One Sword Reigns Supreme

2627 Chapter 2633: Do you want to use me?

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SO, fastest update a sword alone!

Jian Lingdao: "You don\'t want to think about it!"

This is the way, even if there is a shortcut, you don\'t want to go, you will upgrade, the most real!

Ye Xuan slightly nodded, "Good!

After that, he recovered his thoughts, then looked up and looked at the monster in the distance. At this moment, the monster is watching him!

The monsters are fascinating, and the whole body exudes an extremely terrible breath. This breath is enough to make many strong people despair.

Because the blood of the monster is generally not simple, of course, its blood pressure is not necessarily any effect on Ye Xuan naturally!

In the blood, the second can\'t suppress Ye Xuan!

Ye Xuan feels the body, such as the Sword Spirit, the battle does enhance your blood!

During this time, I will be in my work every day, I haven\'t fighting well, I really shouldn\'t!

I thought here, he suddenly said: "Continue!

After finishing, he rushed out!


A sword is torn in the scene!

Seeing Ye Xuan dynasty hand, far, the monster\'s appetite suddenly became puzzled, next moment, it rushed out!

Soon, one person will fight again!

It is worth mentioning that this one is very fierce, and the surrounding time and space is constantly annihilated, but not long, will automatically return to normal!

In the field, the sword is translatted!

In this way, one person will fight again, and Ye Xuan has gradually suppressed the monster!

Not only that, Ye Xuan\'s blood is constantly improving, which makes Ye Xuan\'s combat power is getting stronger!

After a time, Ye Xuan suddenly stopped.

At this moment, the flesh has fallen countless mouth, and blood is constantly overflowing.

He can hurt the monster, and the monster can hurt him!

Ye Xuan looked up and looked at the monster in the distance. The monster was staring at him in death, the monster, and the sword marks of dense Ma Ma!

Although the monsters have self-healing,, the swords of Ye Xuan are very fast, very sharp, not good, another way has emerged, so this monster is fundamentally recovering!

At this time, the monster suddenly said: "Human, you still play?"

Ye Xuan brows, "Do you speak?"

The monster is dead to the Ye Xuan, "Is it very unfortunate?"

Ye Xuan said: "This is not, say, how to call it?"

"Do you ask so much? I ask you to fight!

Ye Xuan said: "Look at you!"

You play, I will fight!

The monster angered: "Look at you, you play, I will fight!"

Ye I thought about it, then said: "Why do you hit me?"

The monsters: "This place is forbidden, the outsiders are not allowed to enter!

Ye Xuan blinked, "I am not outsiders!

I am my own!

The monsters are browned, "" Are you a monster? "

Ye Xuan Master face black line, "I am not a monster!

Are you a prototype? "

The monster picked up.

Ye Xuanjiao is spread, the avenue pen appears in his hand, "Do you know this pen?"

The monsters shook their heads.

Ye Xuanzheng color: "This is a big road!

Avenue pen!

When I heard Ye Xuan\'s words, the monsters frowned suddenly wrinkled, "I seem to have heard!

Ye Xuan face suddenly black, "Do you can tell me, you are in your owner, what is it?"

The avenue: "Under one person, the top!"

Ye Xuan low sigh.

The avenue pen is deep; "You think about the small county of a remote area, may he know the big house in the palace?"

Ye Xuan Shen said: "So, is your identity, and they are too low?"

The avenue: "You can think so!"

Ye Xuan wants to think, it is going to talk, at this time, the monster in the distance suddenly said: "Human, if you don\'t continue!"

Then I will go back and rest!

After finishing, it turned!

Ye Xuan suddenly said: "Can I follow you?"

The monsters are now: "No!

Ye Xuanyang raised the avenue pen in his hand, then said: "Yourself!

The monsters looked at the Ye Xuan, then shake the tail, "people!

After that, the head does not return to the distance!


Ye Xuan looked at the monster in the distance, a face of a face, "What do you mean??"

The avenue pen silently said: "This monster, at least the peak of Tiandao, and you didn\'t feel it? There is a more powerful atmosphere in the distance!

More powerful breath!

Ye Xuan looked up to the top of the mountain, he can feel that there is a concealed and powerful breath!

More powerful than this monster!

Ye Xuan received his eyes, frowned tightly.

This place is really not simple!

The avenue pen continues to say: "This place, the owner has been there, but it will not come back later, it must be reasonable!"

Ye Xuan said: "Whether this is this!

Said, he sat down and started to hear!

Just in the battle with the Memory, he is all hurt, of course, it is also a good battle!

He hasn\'t waited for a long time!

Really cool!

After about half a time, Ye Xuan\'s injury has been completely recovered. He didn\'t go to the monster, but turned to find the Xue Wei and others!

These guys are yin his business, he naturally has not forgotten!

Soon, Ye Xuanbei wrinkled because he found that this Xue Yu has left the virtual place!

Ye Xuan did not think more, chase it out!

Among the void, Xue Wei sitting in the starry sky suddenly opened his eyes, he looked at the distance, not far away, Ye Xuan held the sword!

Xue Yu looked at Ye Xuan, "We apologize, can you?"

Ye Xuan Xiao said: "Is this really true?"

Xue Yu looks calm, "It is not a virtual place!

Ye Xuan slightly, "then?"

Xue Yu was dead and stared at Ye Xuan.

Everyone fish is dead!

Ye Xuan Xiao said: "It turns out that you are hitting this idea!

Xue Wei said: "When you really want to die?"

Ye Xuan nod, "Yes!

Xue Yu suddenly opened up, in an instant, a terrible breath rushed from him!


In an instant, the entire star river is boiling directly!

An ancient giant\'s power, that is really destroyed!

Xue Yu stared at Ye Xuan. "Since you are not afraid of death, then everyone will die!"

Ye Xuan nod, "Okay!

Just then, there was a horrible breath in the starry sky, soon, a huge eye appeared in the top of everyone!

Come, is Zhao Tian Road!

Seeing this eye, Xue Yu\'s three faces are instantly changing!

Xue Yu looked at Ye Xuan and was crazy: "Everyone is alone!

At this time, the Zhao Tian said suddenly; "Ye Shao, how are you here?"

Leaves? Xue Yu three people stunned!

Ye Xuan Xiao said: "Zhao Xiong, did not think of it, meet again!"

When I heard Ye Xuan, then Xue Yu three people directly in the original place!

know? This Yaxuan actually knows the heaven? Sky, Zhao Tian Dajing looked at the three people, "Do you know them?"

Ye Xuan blinked, "they want to kill me!

I heard the words, Zhao Tian Dao stunned, then said: "Then I will help you solve them!"

Anyway, they also violate the order!

Said, a horrible breath directly locked Xue Yu three.

Xue Yu suddenly became anger, "he is Tiandao, still outside, can you ?"

Ye Xuan stalls, "I didn\'t do it!"

Xue Yu lived.

Zhao Tian Dao suddenly said: "Don\'t you don\'t have to do it, why do you have to do it?"

Xue Yu stared at Zhao Tian Dao. "You as the heaven, as the guardian of order, how can you say this? Are you not afraid of being attointed?"

After that, he suddenly stopped!


This guy himself is the heaven, who will give it a condemnation? At this time, Ye Xuan suddenly said in the side: "You are so much like this!"

In the virtual area, you are framed, you are afraid that I will retaliate, then I will introduce me here, I want to kill me with the heavens, and now you still have a victim\'s look, how can you do this? "

Xue Yu looked at Ye Xuan, just talking, Ye Xuan shook his head, "lazy to talk nonsense!

Said, he raised his hand is a sword!


This sword is out, Xue Yu\'s head will fly out!

Seeing this scene, Zhao Yu and the Li Han directly scared in the same place!

Direct spike? Zhao Yulian went to see the Ye Xuan, trembling: "Ye Gongzi, I know the wrong, please ask Ye Gongzi to be high.

Ye Xuan shook his head.

Said, he waved his sword!


For a moment, Zhao Yu and Li Han were directly killed!

Ye Xuan got a sword, then looked at Zhao Tian Road, smiled: "Zhao Xiong, I am still in the next time!"

Zhao Tian Road suddenly said: "Are you going to be empty?"

Ye Xuan nod.

Zhao Tian Dao Shen Sheng said: "That place is very dangerous, you have to be careful!

Ye Xuan brows, "Is it very dangerous?"

Zhao Tian Dao nodded, "We are strictly strictly stepped in that place, you have to be careful!

Ye Xuan Shen Sound: "Zhao brother knows what is there?"

Zhao Tian Da shook his head, "I don\'t know!

After the Ye Xuan silently took a moment, he said: "Thank you for reminding!

Zhao Tian Daoti nodded, "Ye brother, there will be period!

After that, it disappears directly in the stars!

Ye Xuan fidelized to see the virtual area, whispered: "It seems that this place is really not simple!

After finishing, he directly turned into a sword light disappeared not far!

After a while, Ye Xuan once again came to the foot of the mountain, and at this time, he stunned, because he saw three people at the foot!

No side!

Finally found this guy!

Seeing Ye Xuan, there is a little accident!

Ye Xuanli is busy, smiled: "No side, I haven\'t seen you for a long time!"

Hey, the lord: "Don\'t be so enthusiastic, we don\'t seem so good!"

Ye Xuan smiled: "Hey, this time I want to find you to seek a big event!

Boundless, I am staring at Ye Xuan. "Do you want to use me?"

Ye Xuan expressive stiff.
