One Sword Reigns Supreme

2666 Chapter 2652: Taoist!

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SO, fastest update a sword alone!

After Ye Xuan wears a good clothes, it is still very excited!

Although the flesh has no breakthrough, but it has strengthened a lot, it can be said that his flesh has reached the current limit!

Even if you are orderly, don\'t want to kill him easily!

If it is another floor, even if the order is strong, he will not give him!

I have to say that this ancient tang is really horrible!

At this time, the cloud prayed at one side: "Let\'s go!

Ye Xuan recovered his thoughts, nod, "Good!

The two continue to go in the distance!

On the road, Ye Xuan is very good!

This time, although there is no fight, but the flesh has been greatly improved, this is also a huge gain!

After the swamp, it is a jungle. After the two entered the jungle, the whole jungle is silent, and there is no movement!

Ye Xuan\'s brow is slightly wrinkled, it is a bit wrong!

And cloud pray is calm!

She is not panic at all!

Ye Xuan looks to the cloud, "What is your realm?"

Cloud prayed: "It is very powerful!

Ye Xuan speechless.

Cloud pray suddenly stopped, Ye Xuan asked, "How?"

Cloud prayed to see, "There is something staring at us!"

Ye Xuan brows, "Who is so bold?"

Cloud prayed to Ye Xuan, "Are you floating?"

Ye Xuan: ".

Cloud pray suddenly palm opened, the wooden card appeared in her hand, she raised, "North Series!

Understand? "

Ye Xuan speechless!

At this time, the cloud prayed to pick up the wooden sign, then said: "Go!

Ye Xuan looks to the cloud, "Are you so terrible in the North Series?"

Cloud prayed: "What do you say?"

Said, she looked at the Ye Xuan, "Do you have a mountain?"

Ye Xuan nod, "there are a few!

Cloud prayed: "Does them are not good?"

Ye Xuan shook his head, "Not so good!

Cloud pray, "Why?"

Ye Xuan low sigh, "I heard their names, basically die!

After the clouds watched the blade, the thumbs up, "amazing!

Ye Xuan haha ​​smiled, "Let\'s go!

When the two accelerated, and when the two had to have the jungle, a monster suddenly blocked in front of the two.

This mousse is in the people, and the hands are huge, and there is a fierce gas.

Yunyou suddenly took out the token, "North Series!

The monster suddenly roared, directly sentient beings, prayed towards the clouds!

See this scene, the cloud prayed, "I, North Series!

However, the monster still did not stop, but it was faster!

The cloud prayers, she left behind, and she retreated behind Ye Xuan\'s body.

Ye Xuan speechless, see that the monster has been rushing to the front, Ye Xuan suddenly went forward, a punch!


Ye Xuan\'s punch directly on the brain of the monster, and the powerful power flooded out the monster, and when the monster stopped, its head has been blown away, only the flesh!

Ye Xuan looked at his own fist, excited: "Hang!

This monster is at least a small order, however, even if he fists can\'t stop!

Moreover, this is also a monster, a powerful body!

In the distance, the beast\'s head is broken, it will run directly!

Ye Xuan did not chase, he looked to the cloud, "Let\'s go!

Cloud prayed for four weeks, "a lot of murdered breath!

Ye Xuan Da smiled: "Don\'t be afraid, I protect you!"

After that, he suddenly regretted!

Oh shit!

Can this woman are not good, do you need yourself? Cloud prayed in Ye Xuan, "Then you protect me!"

After finishing, she walked away!

Ye Xuan shrugged and then following the past!

Soon, the two walked out of the jungle, the jungle, is an unnecessary wasteland.

Cloud prayed softly: "This should be the land of the sky!"

Ye Xuan looked at the distance, except for a wasteland, nothing!

At this time, the jungle suddenly trembled into the two people, and the next moment, a horrible breath swept!


Ye Xuan double eyes slightly, he turned, at this time, the jungle suddenly separated from both sides, followed by a middle-aged man.

The middle-aged man is burly, wearing a beast robe, full of powerful beast!


Ye Xuan turned his head and looked to the cloud, and the cloud prayed to make the token, "North Series!

Middle-aged men have no expression, "I don\'t know!

After that, he suddenly became a rush, and then prayed to the cloud!

See the shape, the clouds prayed, and she retired behind the bluff!

Ye Xuan speechless.

Is this woman not fight or want to fight? At this time, Ye Xuan\'s right hand gripped, then the front of the front, a punch, the middle-aged man bombarded!

Hard hard!


The two fists just have been in contact with continuous violent retreat!

Almost at the same time, the two stopped at the same time, and Ye Xuan looked at the middle-aged man in the distance, the middle-aged man had a crack, but the Ye Xuan\'s right arm did not lose, even the clothes were not broken!

Seeing this scene, the middle-aged man frowned deeply frowned.

And the distance, Ye Xuan is excited: "Come, continue!

After finishing, he rushed out!

The middle-aged man flashed in his eyes. He suddenly squatted down, the right hand was placed on the ground, the next moment, the whole land was trembled directly, and countless horrible power was thrown out of the ground, and then gathered from his right arm!

At this time, Ye Xuan has already rushed to the monster, the monster stepped into the head, and the right hand raided from the ground, then a punch!

A golden boxing is like a wave, usually!


As a deafening fried, Ye Xuan flew out, and the time and space surrounded directly into a spider mesh at this moment!

Ye Xuan This breath is retreating, and when he stopped, his right arm sleeves fell directly, and there were many fine cracks in the right arm!


Ye Xuan double eyes slightly, he looked up and looked at the middle-aged man in the distance. He knew it directly, and he bled his man in the middle-aged man!

This punch, Ye Xuan\'s individual is awesome as a thunder, countless lightning from the mysterious body, and at the same time, a horror of the horror of the world is swept throughout the sky!

On the other side, the clouds have flashed a shot in the eyes, "this prestige.

In the distance, the middle-aged man is also in the horror of Ye Xuan\'s punch. He didn\'t dare to pay attention to the earth, and the power of the earth, the power of countless land, from the ground At this moment, his breath also reached its peak!

And at this time, Ye Xuan is a boxing!

Middle-aged man roar, a punch!

One person, one beast, just hard!


Countless lightning instantly, in an instant, in an instant, the middle-aged man was directly enabled by Ye Xuan this punch. At the same time, the entire wasteland ground collapsed directly at this moment, turned into a huge paint black abyss!

Ye Xuan did not stop. After he was in the abyss, he was directly rushed to the abyss, in the abyss, countless lightning flashes, the abyss continued to expand.

The cloud prayed in the air. She looked at her under and saw that he was so fierce, she whispered: "I still look good, and the two clothes are not worn.

After about a minute, Ye Xuan appeared in front of the cloud, and in his hands!

It is that middle-aged man!

The middle-aged man is still dead, but it is already dying.

It\'s too awful!

There is no good place in full body!

Ye Xuan, all over the body, like Like God!

Ye Xuan lost the middle-aged man, shook his head, "order.

N\'t Erle!

Middle-aged man: ".

Cloud prayed for a eye, "You seem to be a little floating!

Ye Xuan haha ​​smiled, "I am already very low!

Cloud prayed for speechless!

At this time, the middle-aged man suddenly started roaring.

Ye Xuan brows, "What are you doing?"

Cloud prayed: "It is called people!

Call people!

Ye Xuan stunned, and at this time, suddenly spent on the space, the next moment, a horrible breath suddenly came around!

Ye Xuan glanced for four weeks, very fast, his face silen down, I saw a monster that suddenly appeared in dense label!

Ye Xuan looked into the middle-aged man lying on the ground, angered: "Why don\'t you talk about Wu De?"

Middle-aged man roaring, I don\'t know what it is!

Ye Xuan looked at the monsters around those rushed, then: "Run?"

These monsters are not weak, they are so big, he is still a little virtual, because he has been hurt, he has hurt.

Cloud prayed softly: "No!

Ye Xuanlian is busy: "Do you want to shoot?"

Cloud prayed a eye, "" How do these demon, how to shoot me? "

Ye Xuan speechless!

What can you install? Can be loaded than Laozi!

At this moment, the horizon suddenly broke out, the next moment, a white-haired old man came out, at the same time, there were thirty-six people who followed the old man.

When seeing these thirty seven people, Ye Xuan stunned!

The head of the white hair is actually a strong in the sky!

And behind this white hair, followed by 36 order!

All is an order!

The white-haired old people are directly in front of the cloud, and the old man is in the right hand, and a horrible force is shocking. In an instant, countless monsters directly gray fly!

Seeing this scene, the rest of the monsters were awkward, and they fled!

Ye Xixiang is also a surprise, this day, the union is much better than the order!

The white-haired old people prayed to the clouds, and the rest of his people behind him were also busy and respectful!

Seeing this scene, Yaxuan couldn\'t help but pray for a cloud.

Cloud prayed to the middle-aged man in the mousse. She overlook her middle-aged man. "You must have heard the North School, but you don\'t give face, it is obvious, some people give you back!

Let me guess, is it a heaven? "

Wen said, the middle-aged man\'s face is instantly changing!

Cloud prayed: "No, Tianzong doesn\'t have the courage!"

You engage in this expression, I want to marry the disaster.

Said, she turned and looked at the distance and whispered: "The earth funeral.

Just then, a white man suddenly appeared in the distance!

The white man laughed: "You, this is the land of the funeral, anyone must not step into, please go back!"

Seeing this white man, the old man with the clouds burst frowned.

In front of this white man, it is the door!
