One Sword Reigns Supreme

2633 Chapter 2619: Old!

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SO, fastest update a sword alone!

Ye Xuan saw an ancient, then said: "Can you walk around?"

The ancient stalls have stressed, "My flesh is not there, but also, there are avenous ban in my body, so now, I can\'t play my strength!"

One hundred thousand!

Wen said, Ye Xuan\'s face suddenly gains, this woman is so horrible? Gu You: "I don\'t want you, because you are a smart person, play those curved channels, will only affect us cooperation!

My flesh is in ancient sky!

I will go, just to take my flesh!

Ye Xuan looked at ancient times, then said: "What is your strength, how much?"

I thought about it, then: "I can\'t take my hand now, one, the avenue ban will seal my ability!"

Said, she is palm, and then grasping!


In an instant, a powerful force suddenly condensed, but the next moment, this power directly smoked clouds, at the same time, the ancient face became pale!

See this scene, Ye Xuan face sinks down!


This guy is now weaker than yourself!

Ancient looks to Ye Xuan, "If I can get my flesh, I can recover strength!"

You help me recapture the flesh, I help you cultivate ancient trust, not only that, you can also teach you ancient temples!

Ye Xuan wants to think, then said: "You don\'t shoot, we will go, I am afraid that there is no return!

Gu Lin is busy: "Take your sister!

Ye Xuan speechless!

The ancient blinks, "Let her go with us!

Ye Xuan shook his head, "Let\'s go yourself!

, then: "Are you sure?"

Ye Xuan nod, "this kind of thing, is a little thing for young things, I don\'t want to trouble!"

? He still doesn\'t want to draw!

If everything is green, then he is really a waste!

Even if you do the second generation, then you have to be a strong second-generation!

I thought about it, then: "You can!

when are we leaving? "

Ye Xuan said: "Now!

The ancient smile: "Good!

I will give you a guide!

Said, she walked to Ye Xuan face, and then pointed at the bluff in the leaves.


In an instant, a route appeared in the Ye Xuan Baohai!

After a moment, Ye Xuan said: "Walk!

After finishing, he took directly with ancient sword and disappeared in the sky!

In the time and space tunnel, Ye Xuan Yujian shuttle!

Because of the address, he directly launched the special ability of Qing Xuanjian!

This way, save too much time!

At this time, the ancient suddenly said: "Someone!

Ye Xuan looked at ancient, next moment, there was a horrible force in the distance.


The time and space tunnel cracks, Ye Xuan and the ancient show in a unknown starry sky!

Not far from him, then you stand a middle-aged man!

Ye Xuan brows, "Are you?"

Middle-aged man laughs, "the legal!


Ye Xuan Shen said: "If you don\'t know how to die, then I can remind you!

The life of the virtual area has been killed!

do you know? "

Middle-aged man nodded.

Ye Xuan brows, "You know, why do you want to come to me?"

The middle-aged man looked at Ye Xuan. "Do you think the way is very powerful?"

Ye Xuan Shen said: "Okay, the way is not strong!

What about the owner of the avenue? Don\'t you know that the big guides have been killed? "

I heard the words, the middle-aged man brows, "Do you have a discrepancy?"

Ye Xuan dead stars to middle-aged men, "You don\'t know?"

Middle-aged man smiles, "The owner\'s division is killed? Are you?"

Ye Xuanli has some headache!

Obviously, this fair didn\'t know that the avenue owner had appeared, nor did it know that the avenue owner has been killed!

The middle-aged man suddenly pointed to the ancients, "Do you know who she is?"

Ye Xuan looked at an ancient, shook his head!

Middle-aged man said: "I don\'t know!"

Ye Xuan stares in the middle-aged man. "If your brain is sick, please take a look, ok?"

Middle-aged man is not angry, he looked at ancient times, then said: "She has a large number of seals, which means that she is detained by the owner, but you ran around.

Said, he looked at Ye Xuan, knew, "Rely on the Mountain King, you really think that it is, can you want to do it?"

Ye Xuan nod, "I don\'t have to touch it, I believe in me, what kind of door you are, I am off!


The middle-aged man smiled, "Drake you know yourself, you.

Ye Xuan suddenly said: "Forget it!

Let\'s play!

I really don\'t want to talk to you!

I\'m so tired!

Said, he disappeared directly in the place!


A sword is torn in the scene!

In the distance, the middle-aged man looks cold, and the sleeves are paralleled.


A horrible white light swept!

In an instant, the star river boils, then annihilated!


At this moment, the white light suddenly turned!


As a fried sound, the middle-aged man was shocked to thousands of feet!

The middle-aged man just stopped, the distance, the Xixian palm heart is spread, and Qing Xuanjian suddenly flying out.


Time and space tear, a sword is broken!

At this moment, he directly used blood and the power of the ancient god!

See this horrible sword, the middle-aged man\'s face is instantly changed, and his right hand is a print, and then slamming in front of him!


A white giant shield suddenly appeared in front of him!



The white giant shield crackled, with this, the middle-aged man flew directly outside the festival, and this time, he just stopped, the flesh is directly blown away, only the soul!

See this scene, the middle-aged man is directly!

Distance, Ye Xuan also stunned!

He looked at the sword in his hand, he obviously felt that the power of this sword was too much!

At this time, the ancient suddenly said: "The power of the ancient god!

With the power of the ancient god, your sword skill will be greatly increased!

Ye Xuanmoo nodded, he looked at the power of the ancient gods in his body, he had to say, at this moment, he was a little shocked!

He didn\'t think that this ancient power is so strong!

Of course, the reason why he can be able to be seriously injured in this law, there is a reason, that is, Qing Xuanjian!

This sword is the rule!

In the distance, the middle-aged man looked up and looked up to Ye Xuan, whispered: "You actually cultivate ancient ban!"

Ancient ban!

Ye Xuan brows, "What do you mean?"

Middle-aged man said: "What do you mean? Don\'t you know, what you cultivate is ancient ban? You are simply.

You are just a heart!

Ye Xuan turned his head and looked to ancient, and his ancient shrugs.

The law of the front cultivation is not for the current chance, it is normal!

Ye Xuan\'s middle-aged man, the middle-aged man still wants to say, Ye Xuan suddenly said: "I don\'t cultivate ancient ban, don\'t you come to me?"

Middle-aged man stunned.

Ye Xuan said: "You see!

I don\'t cultivate, you will come to me!

In this case, do you still have to repair it? Furthermore, what is Laozi cultivated, need you? I don\'t care about me, are you a few? "


At this moment, a sword light drops from the sky and fell directly on the top of the leaves.


Ye Xuan\'s body is trembled, and the whole body is directly burnt!

Ye Xuan Yu!

The brain is blank!

Opposite, the middle-aged man is also awkward!

What happened to this guy? Drafter The ancient ruins of the side looked up at it, and it was full of dignity!

On the other side, Ye Xuan did not take out a Dan medicine under the unclear, then said: "Old, don\'t be so small, next time I.


Suddenly cracking in time and space, another sword light falls!

However, this sword light did not fall into his head, but stopped when he was half inch of his head!

Ye Xuan wants to think, then said: "Old, no next time!"

Sword is slightly tremor, and it will disappear directly!

After the sword light disappears, the Ye Xuan face will sink!


This is too small!

Know the bullion!

It\'s just that there is no heaven!

At this time, the ancients of the side suddenly asked, "Is it?"

Ye Xuan is not good. "I am!"

I looked at the Ye Xuan, God suddenly became a little quirky!

This guy, not only the sister is strong, this is so powerful? Ye Xuan suddenly looked at the middle-aged man in the distance, middle-aged man said: "You are waiting, you are waiting.

After finishing, he turned to escape!

Ye Xuan\'s palm heart suddenly spread!


A sword is directly in the middle of the middle-aged man, and the middle-aged man is spiked in the original place.

Ye Xuan went to the middle-aged man, "Are you waiting? Do you think I will let you go? Is it more thinking?"

Middle-aged man still wants to say, Ye Xuan suddenly said; "Let\'s talk about it!

After that, the Qing Xuan sword is trembled, directly absorbed the middle-aged man\'s soul!

Ye Xuan Fengqi sword, then the palm is spread, the card printing of the middle-aged man is scheduled to fly in his hands, in the quince, there are tens of millions of legs!

See this number, Ye Xuan face is sinking!

These rules are really rich!

Ye Xuan looked at the label in his hand, then said: "Do I absorb the card print?"

Avenue pit: "Yes, but don\'t do this!"

Because these rules are for you, the help is not particularly big, but if you give you people, then they can replace your order!

Ye Xuan wants to think, then put a letter, then, he looks ancient, "Let\'s go!

Old head.

The two directly disappeared in the same place!

After about one hour, Ye Xuan and ancient came to a starry sky, not far from them, there is a huge ruins.

Ye Xuan Shen said: "Is this ancient world?"

Ancient shook heads, "After this ruin is!

Ye Xuan looks ancient, "Danger?"

I thought about it, then: "Danger!

Ye Xuan face suddenly sinks, "How is it danger?"

Look at the distance, whispered: "Don\'t know!

But we should know right away!

Said, she looks to Ye Xuan, "I can\'t shoot it later, if I shoot, I will attract more horror!


Ye Xuan said: "So, you have to rely on myself, right?"

Old head.

Ye Xuan wants to think, then said: "Add money!

