One Sword Reigns Supreme

2658 Chapter 2644: can't afford!

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SO, fastest update a sword alone!

Development Academy!

Ye Xuan now wants to develop a book, built its order!

After seeing the order of the order, he is very forward!


This is the real peer!

The ancient silent: "Do you want to set up an order in the four-party universe?"

Ye Xuan nod, "Yes!

I thought about it, then: "You can!

Ye Xuan Xiao said: "There will be a lot of help with the ancient girl and the Alan girl!

The ancient smile: "We are all kinds of tools, what do you want to do, you can say it!

Ye Xuan Xiao said: "I will not be polite!


After a time, Ye Xuan took two people to the Yuan Empire!

At this moment, with the help of the Yuanjie, the Wen Xuan Academy in the Yuanjie has been built!

Zhang Yuli, there is a thousand and eight in the palace!

When seeing the scale of this college, Ye Xuan is in the battle!

At the entrance of the book, I stood in respectfully, next to him, it is Yuanqing!

Yuan Yi smiled slightly, "Ye Gongzi is satisfied?"

Ye Xuan nod, "very good!

Yuan Yi nod, "I have an idea, Ye Gongzi can listen, my Yuan Emperor has opened the imperial examination, after the Yuan Empire can cooperate with the alleged, in the case, everything, want to be official In the Emperor Empire, of course, my Yuan Empire will also provide many excellent students for the college every year!

Ye Xuan wants to think, then said: "Yes!

Yuan Yi stunned, then said: "Really?"

Ye Xuan nod, smiled: "Really!

Learn, this is his purpose!

Only this is only the case, you can let more the children of Hanmen learn, because reading has a way out.

Not everyone is in order to self-cultivation, but more people still want to come to the forefront, therefore, cooperate with the Yuan Empire to let more cold doors join!

Ye Xuan suddenly said: "The quota provided by the Yuan Empire, there is not too much, more, want my college to choose in the Yuanjie!

And my college selection students, the Yuan Empire must not block!

Yuan Qian Yong nodded, "Nature!

Ye Xuan Xiao said: "Reassured, my college didn\'t dominate the heart!

I will not go to your metastasical empire, we are in relation to your Empire, it is a partnership!

Of course, a certain day of the future, maybe the Academy will fight with your Empire, but that is the future!

Let future generations to solve it!

He is very clear, developed to a day, the Yuan Empire and the college may have contradictions, after all, one mountain is not bispel!

But that is the future!

Yuan Yi is also slightly nod, no one dares to guarantee how the future will!

Of course, now the elevated yuan, naturally want to be honored!

Because Ye Xuan is still there!

Ye Xuan is dark, "What is the matter of recruiting talents?"

Dark point, "It has been attracted to some tutors, just a martial art, if there is a order, the storm is sitting, then it is better!

Ye Xuan suddenly laughed: "I have found a place for you!"

Said, he turned to look at Alan, "Alangi girl, the martial arts, temporarily, you will take care of you, no problem?"

Alan nod, "no problem!

Ye Xuan Xiao said: "There is no big problem!"

In fact, he now discovered that he built a college, really there is no difficulty!

If you want money, you have someone!

What seems to be, Ye Xuan suddenly said: "Alan girl, this place is given to you!"

Also, I need to open an entry in several other domains in the universe, and I am afraid that it will not be smooth, so.

Alan nod, "I will go with him!

Ye Xuan nod, "so good!

After that, he turned his head to see the ancient, "The ancient girl is with me!

Ancient smile: "Where is it?"

Ye Xuan Xiao said: "Go see me another little girl!

The ancient stunned, then said: "How many sisters do you have?"

Ye Xuan wants to think, then said: "Six or seven!

The ancient face is sinking, "Are you playing?"

Ye Xuan nod, "Yes!

The ancient expressions stale.

Ye Xuan haha ​​smiled, "Let\'s go!

After finishing, he turned and left!

After ancient times, then followed the past!


Among the stars, the boundless main belt is unhealthy with the gods!

There is no way: "Hey, are we going to leave the Quartet universe?"

Head nodded.

There is no hesitation, then said: "Don\'t you wait for a while?"

Bless: "Now the Quartet\'s universe is the land of the mountain!

What to do more? "

I didn\'t have a look at the side, didn\'t talk!

He is understood!

This is nothing is away from the king, but it seems that there is no success.

God suddenly said: "Hey, we will immediately immediately universe the universe, will it be dangerous?"

I thought I thought, then said: "It is dangerous, not me, thank you!

God name: "

I am boundless: "Of course, you follow me, it is impossible to be dangerous!"

I didn\'t have a look, "I followedless, safe!

Borderly haha ​​smile!

God suddenly said: "What is the universe outside the four-party universe?"

, :::


There is no direct bursting!

I am boundless, "Jun!

In addition to the four-party universe, it is a chaotic field, a place where it is more chaotic!

There is no eyebrows, "said the owner of the avenue."

The owner of the avenue: "Tube!

But do you know? This place, I have died at least a heavenly way!

Moreover, it is an unknown kind.

There is no silence: "Some people dare to provoke the avenue owner?"

There is no low sigh, "they certainly don\'t dare to be bright and challenged, but they will play with a trick!

Moreover, the avenue owner can\'t stay in this place!

: "It seems that the owner of the Avenue is not like!"

Non-side, "" How do you dare to say!

I laughed.

I am not shaken, "he is not strong, but there are too many places he want to manage!

Don\'t say him, even if you let the skirt, there is no way!

Because the management universe is different from the universe!

In the universe, it will manage the whole universe.

Said, he shook his head again, "Too much trouble!

There is no deep voice: "It\'s true!

The boundless look in the distance, soft: "In fact, he is very difficult!

If there is no him, this world will be more chaotic!

I can\'t imagine!

And he is almost almost enemy with the whole universe!

If you want others to follow your order, you must first take the other part.

: "Don\'t you help him?"

Headless is calm, "helping a hair!

He is tired, do I hang? "

: "

Soon, the three came to the boundary!

Not far from the three people, there is a huge stone tablet, there are four big characters above the stone monument: chaos!

No side, light voice: "We are here!

Said, the three have crossed the boundaries, and just passing the boundaries, a middle-aged man appeared in front of the three, middle-aged men\'s long sword, faceless, "the four-party universe?"

Head, "Yes!

The middle-aged man looked with a neither party, then shook his head slightly, turned to leave!

No sidebrows, brow, ", etc.!

Middle-aged man turned and looked at boundless owner, "Is there something?"

Headless master: "Are you waiting?"

Middle-aged man nodded.

The neighborhood looks at the middle-aged man, "Who is?"

Middle-aged man shook his head, "I have nothing to do!

After finishing, he turned and left.

The owner suddenly said: "Is it a man named Ye Xuan?"

Middle-aged man stunned, he turned and looked at the boundless owner, stunned, "How do you know?"

I heard the words, and the main face was sinking!

Next to him, there is no relationship with God, and the eyes are shocked!

Waiting for Ye Xuan? I thought I thought I thought, then said: "He will not come here for the time being, you don\'t have to wait!"

Middle-aged man brows, "What do you mean?"

The never said, but there is no three people to turn around.

Middle-aged man looked at the necklace, did not speak, this person gave him very dangerous feelings!

In the distance, there is no question, "I am boundless, how do you know that he is waiting for Ye Gongzi? Also, who is he?"

Hey, the lake: "The first question, I am guess!"

The second question, I don\'t know!

There is no deep voice: "Guess?"

Winterless main point.


The unfolded main brow suddenly wrinkled. He looked up and looked at the sky, the next moment, he son the road: "There is no heaven here!"

There is no heaven!

Shen Ming did not look at it, and he didn\'t speak, no side of the owner said: "This day, it should be killed again!

Said, he looked up and looked at the distance. This eye saw the deepest place in the starry sky. Soon, he saw a blurred film on a somewhere!

At this moment, the blurred shadow suddenly turned, a sword was born!


There is no stars to tear directly, and a sword is instantly went to the front of the owner!

The boundless double eyes, he stepped forward in front of him, and the right hand was born!

A punch, the endless starry sky is boiling directly!

A box!


As a fried sound, in the eyes of Shen Ming and the , the neverhere to retreat thousands of feet!

Seeing this scene, the two faces become incomparably lighter!

The boundless owner actually retired? The two people shocked at this moment!

Come all the way, the neverhere is almost invincible!

After the boundless main stop, he looked at his fist. On the fist, there was a deep sword mark. After he was silent, he looked up and looked at the far away. At the distant starry sky, the vain is gradually condensed. Really, she dressed in a dark dress, holding a long sword, she glanced at the owner, then turned to see the right side, "Since then, the chaos in the chaos are the tribute to my Xuanzang, the time, and I will die. , Dissatisfaction, even though retaliation, no one kills!

The whole chaos, silent!

There are more than a dozen bloody heads around the black skirt, one of which is just the sky!

And the rest of the super giants are not the chaos!

On the side, the owner suddenly suddenly said: "Let\'s go!

Go to the next map!

This family can\'t help!

After finishing, he turned and left.
