about the money!

Too troubles!

At this time, the animal husbandry suddenly said: "Do you still go to Lei Po?"

Ye Xuan recovered his thoughts and smiled: "Of course!

Mu Tian Dao Shen said: "Your sister is so strong!

Do you still practice? "

Ye Xuan smiled: "People still have to have a dream!

After finishing, he got up and made a sword light disappeared in the end of the starry sky!

Go to Lei Chi!

He found that he is now able to play the order, but in the face of the unwittling, it is not enough, unless you use the god surgery!

And God\'s surgery has time limit!

If the other party dragged his time limit, then he could hurt!

After about one hour, the guidelines of Ye Xuan re-animal road came to a quiet starry sky.

Ye Xuan looked at the four weeks, "What is it here?"

Mu Tian Road: "Yes!

Ye Xuan Shen said: "Nothing here!

She was suddenly appeared in front of Ye Xuan, she looked up and not far away, and then referred to the forebrows, the next moment, she refers to one horizontal, "Open!


Outside the two people, there is suddenly cracking there, there is a star door!

Pastimono looks to Ye Xuan, "Let\'s go!

After that, she returned to Qing Xuanjian!

She is now a soul body, extremely weak, but she finds that Ye Xuan\'s Qing Xuan sword can be homive!

She is now there is no weakness, but more and more condensed!

Ye Xuan didn\'t think much, directly from the sword, entered the star door!

Just entered the star gate, Ye Xuan felt a very horrible pressure!

Ye Xixiang was shocked, he looked up, there is a mountain in the mountains, the top of the mountains, and there are thunder and thunder, while a gray, a sense of heavy oppression!

Ye Xuan jumped to the top of the mountain. He overlooks from the top of the mountain. He found it at this moment. This mountain is empty, and the mountain is inside, it is all a peristaltic lightow!


See these lots, Ye Xuanqi is extremely dignified!

The thunderstorms that have been absorbed in the priority are really too much!

Macherto suddenly said; "We are all cultivated here!

If you can absorb this land, then, your flesh will definitely reach a very horrible level!

It can be said that at that time, even if the union, he went to hurt you!

Ye Xuan looked at the thunders in the mountains, Shen Sheng: "I am afraid that my flesh can\'t bear these lots!"

Mu Tian Road: "Light against your ancient trust, it is natural, but you ignore a point!

Ye Xuanlian is busy asking, "What?"

Mu Tian Road: "Your heaven body!

Ye Xuan stunned.

Mu Tian Road: "You are not only ancient trust, but also the heaven, these gods are called Lei, because they are the way of the avenue, they have strong restraints for others. But for the heaven, they are great tonic!

Ye Xuan is a little surprised, "tonic?"

Mu Tian Road: "Yes!

I will pass you a big road, you follow this heart method with your ancient trust, the problem is not big!

Said, the Ye Xuan\'s brain suddenly has some information!


Ye Xuanyi sat in place and started to absorb these heart!

After about a time, Ye Xuanqi, he looked down, then said: "Do I jump in?"

Mu Tian Road: "Yes!

Ye Xuan silence.

Have to say, he is still a little panic!

This full of lots, he is still a little, this jumps, it is afraid that it may be directly connected!

Mu Tian Road: "Go Go!

After Ye Xuan silently took a moment, he no longer hesitated and jumped directly!

Just entering the Lei Po, Ye Xuan is a sudden round of his eyes, this moment, he feels that he is on the body as if it is going to be torn!

Mu Tian Road is busy: "Working with the heart!

Ye Xuan quickly came to the avenue, the avenue is beginning to run, he found that he suddenly felt a lot of tear a lot of tear!

Feel this scene, this is a loose in Ye Xixiang!


Ye Xuan\'s body starts to absorb those lots at a point!

Mu Tian Road: "Have to say, your flesh is really good, if it is clean, your flesh is absolutely invincible!"

Ye Xuan took a breath, he had to say, he also expected!

It\'s just a bit wrong, he is a sword.

But now, it is far more far on the road of the repair!


North Series!

The North Series will be returned to the North Party, and the mood still can\'t be fixed for a long time!

He saw four days of unwafflers to be killed, and it was a sword!

A sword second!

At this moment, he suddenly felt this world is very dangerous!

Too dangerous!

At this moment, he also understands that the cloud is to tell him to draw Ye Xuan!

This Ye Xuanyi is a big one!

Unfortunately, he did not let Ye Xuan\'s love!

Thinking of this, I am sighing whisper, secretly!

Just then, I am like something, he suddenly walked out of the main hall, the main hall, there was a young man, the young man dressed in white robe, holding a long sword, the sword eyebin, very handsome!

See yours, I am stunning!

At this time, the young man took out a token, see this token, is the color of the face, and he is busy with a slight ceremony.

The young man is calm, "What about Miss?"

I am busy: "The cloud prayer is closing, she has a conversion, anyone can\'t bother!

Don\'t disturb!

The young man is smashed, after a moment, he lightly said: "That wait!

Nice, then return it!

Young men said again: "Miss is practiced here, but still?"

Note, "Everything is fine!

Young men nodded slightly. "After the incident, your North School will get the reward!

I heard it, I am busy: "Thank you!"

Young men don\'t say anything!


In the Lei Tong, this moment, Ye Xuan is still crazy to absorb those slides!

I thought it was very painful, but he found that he didn\'t suffer at all, but he felt that he was integrated with those Tao!

What seems to be, Ye Xuan suddenly said: "Machertoa, since this avenue is so rebelling, why don\'t you use it to practice the flesh?"

Mu Tian Road: "You can be so easy, because your flesh is very strong, your foundation is particularly good, change it is someone else, at all, do not live with this lottery.

Wen said, Ye Xuanmoo nodded, "I understand!

The animal husbandry continued: "And, this place is not anyone else!

I am because there is permission, this is able to come here, the general sky is not here!

Ye Xuan nod, "I understand!

I hang up again!

Shepherd: ".

Ye Xuan did not speak again, his eyes were slightly closed, started crazy to absorb those transes in the field.

Time is a little bit!

Half a month later.

At this moment, Ye Xuan has been clean and net of the entire Lei Tong, and all the lots have been integrated with him!

Ye Xuanyan sat in the bottom of the mountain, calmly condensed, after a long time, Ye Xuan suddenly opened his eyes.


The two roads have static in his eyes. In an instant, the whole mountain is directly annihilated!

Ye Xuan slowly slowed down, he was holding his hands!


In an instant, this small world split directly, countless lightning around the space!

Mu Wei suddenly said: "Congratulations, now you are the thunder robbery walking, see who is not cool, give him a robbery!

I heard the words, the Ye Xuanzhao horns got slightly!

At this time, the animal husbandry suddenly said: "Go!

The people of the door are coming!

Ye Xuanqi asked, "Is it not them?"

After the Mu Tian Road is silent, he said: "The grass rate!
