One Sword Reigns Supreme

2664 Chapter 265: I am not that kind of person!

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SO, fastest update a sword alone!

The two walked towards the hills. When they walked to the top of the mountain, the six people were not there, it was clear that these six people should have already driven a crane.

However, the grass house is still there!

Ye Xuan looked at the grass house, at this moment, there was a middle-aged man in the door of the grass house!

Middle-aged man wearing a simple robo, both sides behind, eyes are cold.

Seeing Ye Xuan and Yun prayed, the middle-aged man suddenly wrinkled, soon, he was locked in Ye Xuan.

Seeing this, the cloud prayed, and then turned to look into the Ye Xuan, she talked about Ye Xuan.

Ye Xuan said: "What do you do?"

Cloud prayed: "They seem to be very taboo!"

Ten me!

Ye Xuan see the middle-aged man in the distance, "No?"

Cloud prayed slightly, then looked at the middle-aged man, "the world?"

The contest looks at the cloud, "North Series!

Cloud prayed.

After the insulture of the world, he said: "What are you doing two?"

Many tone is soft!

Both are can\'t afford!

The cloud is like blinking, "Do you have inheritance?"

The contest looks at the cloud, "no!


Cloud prayed, "No?"

The skyline: "No!

Cloud prayed: "Now we only know that you are still alive, the door is not known!

Do you want to kill us? "

The contest looks at the cloud, don\'t talk!

Ye Xuan pulled the clouds and prayers, "threatening others, not good!

Cloud prayed: "Then you come to talk!"

Ye Xi wants to think, then said: "Seniors, we pass, you continue to be treated!

You can rest assured that we will never do that kind of thing!

Cloud prayer is busy: "I will never do it!

Unless it is too poor!

Ye Xuan expression stiff!

On the one side, the crude is not angry that day, he looked at the cloud, "I really don\'t have a good year these years.

I am really not!

As for the inheritance, you are the northern part, I inherit this, you are estimated to see it.

Said, he pointed to the right, "I went to thousands of miles, there was a Dongfu, famous Tianfu, that year, Tanli is in that treatment, I don\'t know if he is still alive now, but he has a lot of treasures, you Can go there to touch your luck!

I heard the words, the cloud prayed and looked at the right side, the cloud prayed: "Is the criminal foot in your hands, right?"

When the two eyes suddenly squatted, the eyes flashed a cold light.

Cloud prayed to the contest, "This matter is on you, it will bring you a big disaster!

The insulture of the sky: "Do you want to tell?"

Cloud prayed: "If you have been hidden, you can live for a while, but now.

Said, her palm is bokey, and a spool slowly floating in front of the world.

When the rigor is opened, the reel is opened, soon, his face is sinking.

Cloud prayed: "I can get this information, it means that others can also!

If you are a peak, you may not be afraid, but now you.

Said, she shook his head slightly, "How many strengths do you have in the peak?"

The contest is silent.

Cloud prayed at the contest, "there is something to do.

The contest is still silent!

Cloud prayed and laughed, then said: "Let\'s go!

At this moment, the conclusion suddenly said: "I can give you the crops, but what benefits do I have?"

Cloud prayed to see a chance of the world. "I don\'t talk about the quality. Do you think you can still talk to me in front of me now?"

There are some ugly in the world.

Yunyu did not speak again, turned directly to it!

Ye Xuan has followed it!

At this time, the conclusion suddenly said: "I will give you!"

Yunyu is not back, "I don\'t want it!"

The contest: ".

Cloud prayed with Ye Xuan, however, the two have just went down the mountain, and there are more than a dozen horrible breath suddenly brushing from the sky, straight to the royal mountain!

There are more than a dozen breath, the minimum is actually an order, and an old man headed is, and it is a unwilling!


See this lineup, Ye Xuanqi suddenly became dignified!

At this moment, the critical hill suddenly sounded the roar of the controversy, "arrogant!

As this roar sounded, the rigmous mountains suddenly sounded a sound, and the terrorist power destroyed to destroy the land continued to open from the top of the mountain!

The entire rigmous mountain is not in a word, it is a virtual!


At this moment, a scream suddenly sounded in the sky!

Below, the clouds pray slightly.

Ye Xuan looked at the horizon, at this time, the more than a dozen strong breath suddenly retired toward the sky!

Ye Xuan said: "Are they?"

Cloud prayed: "The Tianzong of the Three Tiande!


Ye Xuan looked at the cloud, "North Series and Tianzong, who is?"

Cloud prayed: "North Series!

Ye Xuan does not understand, "Why don\'t you take crops?"

Cloud prayed, "The critical world is annoying!

A strong force that cultivates the unobstructed, it is so exciting, it is really disappointing!

Since he is not willing, why do I need? Let him die!

Ye Xuan: ".

Cloud prayed: "Let\'s see what Tianfu look!

Ye Xuan mini nodded.

The two walked toward the Tianfu!

What seems to be, he turned his head and looked at it, then said: "Is that the critical world is so dead?"

Clouds, "Tianzong will not let him live!

Although Tianzong is not afraid of an unstruthful person, if the guy has returned after the injury, they are also afraid!

Ye Xuan is slightly nod, no talk.

Have to say, this day is indeed a bit soft!

Cloud prayed: "I gave him the opportunity, let him understand what he is still alive, and the people outside have already known, but he is still lucky.

Said, she shakes his head, "I don\'t know how this guy cultivates it!

I don\'t understand!

Among the people\'s life, many times it is impossible to be perfect, there is something to do, if some people look too heavy, don\'t understand, and eventually will eventually!

Ye Xuan Xiao said: "Don\'t entangle this problem!"

Let\'s go to the Tianfu!

Maybe there is a new gain!

Cloud prayed, "Good!

At this time, an old man suddenly appeared in front of Ye Xuan and Yun!

See this old man, Ye Xuanbei wrinkled, this person is the old man who has led to the world before!

The old man looked at the cloud, did not talk!

Cloud prayed finger, "roll!

Ye Xuan: ".

The old man deeply looked at the cloud pray, there was no nonsense, turned to disappear directly in the sky!

Ye Xuan went to the clouds, "They are much bigger than you?"

Cloud prayed: "Nothing!

Ye Xuan does not solve, "What is he afraid of you?"

Cloud prayed to look into the Ye Xuan, "I don\'t look like a master?"

After finishing, she walked away!

Ye Xuan looked at the cloud pray, silence!

Don\'t say, all the way, the cloud prayer has not been shot, encountering danger, is helping to help!

Is this woman a master? Ye Xuanzi watched a cloud, pray, have to say, the body is really good!


On the other hand, the old man who left until I looked at Ye Xuan and Yunyi far away, next to him, it is a more than a dozen top order!

Behind the old man, a middle-aged man sonned: "How will the woman here?"

Yang old shook his head, "I don\'t know!

Middle-aged man hesitated, then said: "She will not affect us.

After the old silence of Yang, he said: "Don\'t provoke this person!


After finishing, he turned and disappeared in the sky!

The rest of them are also left!


Ye Xuan and Yunqi came to a mountain, two people looked up to see the mountains in front of them, and the clouds prayed softly: "That critical says there is a Dongfu, where?"

Ye Xuan swept a whole mountain, however, did not find anything!

Cloud prayed: "I want to come, what should I be?

Said, she looked at Ye Xuan, "You let your pen look for it!

Ye Xuan nod, the palm is spread, the avenue pen appears in his hand, "small pen, help!

The avenue pen silent: "Big Brother, I am really not treasure hunt, I have no treasure hunt!"

Ye Xuan smiled smiled, "You will help you see if there is any special place!

After the avenue pen is silent, he said: "There is nothing special place!

Ye Xuan speechless!

At this time, the avenue pen also said again; "However, this place has a concealed soul atmosphere, very concealed!

Wen said, Ye Xuan double eyes slightly, "Where?"

The avenue pen: "I can feel the sturdy soul, but I can\'t feel the other side!"

Wen said, Ye Xuan\'s face is sinking!

Can\'t feel!

At this time, the avenue pen suddenly said: "I can\'t feel it, but the soul can feel!

Small soul!

I heard it, and some suddenly stunned, how did you forget the little soul? Thinking of this, Ye Xuanlian quickly took out Qing Xuan Jian, and when he took out Qing Xuanjian, the cloud prayed on the side of the cloud, "Wow.

Your sword.

No wow!

Said, she quickly went to Ye Xuan, and then touched Qing Xuanjian!

Ye Xuan looked at the cloud pray, look calmly: "It is a normal sword, nothing is unfortunate!

Yunyu is shook his head, admire: "No!

You this sword, it is true, the mystery is endless!


Said, she looked to Ye Xuan, "Who is this sword?"

Ye Xuan said: "My sister!

Cloud prayed, "Your sister is powerful!


Said, she didn\'t know that I have already taken Qing Xuanjian. She got a moment, and admired: "Good sword!

Good sword!

Ye Xuan looked at the cloud, "Do you want to kill people?"

The cloud is like blinking, "Don\'t talk, I haven\'t!

I\'m not that kind of person.

Ye Xuan speechless!

you have not!

Oh shit!

Laozi feels your killing!
