One Sword Reigns Supreme

2643 Emperor two thousand six hundred and twenty-nine chapters: arrogant!

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SO, fastest update a sword alone!


When I heard Ye Xuan, I couldn\'t help but smile, but soon, this laughed became dignified!

Ye Xuan\'s sister can play the deadline owner? Can? I think about thinking, the ancient gods are getting more and more dignified!

She has not thought about this problem before, but now thinking about it, she feels that it may be!

The owner of the avenue, is not a body, but a part!

It\'s all right, then the problem is coming!

Is it that the body is unable to come, still not dare? The attitude towards the avenue pen owner is clear that the woman is not put in the eyes at all, that is, this avenue owner is not dare, not can\'t come!

Why not dare? Obviously, come, may die!

Second, Ye Xuan is clearly rebellious!

However, the owner of the Avenue can also tolerate the UHN.

Is it cherished, still don\'t dare to kill? Obviously, the latter!

Why don\'t you dare to kill? Wonderful skirt woman!

Conclusion: The avenue owner does not fight the woman!

Thinking of this, the ancient could not help but look at the Ye Xuan.

Skirt woman is so terrible, she doesn\'t know, but the strength of the avenue pen owner, she knows!

It can be said that in the existing order, the owner of the avenue is invincible!

And Ye Xuan\'s sister can also kill him, what extent is this Sister\'s sister\'s strength? unimaginable!

The ancient look is complicated, and the heart is sigh. It seems that he will be a good person in peace!

A person struggles, it is really tired!

Find a good man with a good man!

At this time, Ye Xuan suddenly said: "This time we are going to the wilderness battle?"

The ancient recovered thoughts, nod, "Yes!

Ye Xuan Xiao said: "Talk about this wild ancient battle!

The ancient nodded, "This ridiculous battle world is a battlefield, the people in the five big stars are in this place, and dare to go there, they are proud of the sky.

Said, she looked at the Ye Xuan. "When I am young, I have been there, and it is the first place in the wilderness list!"

Ye Xuan Xiao said: "How do you think I?"

After that, I\'m thinking, he added a sentence, "among the same age!

I thought about it, then: "I can bare!

Ye Xuan\'s face suddenly was black!

The ancient smile: "I can not devalue you!"

When you arrive at the place, you know how horror in the genius enchanting!

Not only the genius enchanting of the five big domains, but also the door.

The owner of the avenue is enchanting in the whole state color, then cultivating, and finally for him!

Those genius, strength is very good!

Ye Xuan Shen said: "Is it the people in the legendary life?"

The ancient nodded, "It is a person who is life!

However, there are many people who are destiny!

Ye Xuan shook his head, "This is a person, it is worthless!

The ancient smile: "You can\'t say that, the people who have lived before, it is very strong!

Ye Xuan said: "No side?"

The ancient nodded, "This person should also have an invincible existence in his own era!

Said, she looked at Ye Xuan and smiled: "You are also very good!"

Ye Xuanbai has an eye, "When you met, you also said that the people of life is not as good as generations!

The ancient turns, "I haven\'t said!

Ye Xuan speechless!

The ancient smile; "we are coming!

Ye Xuan said: "Do you have an enemy there?"

Ancient nodes, "there!

Ye Xuan\'s face is sinking!

The ancient smile: "Don\'t be afraid, my enemies are basically my hand!

Ye Xuan Xiao said: "The ancient girl should be very beautiful when it is!

The ancient smile: "It\'s all the things!



Ye Xuanhaha smile!

At this time, the end of the time and space tunnel suddenly appeared a middle-aged man holding a long gun.

The middle-aged man looked at Ye Xuan and ancient, "Where is the people!

Ye Xuan looks ancient, ancient smile; "ancient!

The middle-aged man brows, "I have never heard!

The ancient hole sleeves.


A invisible hand directly buckled the middle-aged man\'s throat, and then told it hard!

Looking at the middle-aged man full of horror, middle-aged men quickly said: "Hear it!


It turned out to be an ancient girl. I didn\'t think of it in the lower side. I also asked the ancient girl to forgive!

The ancient smile: "Who are I?"

Middle-aged man hesitated, then: "Ancient girl!

Ancient shakes smile!

Middle-aged man trembling: "Big, I am a guard door!"

My duty is not to enter the wilderness battle.

I have an eye, I have collided with big, I gave a big boy!

The ancient laughs, then released the right hand, "We want to go in, don\'t you let you be difficult?"

Middle-aged man is busy: "Not difficult!

Not difficult!

Two people please!

The ancient turn-headed Ye Xuan, "Let\'s go!

Ye Xuan nod, and after the middle-aged man, he turned his head to the middle-aged man, "Are you Tiandao?"

Middle-aged men nodded, "Yes!

Ye Xuan is slightly nodd, no more, follow the ancient towards the distance!

After the two left, the middle-aged man passed directly!

It\'s coming again!

Have to say, go to the door in this place, more oil, but the danger is also big!

Because you don\'t know when it will provoke a big!

And your life and death are in the big intermodel!

Thinking of this, the middle-aged man turned around and looked at the back of Ye Xuan and ancient times, firmly said: "I will also become big!


In the distance, Ye Xuan and the ancient appearance are on a transport table.

Ye Xuan looked at the four weeks, he was in a plain with ancient times, on this infinite plain, densely magnes!

Have to say, Ye Xuan is shocked!

The ancient smile: "This place, although it is more prosperous than the Yuanyuan Empire, this place does one of the best trials!

Any family family will learn their family disciples to experience!

And from this place, it is generally not mixed!

Ye Xuan nod, he looked to ancient, "I want to reach humanity!"

The ancient smiles, "I can\'t!

I will take you to this place, I want you to see the real genius and enchanting!

Now you, the blood is very strong, the sword is not bad, there is an ancient trust, in the same order, it must be less enemy!

But this doesn\'t mean you have no opponents!

Therefore, you need the opponent to practice, accurately, you need to fail, only failure, can let you find your own shortcomings, only failure, can you know how you should improve yourself!

Ye Xuan nod, "I understand what you mean!"

Ancient nod, "walk!

After finishing, she walked away!

At this time, the transfer of the two did not move, the next moment, a burly man slowly came out, after the burly man came out, he looked at Ye Xuan and ancient, browned micro-wrinkled.

Ye Xuan smiled slightly, greed!

The burly man stared at Ye Xuan. "I am very laughing?"

I heard the words, Ye Xuan\'s brow wrinkled, he turned to look at the ancients, the ancient smile: "Some people are not fighting, you play him a meal, he talks fine!"

Ye Xuan: ".

When I heard ancient words, the burly man turned his head to look ancient, "hit me a meal?"

Ancient smile: "How?"

The burly man refers to himself, "seeking!

Even if you suddenly take a slap!


A crisp whispered voice suddenly sounded in the scene!


The burly man exploded in the body, only the soul!

The burly man is directly in the original place, such as lightning strikes, the head is blank!

The flesh is gone!

The burly man is a bit messy!

I looked at the burly man, smiled: "You have a special requirement, I still encountered!"

The burly man trembled: "Who are you!

The ancient smile: "Do you want to fight?"

The burly man is stiff.

The ancient turn-headed Ye Xuan, "Let\'s go!

Ye Xuan nod!

The ancient brought Ye Xuan and walked in the distance. After a while, the two disappeared!

After the body, the burly man is still some.

After a long time, the burly man is sitting down and fix the flesh.

After a long time, the burly man was restored, and at this time, the transfer of the not far away suddenly trembled, followed, the three came out!

One of them is still a monk!

The three people who came out, browbowned!

I saw a look at the four weeks, curious: "Hey, is this the legendary ridicity battle?"

The boundless nodded, "Yes!

: "This place, a lot of strong?"

Headless is calm, "a lot!

, "You can see the world!

Have to say, since they followed the necklace, they really opened their eyes!

It turns out that the universe is so big!

No side suddenly launched: "Let\'s go!

Said, he walked away from the distance, and at this time, he suddenly turned his head and looked at the burly man.

See the burly man, he slightly, then browned, "this power.

He felt a familiar and powerful breath on the burly man!

There is no walking, asking, "What\'s wrong?"

After the burden of silence, shook his head, "Their Mao will come to this place? Is it so smart?"

Said, he looked at the burly man.

At this moment, the burly man frowned suddenly wrinkled, he angered the owner, "What do you see?"

Wen Yan, boundless main skill!

Are you so arrogant? When I saw the boundless main kickness, the burly man suddenly became a great gas, and the moment is angry: "Look at Laozi, I don\'t know you!"

Said, he handled his right hand, and a horrible breath directly locked the unilateral three people!

Good factory!

And at this time, there is no side of the owner, suddenly, you will take out!


Another crisp whose voice sounded in the scene!


The burly man is directly destroyed!

Stone man is in place!

The never looks at the burly man, "Mom!

Did you don\'t have such arrogance!

Really are.
